This is a daily or weekly record of the Trump presidency so hopefully future generations will learn what happens when you elect an narcissistic, thin skinned, racist, xenophobic, misogynistic unqualified buffoon in a position of power where he has access to nuclear codes.
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Thursday, December 21, 2017
December 19th, 2017 - December 20th, 2017. 400-401 days since the Nov 8, 2016, election of some rich asshole, no.45, and 332-333 days since the Jan 20th inauguration.
So now this asshole is threatenting other countries because they won't go along with his plan to fuck up everything. Gee, I wonder who he sounds like?
UNITED NATIONS -- President the rich asshole will be watching a vote in the United Nations General Assembly "very carefully," and has asked his ambassador to the world body, Nikki Haley, to "report back on those countries who voted against us," Haley wrote in a letter sent Tuesday to some countries. The letter has been obtained by CBS News.
Haley also sent a tweet warning the U.S. would be "taking names" in Thursday's scheduled vote, which is intended to show a United Nations unified around getting President the rich asshole to withdraw his administration's unilateral recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
At the UN we're always asked to do more & give more. So, when we make a decision, at the will of the American ppl, abt where to locate OUR embassy, we don't expect those we've helped to target us. On Thurs there'll be a vote criticizing our choice. The US will be taking names.
With the letter and the tweet, Haley is pressing other countries to stand by the U.S. decision, hoping for a better result than in last week's vote on a similar resolution in the Security Council which left the U.S. alone against the 14 other Council members. The U.S., as a permanent member of the Council, was able to veto that measure with a single vote.
CBS News obtained a copy of Haley's letter from three different nations -- all allies of the U.S. -- but it was sent to the delegations of more than 180 countries in total. Haley wrote that the U.S., "will take note of each and every vote on this issue."
She made the point that the Thursday vote is something to take seriously. "As you know, the General Assembly is considering a resolution about President the rich asshole's recent decision on Jerusalem," Haley wrote. "As you consider your vote, I want you to know that the President and U.S. take this vote personally."
The letter explains the history that 22 years ago, "the U.S. Congress declared that Jerusalem should be recognized as the capital of Israel, and that the U.S. Embassy should be located in Jerusalem. President the rich asshole affirmed that declaration by officially recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel."
The letter also explains the overall U.S. policy. "The President's announcement did not prejudge final status negotiations in any way, including the specific boundaries of Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem. The President also made sure to support the status quo at Jerusalem's holy sites, and did not advocate changes to the arrangements at the Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif."
The Jerusalem resolution to be presented to the General Assembly on Thursday is similar, although not identical, to the one presented to the Security Council last week.
In the Security Council vote, the United States vetoed the United Nations Security Council draft resolution that was proposed by Egypt and called for the reversal of some rich asshole's recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
The vote was held in response to some rich asshole's announcement earlier this month that the U.S. recognizes Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
After the vote, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said the U.S. does not veto resolutions lightly and that this was her first veto -- that it stood for "American sovereignty" and its role in the Middle East peace process.
Haley told the Security Council that she has hope the peace process is not dead.
"Our hand remains extended to both parties ... We call on all countries that share this commitment to learn the hard lessons of the past and work to bring Israel and the Palestinian people in good faith to the peace table," she said.
The resolution to be presented on Thursday to the General Assembly is brought under a rarely used 1950 resolution called "Uniting for Peace" that has a provision that would give authority to the 193-nation body to act when the Security Council is deadlocked.
The point of both resolutions, negotiators said, is to show that the U.S. stands alone on the Jerusalem recognition.
The draft resolution expresses regret at recent decisions concerning the status of Jerusalem -- without mentioning the U.S. or some rich asshole -- and states that any decisions to change the status of Jerusalem are "null and void," that it has "no legal effect" and "must be rescinded." It also called on countries not to establish diplomatic missions in the city.
Nickolay Mladenov, the U.N.'s special coordinator for the Middle East said, "in the wake of the decision of the United States to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, the situation has become more tense with an increase in incidents, notably rockets fired from Gaza and clashes between Palestinians and Israeli security forces."
Following some rich asshole's decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital, Haley said in early December the U.S. still has credibility as a mediator with Israel and Palestinians. The Palestinians, however, have declared some rich asshole's move a "crime," and said the U.S. no longer has any role to play in a Middle East peace process.
Peace talks in the Middle East have stalled, although the so-called "Middle East Quartet" still is in place. It includes the U.S., Russia, the European Union and the United Nations.
In Haley's letter to her fellow ambassadors, she explained "the U.S. announcement is an acknowledgement that peace is best advanced, not set back, when all parties are honest with each other about the basic facts. Jerusalem has been the capital of Israel since the country's founding nearly seventy years ago."
"To be clear," she wrote, "we are not asking that other countries move their embassies to Jerusalem, though we think it would be appropriate. We are simply asking that you acknowledge the historical friendship, partnership, and support we have extended and respect our decision about our own embassy."
On December 6 some rich asshole turned decades of Middle East diplomacy on their head by recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. The move has led to repercussions throughout the region and has been condemned by virtually everyonefrom Arab leaders to Pope Francis.
The UN Security Council took up the matter on December 18, where the the rich asshole administration was rebuked by every other member, including close US allies France and the UK, not to mention the rich asshole’s favorite country, Russia. The final vote was 14-1 opposing the new American policy on Jerusalem, with the US exercising its veto right over the resolution.
But the UN is not done with the matter yet. The UN General Assembly will be taking up the issue, where the vote against the rich asshole will be even more one-sided. But just like a New York mobster the rich asshole has sent one of his “capos,” in the form of UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, to attempt to rattle some cages.
The Israeli newspaper Haaretz reports that Haley sent a letter to other UN member nations. In that letter, Haley makes threats that would make Tony Soprano swell up with pride. She says that the rich asshole is taking the Jerusalem vote “personally.” Then, after arguing her boss’s position, she ends by saying “The president will be watching this vote carefully and has requested that I report back on those who voted against us…”
“The President will be watching this vote carefully and has requested I report back on those who voted against us” || The letter @nikkihaley sent tonight to UN members :
In a letter seen by the Guardian, Haley told countries – including European delegations – that she will report back to the US president with the names of those who support a draft resolution rejecting the US move at the UN general assembly on Thursday, adding that the rich asshole took the issue personally.
Haley writes: “As you consider your vote, I encourage you to know the president and the US take this vote personally.
“The president will be watching this vote carefully and has requested I report back on those who voted against us,” she continued.
Haley followed the letter by tweeting: “At the UN we’re always asked to do more & give more. So, when we make a decision, at the will of the American ppl, abt where to locate OUR embassy, we don’t expect those we’ve helped to target us. On Thurs there’ll be a vote criticizing our choice. The US will be taking names.”
At the UN we're always asked to do more & give more. So, when we make a decision, at the will of the American ppl, abt where to locate OUR embassy, we don't expect those we've helped to target us. On Thurs there'll be a vote criticizing our choice. The US will be taking names.
The the rich asshole administration’s heavy-handed approach to foreign policy – often in breach of both international consensus and diplomatic niceties – has alienated even close allies.
The 193-member UN general assembly – which has no vetoes – will hold an emergency session on Thursday to vote on the proposed measure that the US vetoed at the security council earlier this week.
There was fury in Washington over Monday’s vote, in which the US was isolated in a 14-1 vote requesting the rich asshole withdraw his recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.
Play Video
US vetos ‘insulting’ UN vote over status of Jerusalem – video
According to Haaretz, Israel has sent instructions to its own diplomatic missions ordering ambassadors to seek meetings with officials to persuade them to direct their representatives at the UN to oppose the draft resolution at the general assembly and ask them not to make speeches.
A copy of the draft resolution, also seen by the Guardian, calls on the general assembly to declare the US move “null and void”.
It also demands that countries avoid “any decisions and actions which purport to have altered the character, status or demographic composition of the Holy City of Jerusalem” and calls upon all states to comply with existing security council resolutions.
The UN general assembly meeting was requested by Turkey and Yemen on behalf of the Arab group of countries and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation.
The two countries circulated a draft resolution on Tuesday that mirrors the vetoed measure Egypt had put forward at the security council meeting, which was backed by all members apart from the US.
The Palestinian ambassador, Riyad Mansour, said he expected “overwhelming support” for the measure stating that Jerusalem was an issue “to be resolved through negotiations” between Israel and the Palestinians.
“The general assembly will say, without the fear of the veto, that the international community is refusing to accept the unilateral position of the United States,” Mansour told reporters.
the rich asshole’s decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital broke with international consensus, triggering protests across the Muslim world and drawing strong condemnation. Key US allies including Britain, France, Italy, Japan and Ukraine were among the 14 countries in the 15-member council that voted in favour of rejecting the move.
After that vote, Haley described the 14-1 vote as “an insult” and warned: “It won’t be forgotten.”
After the clash at the top UN body, the White House announced that the US vice-president, Mike Pence, was delaying a trip to the Middle East planned for this week.
Israel seized control of the eastern part of Jerusalem in the 1967 Middle East war and regards all of Jerusalem as its undivided capital. The Palestinians view the east as the capital of their future state.
Several UN resolutions call on Israel to withdraw from territory seized during the 1967 war.
The vote in the emergency session of the general assembly follows an annual vote on Tuesday where members voted 176-7 to affirm the Palestinian right to self-determination, suggesting the level of support the draft resolution could potentially command on Thursday.
In one of the stranger news clips that we’ve seen this year, CNN hosts Alisyn Camerota and Chris Cuomo took a few minutes to poke some fun at President the rich asshole’s odd habit of drinking water while holding the cup with both hands.
The “New Day” hosts began their segment by pointing out, “President the rich asshole’s water break is trending on Twitter.” During his national security speech on Monday, the rich asshole reached for a glass of water and took a sip–using his unorthodox two-handed grip. And, of course, the internet’s comedians had some jokes.
But Cuomo’s segment took a wacky turn when he told Camerota, “That is the sippy cup grip … I don’t get all the hands thing and the glass.” He then produced an empty vase and held it up to his face, quipping, “This is what I drink out of, and I hold it like a man, with one hand.” Cuomo did go on to acknowledge that the so-called “America Thirst” conversation is pretty trivial, saying, “It’s certainly not one of our biggest concerns. If you want to hold a cup with all your hands, you know, that’s what you do.”
The obsession with the rich asshole’s water drinking habit is actually of his own making and stretches back a few years. In 2013, Marco Rubio delivered the Republican response to Obama’s State of the Union, and in the middle of his remarks, he took a sip of water. Immediately, then-citizen the rich asshole hopped on Twitter to throw a few jabs at the Florida senator.
In November, when the rich asshole paused mid-speech for a drink of water, Rubio took advantage of the opportunity to return the barb, writing on Twitter that the rich asshole “needs work on his form. Has to be done in one single motion & eyes should never leave the camera.”
Since anchoring “New Day,” Cuomo quickly became one of CNN’s hottest names, and he has quite the pedigree; his father Mario Cuomo was once governor of New York, the office his brother Andrew Cuomo currently holds. Cuomo’s fiery interviews with the rich asshole associates, specifically Kellyanne Conway, have made him an important guy in the the rich asshole era.
A new animatronic figure in the Hall of Presidents at Walt Disney World was added, where every former leader of the republic is depicted in an “audio-animatronics show.” The figure which supposedly resembles Jon Voight some rich asshole was added to the collection and it’s absolutely horrifying. The internet noticed that, too.
Trump's animatronic figure for the Disney Hall of Presidents looks like it was carved out of Play-Doh and left out in the Florida heat, where it was discovered by a dying albino squirrel who settled atop its head and has been left there to decompose.
Disney unveiled Trump figure at the Hall of Presidents. To save production costs, they pulled the animated hands off of a retired figurine from the Its a Small World ride.
The best part of Donald Trump being in Disney's Hall of Presidents will be when they remove him from the Hall of Presidents and put him in the Pirates of the Caribbean ride's jail.
Comment today by local news channel anchor in Orlando: “Donald Trump robot just added to Disney’s Hall of Presidents. I hope they programmed all the former presidents to not roll their eyes and shake their heads while he’s talking.”
NPR: Disney World Adds Trump Animatronic Figure, But Likeness Is Lacking. But who REALLY wants to look at an accurate Donald? The man is about as presidential looking as a fucking Pokemon. …
Over the weekend, The New York Times released an exhaustive report on a secret and not fully declassified government program that studied U.F.O sightings within the Department of Defense that seems to indicate there have been documented alien visits to our planet.
A video capturing an unidentified object flying off the coast of San Diego in 2004 has been released by the US Department of Defense
The reports says there have been many sighting of aircraft, as well as recovered materials that include alloys that don't exist on earth and which had "strange effects" on the people who handled them. Whatever.
Perhaps this would be big news literally any other year, but with the pressing and overwhelming issues in politics, culture, and abroad, the most anyone seems to be mustering for aliens being real is a "meh." Folks are responding with less fervor than they do to a the rich asshole tweet, perhaps because a tweet from the rich asshole is more likely to start a nuclear war. If aliens have been visiting, that's fine. But did they vote third party?!
I can't stop laughing at the fact that our government is so desperate to make us look elsewhere for five minutes that they've resorted to alien footage. LOOK, YOU GUYS. REAL ALIENS. ALIENS ARE REAL. <Jim, erase those files.>
In any other year I'd be like OOOH UFOs but now I'm just like, can we not? Aliens, can you fuck off for a while? You don't want this place anyway, we've got some real cleaning up to do, k, thanks, shoo, bye-bye. …
the news be talking about how aliens are prob real and I'm just sitting here like. yeah that makes sense, bc all other news has only been convincing me more and more that the world is going to end soon so unless aliens could save us it's not a huge deal to me
I try not to make “Boy, America’s writers sure are crazy!!!!!!!!!” jokes, but bringing in aliens this late in the season makes me think nobody’s pitches are getting rejected in that room.
The NYT published an investigative story about freaking aliens this weekend and more people will tweet about how Trump drank a glass of water kinda funny
Until a space ship literally lands on the White House and crushes the entire the rich asshole administration, I don't think anyone will really get as excited about this as they should be. We want to see them, if you know what I mean.
For as much as Republicans like to claim that they don’t like it when people “politicize” a tragedy like a mass shooting or the killing of an unarmed black man at a traffic stop, some rich asshole sure didn’t waste much time doing exactly that with the train derailment that occurred Monday morning in southwest Washington State.
The train accident that just occurred in DuPont, WA shows more than ever why our soon to be submitted infrastructure plan must be approved quickly. Seven trillion dollars spent in the Middle East while our roads, bridges, tunnels, railways (and more) crumble! Not for long!
The thing is, the rich asshole has no idea where DuPont is — if he did, he perhaps would have mentioned its proximity to Joint Base Lewis-McChord, the Army/Air Force base just a few miles away. He has no idea what the “infrastructure” in the area is. He has no idea what caused the crash. When I drove by the train cars hanging down into the southbound lanes of I-5 Monday evening, some nine hours after it happened, investigators were just beginning the arduous process of sorting out the details.
More importantly, his tweet proves that he actually has no idea what “his” infrastructure plan has in it.
Republicans and Democrats differ wildly on spending priorities, and it’s not often difficult to see why: Democrats, historically, are the party that favors a social safety net and a tax-funded “Commons” that everyone benefits from, while Republicans favor making sure rich people have enough money to keep funding their campaigns. There is sometimes crossover in the case of red state Republicans with a large welfare population or affluent Democrats who get money from big industry.
But the stark contrast specifically on railroad funding is one area where the two parties are diametrically opposed.
In fact, in “the rich asshole’s” budget proposal released on Tuesday, the administration calls the federal Amtrak service — whose train it was that derailed Monday — “a vestige of when train service was the only viable transcontinental transportation option.”
That sounds like either the rich asshole is lying about wanting to fix any infrastructure that has to do with trains, or he is a figurehead, pretending to have an idea of what’s going on around him, but in actuality powerless and a puppet of the GOP, who have long opposed all public transportation.
If the rich asshole had actually read “his” budget proposal, he would know that it slashes transportation funding. It cuts Amtrak specifically by 13 percent, which stymies any new projects, and ensures that, while people still depend on the train system — and many, many do, including commuters and older Americans — they will be forced to ride on outdated, outmoded, and dangerous trains until the entire system collapses into disrepair.
some rich asshole doesn’t care about the victims of the tragedy that happened just 14 miles north of my state’s capital. He just thinks every tragedy gives him political capital to spend as he chooses.
United States Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, has threatened that the United States “will be taking names” as the body prepares to vote on President some rich asshole’s controversial decision to move the United States embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
“At the UN we’re always asked to do more & give more. So, when we make a decision, at the will of the American ppl, abt where to locate OUR embassy, we don’t expect those we’ve helped to target us. On Thurs there’ll be a vote criticizing our choice. The US will be taking names,” the diplomat tweeted Tuesday.
The internet was surprised that a diplomat would use such undiplomatic language to refer to our allies.
At the UN we're always asked to do more & give more. So, when we make a decision, at the will of the American ppl, abt where to locate OUR embassy, we don't expect those we've helped to target us. On Thurs there'll be a vote criticizing our choice. The US will be taking names.
It was all of them. All of the names. Everybody but you. What are you going to do now? Invade Europe? Stop selling us Boeing’s? You’re a busted flush. US hegemony ended when you stopped trying to do the right thing and started hiding doing the bad.
At the UN we're always asked to do more & give more. So, when we make a decision, at the will of the American ppl, abt where to locate OUR embassy, we don't expect those we've helped to target us. On Thurs there'll be a vote criticizing our choice. The US will be taking names.
Actually 63% of all Americans oppose moving the U.S. embassy from Tel-Aviv to #Jerusalem. Stop bullying other countries for upholding int’l law and doing the right thing. You should remember the names of Palestinians who were killed by Israeli forces since Trump’s declaration 1/ …
Maher Mohammad Atallah (54); Mohammad “Jaber Sha’ban” Al-Safadi (25); Mahmoud Abd Al-Qader Al-Atal (26); Mahmoud Abd Al-Majid Al-Masri (29); Basel Mustafa Ibrahim (29); Muhammad Amin Mahmoud ‘Aqel (19); Yasser Naji Sukkar (23); Ibrahim Nayef Abu Thuraya (29). (source: @alhaq_org)
Madame Tussauds, the world-famous wax museum, expertly trolled some rich asshole and Disney after the latter unveiled its robotic version of the former reality show where every former leader of the republic is depicted in an “audio-animatronics show.” It looks like Jon Voight, though, and it’s creepy AF.
Madame Tussauds’ Orlando location tweeted a side-by-side comparison of the museum’s wax figure of the rich asshole and Disney World’s new robotic the rich asshole, adding “me at the start of 2017 vs. me now.”
An animatronic figure of President some rich asshole debuted at the Hall of Presidents in Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida on Tuesday. As a sitting president, 45 is one of the only speaking figures in the long-running show.
The Trumpbot joins the ranks of speaking characters that include other ground-breaking leaders, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. The speech, recorded by President the rich asshole himself, talks about much of the principles the United States was founded upon.
"From the beginning, America has been a nation defined by its people," the horrific mechanical golem says, with its jacket undone. "At our founding, it was the American people who rose up to defend our freedoms and win our independence. It was why our Founders began our great Constitution with three very simple words: We the people."
The Hall of Presidents has been an attraction at Walt Disney World since it opened on October 1, 1971 in the resort's first park, the Magic Kingdom. The multimedia presentation and stage show includes significant chapters in U.S. history, including the signing of the American Constitution, the Civil War and a roll call of all presidents in order. The stage show includes audio-animatronic figures of all 45 presidents. Speeches by Washington, Lincoln and the current sitting president have been the three speaking characters at the attraction since 2009.
Twitter reacted to the Hall of Presidents’ newest addition with a multitude of opinions.
Disney World has added Donald Trump to the Hall of Presidents, which means it’s now the “Hall of Presidents plus that one illiterate racist traitor who briefly and illegally occupied the office before being impeached and imprisoned for treason”
OH MY GOD! I just realized that Disney might be trolling Donald Trump with their Hall of Presidents. By surrounding him with some of the worst Presidents in history. Let's go from left to right.
no joke, that Donald Trump robot at Disney’s Hall of Presidents looks like the child of him, Hillary Clinton, Jon Voight, and Roger Ebert. kill it before AI gives it more than two terms.
The best part of Donald Trump being in Disney's Hall of Presidents will be when they remove him from the Hall of Presidents and put him in the Pirates of the Caribbean ride's jail.
Here me out on this. Clearly Disney had Hilary's robot ready to go and then they had to try and make it look like Trump. Don't hate me. This is just a necessary and painful fact we all need to deal with.
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