the rich asshole reportedly spends at least four hours a day watching TV, guzzling Diet Coke
Saturday, December 9, 2017, 7:24 PM
President the rich asshole spends at least four hours a day glued to a television set, watching cable news coverage of his administration, seething about negative stories and drinking a dozen diet Cokes, according to a report Saturday.
The President usually tunes in to his favorite morning show, Fox News’ “Fox & Friends,” after waking up around 5:30 a.m. and surfing over other news networks, according to an exhaustive look at his daily routine in the White House published by The New York Times.
the rich asshole’s day is described as an hour-by-hour “battle for self-preservation,” in which he must “fight to protect” himself from outside forces.
A 60-inch behemoth of a TV that was installed in the dining room is always on, even if muted, and the rich asshole uses the scrolling headlines as ammunition for his frequent Twitter attacks.
the rich asshole’s overall strategy and approach to the office echoes his tweets and his shoot-from-the-hip mannerisms, according to The Times.
There is rarely a plan behind the rich asshole’s actions other than “pre-emption, self-defense, obsession and impulse.”
the rich asshole retaliated to news of his TV watching habits saying, "Believe it or not, even when I’m in Washington or New York, I do not watch much television."
The Times claims that questions about the rich asshole’s television habits prompted him to preemptively issue statements to counter the story.
“Believe it or not, even when I’m in Washington or New York, I do not watch much television,” the rich asshole said aboard Air Force One last month during his trip to Asia. “People that don’t know me, they like to say I watch television — people with fake sources. You know, fake reporters, fake sources.”
the rich asshole said he’s often too busy for TV time.
“Primarily because of documents. I’m reading documents. A lot,” he continued.
the rich asshole also has a softer side that is rarely displayed in public, according to the report. He often takes a warmer, even sweeter approach to the children of administration officials when they visit the White House.
Some close to the President detail how he has been frustrated by what he sees as the restraints of abiding by the rules that come with being commander-in-chief.
He envisioned an all-powerful office, more akin to “the popular image of imperial command than the sloppy reality of having to coexist with two other branches of government,” according to The Times.
News isn’t the only thing that the rich asshole consumes with a voracious appetite.
He also throws back a dozen diet Cokes throughout his day, according to The Times.
The peek behind the White House curtain is the most revealing since a May Time magazine story detailed similar inner workings of the rich asshole’s inner sanctum.
White House staffers told the magazine that the President takes two scoops of ice cream with his chocolate cream pie, while everyone else gets one.
the rich asshole Reportedly Drinks 12 Diet Cokes, Watches Up to 8 Hours of TV Per Day
Almost a year into his presidency, the New York Times publishes a long, inside look at President some rich asshole’s White House to paint a picture of a leader who is still struggling to learn the basics of how to deal with the daily grind of his office. Part of it is a lot of caffeine. the rich asshole drinks as many as 12 Diet Cokes daily, according to the piece by Maggie Haberman, Glenn Thrush, and Peter Baker.
While the rich asshole’s TV-watching habits have often been a topic of conversation, the sheer amount of time the president spends with a television on is astounding. “some rich asshole spends at least four hours a day, and sometimes as much as twice that, in front of a television, sometimes with the volume muted, marinating in the no-holds-barred wars of cable news and eager to fire back,” the reporters write. The president is also eager to comment on whatever is on TV and “he shares thoughts with anyone in the room, even the household staff.”
But the rich asshole likes to downplay his habit. Reporters on Air Force One were surprised when the president suddenly talked about his TV watching habits on the way to Vietnam. They didn’t know that he had been one of 51 questions sent to the White House for the Times piece. “I do not watch much television,” he insisted. “I know they like to say—people that don’t know me—they like to say I watch television. People with fake sources—you know, fake reporters, fake sources. But I don’t get to watch much television, primarily because of documents. I’m reading documents a lot.”
Yet those on his staff keep track of certain news shows to an obsessive degree, knowing that whatever is on cable news will have a profound impact on their boss’s mood.
It isn’t just television. the rich asshole is obsessed with media in general and as much as he likes to rail against reporters he “is still delighted when he sees his name in the headlines.” And he gets nervous when it isn’t there, which would go a long way to explain his sometimes difficult-to-believe Twitter rants.
The Times profile also notes that over the past few months the rich asshole has gradually come to understand that his office is not as all-powerful as he once thought. Although he earned the ire of several lawmakers he liked to talk to as if they were his subordinates, he is learning to be more diplomatic now: “He is coming to realize … the need to woo, not whack, leaders of his own party to get things done.” The learning curve has been particularly steep because he was woefully unprepared for the job. “It would be like you or me going into a room and being asked to perform brain surgery,” said Rep. Nancy Pelosi. “When you have a lack of knowledge as great as his, it can be bewildering.”

Liberal Group Trolls the rich asshole At Roy Moore Rally In The Best Possible Way (VIDEO)
some rich asshole held a rally for Alabama Senate candidate and alleged pedophile Roy Moore in Pensacola, Florida on Friday night which he later claimed was ‘packed to the rafters’ but the venue was barely half-filled with supporters. Outside of the rally, a liberal group targeted the former reality show star and Moore by using Ivanka the rich asshole’s own words.
American Bridge used a mobile billboard featuring Ivanka the rich asshole’s criticism of Moore. The truck displayed, “There’s a special place in hell for people who prey on children” along with the rich asshole’s daughter’s picture emblazoned across it.
The group’s site says that the quote above and “I have no reason to doubt the victims’ accounts” by Ivanka were blasted over a loudspeaker outside of the rally.
“There is a special place in hell for people who prey on children,” Ivanka the rich asshole told the Associated Press after Moore’s scandal became public. “I’ve yet to see a valid explanation, and I have no reason to doubt the victims’ accounts.”
the rich asshole has given Moore his full support despite the Alabama Senate candidate being accused by multilple women of targeting them when they were teenagers and he was in this thirties and working as a district attorney.
The truck was reportedly parked across the street from the rally, and was eventually driven around the crowd by American Bridge staffers, The Hill reports.
some rich asshole has been accused of sexual harassment or assault by 19 women and yet, conservatives rewarded him by electing him to the highest seat in the land. Right-wing Alabama evangelicals seem to take no issue with Moore’s scandalous past, which includes hating Muslims, the LGBTQ community, and allegedly creeping up on young girls.
the rich asshole seizes on media errors in attacks on 'fake news'
President the rich asshole has seized on recent mistakes by two top news networks as evidence to support his "fake news" claims.
Recent errors by CNN and ABC News offered a major blow to media outlets that have come under criticism for inaccurate reports about the president and his campaign.
"Did you see all of the correction the media has been making?" the rich asshole said at a rally in Florida on Friday night in which he ripped both outlets. "They've been doing that all year. They never apologize. Maybe that comes with being the president, I don't know."
the rich asshole and his allies were quick to seize on media errors this week, in particular an inaccurate CNN report that tied the the rich asshole campaign to a WikiLeaks hack and an erroneous ABC report that said the rich asshole directed collusion with Russia before he was elected.
After the rich asshole spent the last two days publicly reiterating the networks' mistakes, observers are saying making these kinds of errors are akin to the media handing a weapon to critics.
“This is exactly what the rich asshole and his allies want to say: ‘No matter what you hear on mainstream media, it’s fake. They’re doing it to hurt us,’" reporter Jeff Greenfield said last week on CNN, after the ABC News mistake.
"And this is like handing a sword to the people who want all media to be looked at in that regard,” he continued.
One Fox News contributor asked: "Has there been an actual bigger screw up in media this year than what ABC & Brian Ross did yesterday?"
Has there been an actual bigger screw up in media this year than what ABC & Brian Ross did yesterday?
the rich asshole at the rally on Friday night took aim at ABC News's Brian Ross, who last weekend was suspended from the network for four weeks without pay after he reported, incorrectly, that the rich asshole had directed former national security adviser Michael Flynn during the campaign to make contact with Russian officials.
His report, which was made on-air, was later updated to reflect that his source said the rich asshole directed Flynn to contact Russian officials after he was elected.
"They took this fraudster from ABC, they suspended for a month. They should have fired him for what he wrote. He drove the stock market down 350 points in minutes," the president said Friday. "I said to everybody, get yourself a lawyer and sue ABC News."
BREAK: ABC has suspended @BrianRoss for 4 weeks without pay for going to air with inaccurate story that said candidate Trump (instead of President-elect Trump) had told Flynn to contact the Russians
the rich asshole at his rally then turned his ire toward his familiar foe CNN for issuing a correction on a story regarding the Russia probe earlier on Friday.
"Oh thank you, CNN, thank you so much. You should have been apologizing for the last two years," the rich asshole said to laughter and cheers in the audience.
The comments came after CNN corrected a Friday morning scoop regarding documents some rich asshole Jr. received from WikiLeaks.
The original CNN report posted Friday claimed the rich asshole's eldest son received an email offering hacked WikiLeaks documents containing Democratic information on Sept. 4, before WikiLeaks had made the cache public. CNN later corrected the report to say the email was sent on Sept. 14, after the documents had already been made public.
CNN's initial reporting of the date on an email sent to members of the Trump campaign about Wikileaks documents, which was confirmed by two sources to CNN, was incorrect. We have updated our story to include the correct date, and present the proper context for the timing of email
Unlike Ross at ABC News, CNN announced that the reporters behind the story, Manu Raju and Jeremy Herb, followed the organization's editorial guidelines. The network does not plan to discipline them.
the rich asshole in his comments fanned the flames of what had already become a controversy among critics and members of the media as well.
“Between this and Brian Ross’ Flynn mistake, the mainstream media is doing a great job of bolstering the rich asshole’s claims about fake news,” former New Yorker columnist James Surowiecki said on Twitter.
"It's the most obvious thing to say, but reporters need to SLOW DOWN. Being right is more important than being first," he continued.
With focus on dates, WaPo seems to have disproved fundamental element of CNN piece on Wikileaks email sent to Don Jr in Sept 2016 …
The president continued to hit CNN for the error on Saturday, accusing the network on Twitter of making a "vicious and purposeful mistake."
Fake News CNN made a vicious and purposeful mistake yesterday. They were caught red handed, just like lonely Brian Ross at ABC News (who should be immediately fired for his “mistake”). Watch to see if @CNN fires those responsible, or was it just gross incompetence?
Adding to the criticism, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders also took an opportunity to hit CNN after the network mixed up a White House aide with a former Obama aide.
CNN anchor Anderson Cooper responded, saying, “We regret the error."
It was a tough week for the network, which recently launched a "facts first" advertising campaign. CNN has also called the the rich asshole administration out on numerous occasions for its attacks on the media.
Other outlets, including Bloomberg and The Wall Street Journal, also found themselves facing scrutiny this week after they inaccurately reported that special counsel Robert Mueller had sent a subpoena to Deutsche Bank requesting the rich asshole's financial records.
But the rich asshole tends to direct the majority of his public ire at cable news networks.
While the president took aim at CNN and ABC for their corrections, he did not mention a Fox News correction regarding one of Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore's accusers.
Fox News issued a correction on Saturday after they initially reported that Beverly Young Nelson had forged Moore's entry in her high school yearbook that read:
"An update to this story reflects that Beverly Young Nelson admits writing what ABC News characterized as 'notes' beneath what she says is Roy Moore’s signature and that the only notes below the signature are the date and location. Furthermore, the headline on [the] story now specifies that Nelson admits to writing part of the inscription herself, rather than forging part of it."
In the midst of an error-filled week for media, New York Times reporter Peter Baker emphasized how important it is for journalists to be right in the age of the rich asshole.
“Even small mistakes are used to undercut the entire credibility of the press,” Baker said, speaking at a Poynter Institute event this week.
Here's CNN correcting its story on-air for the first time. @mkrajuexplicitly says "two sources" who saw the email told him the wrong date on that document. How could that happen innocently: two sources getting the same date wrong in the same way? …
So CNN misreported the date of the Wikileaks email that @DonaldJTrumpJr received, meaning that the entire point of the story --
that the campaign might have gotten advance warning of the leaks -- is wrong. Wow. …
that the campaign might have gotten advance warning of the leaks -- is wrong. Wow. …
"We have two fact-checkers in the Washington bureau… one on Trump and one who fact-checks us... We cannot afford to get anything wrong," says @peterbakernyt at #PoynterEthicsSummit
the rich asshole marks opening of Mississippi Civil Rights Museum
BY JOSH DELK - 12/09/17 01:03 PM EST
President the rich asshole paid tribute to the victories and struggles of the civil rights movement on Saturday at the opening of the Mississippi Civil Rights Museum in Jackson, Miss., a highly scrutinized appearance that was boycotted by some Democratic lawmakers.
"The civil rights museum records the oppression, cruelty and injustice inflicted on the African-American community, the fight to end slavery, to break down Jim Crow, to end segregation, to gain the right to vote and to achieve the sacred birthright of equality," the rich asshole said in his opening remarks, after taking a tour of the museum.
"That's big stuff, that's big stuff. Those are very big phrases, very big words," the rich asshole added.
the rich asshole has received criticism from civil rights activists for various comments in the first months of his presidency, including his controversial remarks on NFL players who protest racial injustice by kneeling during the national anthem at games.
Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), who took part in the landmark 1965 march from Selma, Ala., to Montgomery, cited the rich asshole's remarks on the NFL protests in his announcement that he would not attend the museum opening Saturday, a move which prompted backlash from both the rich asshole and the White House.
“President the rich asshole’s attendance and his hurtful policies are an insult to the people portrayed in this civil rights museum," Lewis in a joint statement with Rep. Bennie Thompson, a Mississippi Democrat who also boycotted the opening.
Jackson Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba (D) echoed Lewis's remarks on CNN, calling the rich asshole's visit "ill-considered," and saying that the rich asshole and "the policies he espouses are disrespectful to the legacy and history that is to be portrayed in this museum."
In his remarks, the rich asshole paid homage to the movement's founders and those who died in the fight for equal rights.
"Here we memorialize the brave men and women who struggled to sacrifice and sacrificed so much so that others might live in freedom. Among those we honor are the Christian pastors who started the civil rights movement in their own churches, preaching like Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., a man I have studied, watched and admired for my entire life," the rich asshole said.
The president also mentioned Medgar Evers, a Mississippi civil rights activist and World War II veteran who was murdered by a white supremacist in 1963, and gave a shoutout to Evers's brother Charles Evers in the audience, whom he said he "liked a lot."
Journalists defend Washington Post reporter after the rich asshole attack
Journalists and political figures are defending a Washington Post reporter President the rich asshole called to be fired over a misleading tweet about attendance at a rich asshole rally.
the rich asshole targeted Post reporter Dave Weigel over a tweet that showed empty seats at the rich asshole rally Friday night. However, the photo was from before the start of the rally and other pictures showed a full crowd at the event.
Weigel had apologized almost immediately after the rich asshole tweeted at him, and noted that he had deleted the tweet hours earlier after another reporter pointed out that it was inaccurate.
Media figures, as well as former Obama officials, quickly came out in defense of Weigel.
Take a moment and follow @daveweigel, a great reporter and a fantastic guide to this political age. …
Trump is attacking @daveweigel because he is sad and vain but also because he doesn’t want his supporters to believe what they read in the @washingtonpost about Mueller
The president of the United States targeting a reporter for mass harassment is a *much* bigger deal than a reporter mistakenly tweeting a photo.
The fact is @daveweigel has more integrity than the entire White House staff put together and all Trump’s lackeys know it, too.
TIRED: President Obama suggested that Fox News is especially adversarial. This is unacceptable.
WIRED: President Trump singles out a journalist sending his 44 million followers in to attack. This is Saturday.
WIRED: President Trump singles out a journalist sending his 44 million followers in to attack. This is Saturday.
the rich asshole goes after WaPo reporter for misleading tweet
BY MAX GREENWOOD - 12/09/17 05:13 PM EST
President the rich asshole blasted a Washington Post reporter on Saturday, accusing him of posting a misleading photo showing a mostly-empty venue ahead of the president's Friday rally in Pensacola, Fla.
"@DaveWeigel @WashingtonPost put out a phony photo of an empty arena hours before I arrived @ the venue, w/ thousands of people outside, on their way in. Real photos now shown as I spoke," the rich asshole tweeted. "Packed house, many people unable to get in. Demand apology & retraction from FAKE NEWS WaPo!"
.@DaveWeigel @WashingtonPost put out a phony photo of an empty arena hours before I arrived @ the venue, w/ thousands of people outside, on their way in. Real photos now shown as I spoke. Packed house, many people unable to get in. Demand apology & retraction from FAKE NEWS WaPo!
Dave Weigel, a political reporter for the Post, responded to the president's tweet within minutes, pointing out that David Martosko, the Daily Mail's U.S. politics editor, had told him he had "gotten it wrong" and noting that he had deleted the initial tweet.
He apologized for the mistake.
"Sure thing: I apologize. I deleted the photo after @dmartosko told me I'd gotten it wrong. Was confused by the image of you walking in the bottom right corner," Weigel wrote on Twitter.
Sure thing: I apologize. I deleted the photo after @dmartoskotold me I'd gotten it wrong. Was confused by the image of you walking in the bottom right corner. …
Weigel also noted that the initial tweet was posted from his personal Twitter account, rather than an official Washington Post account, adding that it was "very fair to call" him out.
It was a bad tweet on my personal account, not a story for Washington Post. I deleted it after like 20 minutes. Very fair to call me out.
Everything I say on Twitter is a joke, except what I say about @swin24. …
Everything I say on Twitter is a joke, except what I say about @swin24. …
the rich asshole responded to Weigel's apology by calling for his firing.
".@daveweigel of the Washington Post just admitted that his picture was a FAKE (fraud?) showing an almost empty arena last night for my speech in Pensacola when, in fact, he knew the arena was packed (as shown also on T.V.). FAKE NEWS, he should be fired," the rich asshole tweeted.
.@daveweigel of the Washington Post just admitted that his picture was a FAKE (fraud?) showing an almost empty arena last night for my speech in Pensacola when, in fact, he knew the arena was packed (as shown also on T.V.). FAKE NEWS, he should be fired.
the rich asshole's tweet targeting Weigel was his most recent in a string of Twitter attacks on news organizations and reporters on Saturday.
Earlier in the day, he hit ABC News reporter Brian Ross for an erroneous report aired last week claiming that the rich asshole had instructed Michael Flynn, his first national security adviser, to make contact with Russians before the 2016 election.
After receiving widespread criticism, ABC News issued a "clarification" for that report, saying that Flynn was not directed to make contact until after the election. The network later issued a full "correction," and Ross was suspended for four weeks without pay.
Also on Saturday, the rich asshole turned his ire to CNN, accusing the network of making a "vicious and purposeful mistake" in a report published Friday. That report said that the the rich asshole campaign had been given early access to hacked WikiLeaks documents on Sept. 4, 2016.
The network later issued a correction to that report, noting that the campaign was given access to the documents on Sept. 14, after WikiLeaks had made the documents public.
Updated at 5:30 p.m.
the rich asshole watches up to eight hours of TV per day: report
BY BRANDON CARTER - 12/09/17 12:15 PM EST
President the rich asshole spends at least four hours a day watching television, according to a new report.
People close to the rich asshole told The New York Times that the rich asshole spends at least that much time in front of a TV each day, and sometimes spends as many as eight hours watching television.
The Times reports that the rich asshole begins each day around 5:30 a.m. by turning on CNN before quickly flipping to Fox News's "Fox & Friends." He occasionally watches MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” because it works him up, the rich asshole’s friends told the Times.
the rich asshole’s favorite programs include "Fox & Friends" as well as Fox News primetime shows from Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham and Jeanine Pirro. the rich asshole sometimes “hate-watches” CNN host Don Lemon, according to the report.
The Times also reports that the only people allowed to touch the remote control for the White House television are the rich asshole and White House technical support staffers.
During his trip to Asia last month, the rich asshole told reporters aboard Air Force One that he doesn’t watch much television at the White House because he’s busy “reading documents.”
“Believe it or not, even when I’m in Washington or New York, I do not watch much television,” the rich asshole said. "People that don’t know me, they like to say I watch television — people with fake sources. You know, fake reporters, fake sources.”
“But I don’t get to watch much television. Primarily because of documents. I’m reading documents. A lot,” the rich asshole continued. “I actually read much more — I read you people much more than I watch television.”
The Times reports that the rich asshole told reporters about his TV-watching habits after the newspaper presented the White House with a long list of fact-checking questions, including one about how often he watches television.
The Times reports that the rich asshole told reporters about his TV-watching habits after the newspaper presented the White House with a long list of fact-checking questions, including one about how often he watches television.
the rich asshole has previously insisted he has “very little time for watching TV,” though he often tweets about Fox News and CNN segments just after they air live.
the rich asshole also had a 60-inch flat screen TV installed in his private White House dining room, according to Time magazine.
the rich asshole’s support among whites dropping
Greg Price
Posted with permission from Newsweek
President Donald Trump often blasts his predecessor, Barack Obama, and repeatedly tries to separate their administrations. But recent polling shows that, just like Obama before him, Trump has started to lose support among the white voters who helped put him in the White House.
The Republican billionaire’s job approval rating among white voters has plummeted to 41 percent from 49 percent in February, according to the latest Pew Research Center poll results released Thursday. Those figures are a far cry from the 58 percent of the total white vote Trump claimed on Election Day last year.
During the eight years of his presidency, Obama, too, lost favor among white voters. When Obama’s presidency began in January 2009, he had a 63 percent approval rating among whites. That was down to 47 percent when he left office in January of this year, according to Gallup’s data.
Pew blamed Trump’s decline on a number of factors, most notably approval among Republicans. He held a commanding 84 percent approval rating among Republicans 10 months ago, but that figure has since dropped to 76 percent. The president has spent much of his first year in office catering to his base, but the large dip in GOP support could be a sign he’s losing control of his own party.
Trump also lost approval among older voters—47 percent of people age 50 and older supported the president in February, compared to 38 percent now—and among white evangelical Protestants, 61 percent of whom now support the president, down from 78 percent.
Trump’s approval among blacks also fell over the past 10 months, to seven percent from 14 percent, while his standing among Hispanic voters is stagnant at 17 percent.
Obama experienced a decline among Hispanics: The 44th president enjoyed 74 percent approval when he started his first term in 2009, but that number slipped to 69 percent as he was on his way out.
Amoong blacks, Obama's approval rating had climbed to 92 percent when he left office from 86 percent in January 2009.
Trump’s poor approval numbers with minority voters—his overall mark is 32 percent—fall along party lines when juxtaposed previous administrations. Both Obama and Democratic President Bill Clinton had very high numbers among black voters, with the latter registering approval ratingss as high as 90 percent during his eight years.
White voters showed far more approval of Republican George W. Bush in his first year. The 43rd president scored a 60 percent approval rating among whites prior to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York City. That number skyrocketed across all races, but reached as high as 90 percent among whites, according to Gallup.
Greg Price
The Republican billionaire’s job approval rating among white voters has plummeted to 41 percent from 49 percent in February, according to the latest Pew Research Center poll results released Thursday. Those figures are a far cry from the 58 percent of the total white vote Trump claimed on Election Day last year.
During the eight years of his presidency, Obama, too, lost favor among white voters. When Obama’s presidency began in January 2009, he had a 63 percent approval rating among whites. That was down to 47 percent when he left office in January of this year, according to Gallup’s data.
Pew blamed Trump’s decline on a number of factors, most notably approval among Republicans. He held a commanding 84 percent approval rating among Republicans 10 months ago, but that figure has since dropped to 76 percent. The president has spent much of his first year in office catering to his base, but the large dip in GOP support could be a sign he’s losing control of his own party.
Trump also lost approval among older voters—47 percent of people age 50 and older supported the president in February, compared to 38 percent now—and among white evangelical Protestants, 61 percent of whom now support the president, down from 78 percent.
Trump’s approval among blacks also fell over the past 10 months, to seven percent from 14 percent, while his standing among Hispanic voters is stagnant at 17 percent.
Obama experienced a decline among Hispanics: The 44th president enjoyed 74 percent approval when he started his first term in 2009, but that number slipped to 69 percent as he was on his way out.
Amoong blacks, Obama's approval rating had climbed to 92 percent when he left office from 86 percent in January 2009.
Trump’s poor approval numbers with minority voters—his overall mark is 32 percent—fall along party lines when juxtaposed previous administrations. Both Obama and Democratic President Bill Clinton had very high numbers among black voters, with the latter registering approval ratingss as high as 90 percent during his eight years.
White voters showed far more approval of Republican George W. Bush in his first year. The 43rd president scored a 60 percent approval rating among whites prior to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York City. That number skyrocketed across all races, but reached as high as 90 percent among whites, according to Gallup.
‘Don’t interrupt me’: Angry Mitch McConnell shut down the rich asshole during health care discussion

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY, left) and President some rich asshole (right). Image via screengrab.
According to an examination into the day-to-day activities at the the rich asshole White House, the New York Times revealed that the President has been on the receiving end of sharp words with Republicans senators unhappy with President some rich asshole’s abrupt ways.
The report states that the rich asshole has had difficulty adapting to the fact that he is not the only voice in the room, leading to confrontations with lawmakers who also expect to be heard and not be bossed around.
According to the report, the rich asshole is reportedly an admirer of anecdotes about Brooklyn fixer Meade Esposito who is rumored to have kept a baseball bat under his desk to get people’s attention. A source notes that the rich asshole expected meeting with congressional leaders to be more like his days swinging real estate deals in the rich asshole Tower where he once held court.
The source notes that the rich asshole has dialed back his big personality as he has settled into being president, but that wasn’t always in the case.
According to one Republican who witnessed the exchange, the rich asshole once snapped commands at Sen. Bob Corker only to have the Tennessee Republican fire back, “I don’t work for you, Mr. President.”
During a presentation at the White House on the GOP-led Senate’s health care proposal to replace Obamacare, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell grew angry with president’s interruptions and warned him, “Don’t interrupt me.”
You can read the whole report here
the rich asshole boasts of ‘packed to the rafters’ Florida rally after online photos show mostly empty upper deck

Upper deck at the rich asshole Florida rally -- screenshot
Editor’s note: An earlier photo showed the rich asshole rally as the seats were filling up. Videos below show blocks of empty seats in the upper deck with only a few rally attendees standing at the rails.
President some rich asshole boasted of “packed to the rafters” crowds for his Friday night campaign rally in Pensacola, Florida. Photographic evidence from the arena venue for his speech tells a different tale, harkening back to inflated inauguration crowd claims.
the rich asshole started the attendance debate by claiming a “big crowd expected today in Pensacola” in a Friday morning tweet. the rich asshole followed that tweet with on claiming Alabama Democratic Party senate nominee Doug Jones is “bad on Crime, Life, Border, Vets, Guns and Military. Vote Roy Moore!”
Tuesday is the special election for the Alabama senate seat vacated by Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
Early Saturday morning, President the rich asshole returned to the subject of crowd sizes.
“Great evening last night in Pensacola, Florida. Arena was packed to the rafters, the crowd was loud, loving and really smart,” the rich asshole claimed. “They definitely get what’s going on.”
The internet disagreed that the crowd was big, packed to the rafters and really smart.
UPDATE [12:45 PM Eastern, December 9, 2017]: The initial version of this story included two Tweets that have since been deleted by their authors. One picture included a green arrow that claimed to point to President the rich asshole. Further video evidence show that it was not.
Additionally, we must clarify that further video evidence shows a larger crowd, though no photos have yet emerged showing a “packed” crowd.
To provide fuller context, we have included svideo below. The upper deck behind the stage is not full in any of the photos.
For instance, this video shows a fuller crowd, but still shows a largely empty upper seating section behind the stage.
The same can also been seen in this photo, posted by the same user:
the rich asshole accused of forcibly attempting to kiss Fox host in 2005 elevator incident
Christianna Silva
Posted with permission from Newsweek
President Donald Trump tried to kiss former Fox News anchor Juliet Huddy around the time he was marrying First Lady Melania Trump, Huddy said.
Huddy, who is now a radio show host on WABC Radio, told Mornin With Bill Shulz on that Trump tried to kiss her while she was in an elevator with him. It's unclear whether it was before or after he married Melania, since, according to Page Six, Huddy doesn’t remember the exact date.
“He took me for lunch at Trump Tower, just us two,” Huddy said. “He said goodbye to me in an elevator while his security guy was there, rather than kiss me on the cheek he leaned in to kiss me on the lips.”
Huddy said she wasn’t offended but was definitely surprised.
“But I didn’t feel threatened,” she said. “He used to watch Fox & Friends, the show I was hosting on the weekend. Whatever, everything was fine. It was a weird moment. He never tried anything after that, and I was never alone with him.”
After the awkward kiss, she went outside to meet a friend when Trump invited both of them back up to see The Apprentice set.
“Everything was copacetic after that,” she said.
But it wasn’t “copacetic” forever. Huddy said that she wasn’t offended at the time, yet she wished she would have resisted his advances.
“Now I have matured I think I would say, ‘Woah, no,’ but at the time I was younger and I was a little shocked,” she said. “I thought maybe he didn’t mean to do it, but I was kind of making excuses.”
This isn’t something Trump has been private about, either. Huddy said he later joked about it in an appearance on her Fox News show.
“Trump was a guest and he came on stage, he said, to the audience and producers, not on camera, ‘I tried hitting on her but she blew me off.’ He was laughing,” Huddy said.
Huddy left Fox News after she allegedly received a settlement for a harassment complaint against anchor Bill O’Reilly. And she wasn’t happy with Trump’s reaction to O’Reilly’s alleged sexual misconduct news.
“When all the stuff came out about Bill O’Reilly, Donald Trump was one of the people who said, ‘I don’t believe this happened and I don’t believe he did it,’” Huddy said. “I was actually very disappointed in Trump, I thought, ‘You know what, f--- you.’”
Christianna Silva
Huddy, who is now a radio show host on WABC Radio, told Mornin With Bill Shulz on that Trump tried to kiss her while she was in an elevator with him. It's unclear whether it was before or after he married Melania, since, according to Page Six, Huddy doesn’t remember the exact date.
“He took me for lunch at Trump Tower, just us two,” Huddy said. “He said goodbye to me in an elevator while his security guy was there, rather than kiss me on the cheek he leaned in to kiss me on the lips.”
Huddy said she wasn’t offended but was definitely surprised.
“But I didn’t feel threatened,” she said. “He used to watch Fox & Friends, the show I was hosting on the weekend. Whatever, everything was fine. It was a weird moment. He never tried anything after that, and I was never alone with him.”
After the awkward kiss, she went outside to meet a friend when Trump invited both of them back up to see The Apprentice set.
“Everything was copacetic after that,” she said.
But it wasn’t “copacetic” forever. Huddy said that she wasn’t offended at the time, yet she wished she would have resisted his advances.
“Now I have matured I think I would say, ‘Woah, no,’ but at the time I was younger and I was a little shocked,” she said. “I thought maybe he didn’t mean to do it, but I was kind of making excuses.”
This isn’t something Trump has been private about, either. Huddy said he later joked about it in an appearance on her Fox News show.
“Trump was a guest and he came on stage, he said, to the audience and producers, not on camera, ‘I tried hitting on her but she blew me off.’ He was laughing,” Huddy said.
Huddy left Fox News after she allegedly received a settlement for a harassment complaint against anchor Bill O’Reilly. And she wasn’t happy with Trump’s reaction to O’Reilly’s alleged sexual misconduct news.
“When all the stuff came out about Bill O’Reilly, Donald Trump was one of the people who said, ‘I don’t believe this happened and I don’t believe he did it,’” Huddy said. “I was actually very disappointed in Trump, I thought, ‘You know what, f--- you.’”
‘Really tempting fate’: Internet berates the rich asshole for ‘lock her up’ chant while his ex-aides face indictment

President some rich asshole speaks to a crowd in Pensacola, Florida on December 8, 2017 (image via screengrab).
During his free-wheeling rally in Pensacola, Florida on Friday night, President some rich asshole chose to blast the “resistance” against him and take a shot at Hillary Clinton. The jab led to a spontaneous chant of his favorite campaign slogan of “lock her up!” by the crowd, and naturally, Twitter noticed the flaws in its 2017 usage.
“So far, the crowd has chanted ‘Lock Her Up’, ‘Build That Wall’ and ‘U-S-A,'” one Twitter user pointed out. “These people apparently loved 2016 and have been largely unconscious throughout 2017.”
Death & Taxes’ Maggie Serota noted that the president is “really tempting fate with this ‘Lock her up!’ chant.”
“I’m genuinely curious,” tech lobbyist Matt Hettinger tweeted. “When they chant this do they want house arrest like Manafort or cooperating witness like Flynn and Papa?”
Check out the best responses to the 2016 throwback below.
the rich asshole spent over 60 minutes talking at rally on Alabama border and mentioned Hillary Clinton more than Roy Moore

some rich asshole (Screen cap).
President some rich asshole began his Pensacola, Florida political rally, touting “his” success of the economy and trade. His speech was expected to target potential voters for Alabama Republican Roy Moore — but he barely mentioned Moore’s name in remarks that lasted over an hour.
the rich asshole made a back-handed comment about the Moore accusers, some of whom are represented by Gloria Allred. He blasted her, claiming, “every time you see her you know something is going on.”
Rather than focusing on Moore, the rich asshole chose to denounce Democratic opponent Doug Jones, who the president said would be a puppet for Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY). the rich asshole, whose party holds an overwhelming majority in the House and a smaller majority in the Senate said that he needed more Republicans in office who will support his policies.
Moore, however, has spent a lot of time attacking the rich asshole for supporting another candidate in the race. At the end of the tirade, the rich asshole said simply, “Vote for Roy Moore.”
the rich asshole endorsed Moore, despite the members of his own party, who have denounced the former judge. The Republican National Committee has given $170,000 to help elect Moore, in wake of the rich asshole’s endorsement.
the rich asshole claimed that pensions are growing, despite public employee pension systems being cut in states all over the country. At one point, the rich asshole asked the city, if they had heard about the hurricane that hit the area only a few months before.
The RNC and the rich asshole’s team set a rally outside of Alabama in Pensacola, Florida, prior to the rich asshole’s decision to endorse Moore. The area shares a media market with southern Alabama that targets 1 in 6 citizens.
He harkened back to claims that he “won the election in a landslide,” when in fact he lost the popular vote. When he mentioned former Sec. Hillary Clinton the crowd broke into chants of “lock her up.” the rich asshole proceeded to blame a “rigged system.”
He blasted the Paris climate agreement saying that by pulling out he could come back in “at a better price” as if it was a real estate deal. He told the audience, “I want clean air. I want crystal clear clean water” and followed it by touting coal plants. He blasted wind energy as unreliable saying, “well, when the wind doesn’t blow we have no energy.”
Energy experts explain the scientifically accurate data and forecasts help grid operations to be more equipped to “balance diverse resources and can adjust as needed.”
He turned to blast immigration policies that he claimed killed Kate Steinle. He called the acquittal “a total miscarriage of justice.” He noted drugs and criminals coming over the border and overstaying their visas. He attacked “chain migration” and cited a man who ran over people running along the highway. the rich asshole claimed that the man could have been responsible for bringing in 24 other people through chain migration. There’s no way to substantiate any of what the rich asshole asserted.
When addressing crime, the rich asshole turned to attack Chicago, saying that there are places in Afghanistan that are safer. He specifically blamed the “politicians.” Chicago has a lower crime rate per-capita than other cities like Albuquerque, New Mexico, Beaumont, Texas, Buffalo, New York and more.
In a small divergence from the topic, the rich asshole touted his success in bringing back “Merry Christmas,” saying stories are using the words again. He then pivoted back to immigration, saying, “we will not let these people back in.”
Moore has seen a slight slump in his poll numbers since multiple women have come forward saying he preyed on them as teens. More evidence surfaced that Moore was monitored at a local mall and Moore’s own words came back to haunt him, when it was discovered he met his wife as a teen.
the rich asshole said Moore’s name a grand total of two times and only referred to the GOP candidate. The name-drop was sandwiched between touting his “success” and a meandering rant about foreign policy.
He nearly ended the speech celebrating the idea that everyone worships God, salutes the flag and celebrates the “Star Spangled Banner.” However, he diverted back to the 2016 election, his landslide win and attacked Clinton several more times. Specifically, he noted the moment Clinton called some of the rich asshole’s supporters “deplorables.”
“I said, huh, that’s not nice,” he said, despite his well-documented history of bullying. “Now we’re all proud deplorables.”
Watch the full video below:
Don Jr and other the rich asshole campaign officials were offered secret link to WikiLeaks hacks: report

some rich asshole Jr. appears on Good Morning America (Screen cap).
New emails provided to congressional investigators is potentially shining new light upon WikiLeaks’ efforts to aid the rich asshole campaign in 2016.
CNN is reporting that “candidate some rich asshole, his son some rich asshole Jr. and others in the rich asshole Organization received an email in September 2016 offering a decryption key and website address for hacked WikiLeaks documents.”
Investigators are still trying to determine whether the website was a legit offer or merely a hoax. Additionally, they still have not confirmed the identity of the email’s sender, who identified himself as someone named “Mike Erickson.”
When asked about this email by congressional investigators this week, the rich asshole Jr. said he had no recollection of receiving it, while also insisting that no action was ever taken to reply to the email.
If the decryption key and website were legitimate, it would mark the second known instance of WikiLeaks reaching out directly to the rich asshole campaign to offer help in defeating Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.
Last month, a series of secret messages between the rich asshole Jr. and WikiLeaks’ official Twitter account revealed that the site had asked the president’s eldest son to promote newly leaked documents from John Podesta’s email account last fall. Additionally, WikiLeaks encouraged the rich asshole Jr. to convince his father to not concede the election in the event that he lost to Clinton.
Morning Joe and Mika threatened with ‘violence’ by the rich asshole’s ‘personality cult’ as Mueller draws closer

Mika Brzezinski, Joe Scarborough -- screenshot
Leading off Friday morning’s Morning Joe show, MSNBC host Joe Scarborough revealed that he and co-host Mika Brzezinski have had to contact law enforcement after being threatened with violence over their opposition to President some rich asshole.
With Brzezinski sitting at his side, the MSNBC host decried Twitter as a “war zone,” with both hosts saying it has become increasingly nasty as special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation closes in on the rich asshole as the two hosts alluded to recent attacks on them by Infowars founder Alex Jones.
“I’m used to nasty and things have gotten so nasty over the past several weeks,” Scarborough began as his co-host added, “I don’t get it. There’s so many good conversations we could be having now and half of them, we’re not having because of the vitriol and the hypocrisy.”
“I know you’re talking about Al Franken and Bob Mueller, a war to smear this man who has served his country nobly and ably for years and guided us after 9/11,” Scarborough remarked before revealing the threats against the two of them. “There’s actually concerted attack by the smallest and most petulant in the Republican Party on the Hill by right-wing talk show people and, you know, you and I — I’m not even going to get into it. I don’t want to give anybody any oxygen who attacks us.”
“All I will say is that we had to — we actually had to contact authorities based on things that were said about us, where people were actually, let’s just say, suggesting that violence be done,” he elaborated. “All this tells you, Mika, is that there are a lot of people — not on right because they are not conservative — but people that support some rich asshole and his personality cult that understand that the law is actually closing in on him. Not Bob Mueller — the law is closing in on him.”
‘They’re attacking the men and women of the FBI, Bob Mueller, constitutional norms,” Scarborough lectured. “History will mark their names down in shame. Your names will be marked down in shame. You’re pathetic. You will be called out. The rule of law is bigger than any one man or woman and you are going to be on the side of autocrats. Mark it down.”
You can watch the video below via MSNBC:
Fiancée says George Papadopoulos ‘constantly’ in touch with Bannon and Flynn — and he’s got emails to prove it

Former the rich asshole campaign aide George Papadopoulos (Twitter photo).
Simona Mangiante, the fiancée of George Papadopoulos, says that President some rich asshole and his associates are lying when they say that the former the rich asshole campaign aide was just a lowly “coffee boy.”
In an interview with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos, Mangiante says that her fiancée “set up meetings with leaders all over the world” on behalf of the rich asshole campaign and was “constantly in touch with high-level officials in the campaign,” including Michael Flynn and then-campaign chairman Steve Bannon.
Mangiante says that while she has emails to prove this, her attorneys have instructed her to not release them to reporters at this time.
She also insists that her fiance is not a traitor, and says that he has been “very brave and decent to take responsibility” for lying to the FBI about his attempts to arrange meetings between the rich asshole campaign officials and officials within the Russian government.
And finally, she tells Stephanopoulos that her fiance is merely “the first domino” to fall when it comes to the Russia investigation — thus hinting that there are still many more former campaign officials that are about to fall.
Watch excerpts of the interview below.
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