‘America’s Mussolini — but stupider’: Internet rains hell on Mike Huckabee for comparing the rich asshole to Winston Churchill

Famed British Prime Minister Winston Churchill (left, via Wikimedia Commons), former Gov. Mike Huckabee (middle, via screengrab) and President some rich asshole (right, via Creative Commons).
On Tuesday evening, former Arkansas governor and two-time presidential candidate Mike Huckabee tried to compare President some rich asshole to famed British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. Naturally, it didn’t go over well on Twitter.
“the rich asshole is just like Chamberlain, if Chamberlain were stupid, racist, ignorant in the ways of government, fat, orange, in possession of a 60,000 dollar implanted wig, and a Nazi,” author Molly Jong-Fast tweeted.
“By the time Churchill came to power he had written numerous books and articles, and been to war,” former CIA agent John Sipher commented. “Served as minister numerous times. What original work or thought has the rich asshole had? When did he serve anyone other than himself?”
Check out some of the best responses below.
Mueller to charge Manafort — again — with ‘superseding indictment’: report

Paul Manafort some rich asshole's campaign manager on the floor of the Quicken Arena talking to reporters prior to the start of the Republican National Convention in 2016. (Shutterstock)
MSNBC anchor Chris Hayes featured The Daily Beast political reporter Betsy Woodruff on “All In” Tuesday, only minutes after she published a bombshell report on former some rich asshole campaign chair Paul Manafort’s ongoing legal jeopardy.
“Betsy…you have a new piece just published and the headline is ‘Robert Mueller may indict Paul Manafort again.’ What’s that about?” Hayes eagerly asked.
“Having had conversations with numerous former Justice Department officials and legal experts over the last few days…folks expect for Mueller to hand down what’s called a superseding indictment,” Woodruff explained. “It’s when a prosecutor like Bob Mueller essentially says, ‘here’s a new indictment that includes everything from the previous one, but also tacks on some additional charges’ additional detail, additional problems for the person who’s being charged.”
“The reason all these folks are telling me this is because in the initial Manafort indictment, there was a lot of detail that didn’t actually amplify or support the specific charges, particularly on tax questions,” Woodruff exlained. “There was a lot of detail about dicey financial dealings that Manafort and Rick Gates were involved in, about questionable absences of financial information on tax forms, that indicates Mueller might have enough evidence to bring additional charges against Manafort.”
“That could put more pressure not just on Manafort, but also on Rick Gates, who my sources believe has the biggest potential to be additional cooperating witness to Mueller,” Woodruff concluded.
“I would expect a superseding indictment to come down relatively soon,” Jonathan Turley, a professor at George Washington University’s law school, told The Beast.
Professor Turley is a former federal prosecutor.
“There was much in the narrative of the indictment that referenced crimes not charged,” he added. “Prosecutors will often issue a superseding indictment as the grand jury continues its work. There’s also a tactical reason for this, that superseding indictments tend to grind defendants a bit more over time.”
“The Manafort and Gates indictment left a number of torpedoes in the water,” said Turley. “We’re just waiting to see who they hit.
the rich asshole ‘has no clue about the reality he’s facing’: Katy Tur lays out the ‘toxic political environment’ for GOP

MSNBC anchor Katy Tur
MSNBC’s Meet the Press Daily, hosted by Katy Tur, began with a concise explanation of the political reality of the 2018 midterm elections.
“A new year is coming, along with a new political reality, but the same president is calling it a bunch of fake news,” Tur noted. “President the rich asshole is heading into 2018 talking about a political landscape that arguably doesn’t exist.”
“In the last few days, he’s dismissed the toxic political environment as ‘fake polls,’ he claimed his insider polls are strong, that good Republican candidates will win big, and nobody is going to beat us. He says the GOP tax plan is very popular and that Democrats are going to get on board with him on health care and infrastructure,” Tur recounted.
“And by all accounts, he thinks the Russia probe is going to be over soon. That too, he argues, is a big phony hoax based on a big phony dossier” Tur explained.
“But, guys, the polls aren’t fake — the president is historically unpopular. He’s dragging down Republican candidates as the party enters an election season that is historically very bad for the party in power anyway,” Tur fact checked. “His tax plan is not popular, there are seemingly more Democrats supporting impeachment than supporting his agenda, and the Russia probe is only getting hotter.”
“There’s a lot we don’t know, but we do know this — the two biggest political stories as we end 2017 are shaping up to be the two biggest stories in 2018,” Tur predicted.
“The first is the toxic political environment for Republicans under President the rich asshole, and the second is the Russia investigation,” Tur concluded. “Which brings me back to the president’s recent comments. It seems either he has no clue about the reality he is facing or he knows it better than anyone.”
Tur introduced former Rep. Tom Davis (R-VA), the former director of the campaign arm of House Republicans.
“Do you think the president realizes the political reality he’s facing?” Tur asked.
“I think so,” Davis replied. “He’s got smart people around him, I think, that tell him this as well, but the Virginia results were absolutely devastating.”
Michael Flynn’s family asks the rich asshole to pardon him
Max Kutner
Posted with permission from Newsweek
President Donald Trump should pardon his former national security adviser and campaign aide Michael Flynn, who “has taken the biggest fall,” Flynn’s brother said Tuesday.
In a since-deleted tweet, Joseph Flynn said Trump must get the former Army general off the hook for his December 1 guilty plea stemming from his contacts with the former Russian ambassador. The plea deal is a part of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election and possible coordination with the Trump campaign.
“About time you pardoned General Flynn who has taken the biggest fall for all of you given the illegitimacy of this confessed crime in the wake of all this corruption,” Joseph Flynn tweeted, though the post was deleted after about 15 minutes.
Flynn’s tweet came after Trump posted his own mini-screed on Twitter complaining about Mueller’s probe, among other things.
Joseph Flynn told Newsweek that he found Trump’s tweet interesting and so, “I responded.” He added about his own tweet, “I said it, and maybe he’s listening.”
Days after Flynn pleaded guilty, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told reporters she was “not aware” about any discussion of a pardon.
“I haven’t asked the president whether or not he would do that,” she added. “I don’t feel that it’s necessary until you get further down the road and determine whether or not that’s even something needed.”
Trump later told reporters, “I don’t want to talk about pardons for Michael Flynn yet. We’ll see what happens. Let’s see.”
Joseph Flynn is helping organize a legal defense fund for his brother. A week and a half after Flynn’s guilty plea, he told Newsweek by email, “We have seen a very big surge in support, especially after last week.”
He estimated that the amount in the fund had doubled since the guilty plea, adding, “I want to be clear: The expense far outweighs the donations, most of which are small amounts that average citizens who support General Flynn…. The burden of expense of multiple investigations, which of course were not expected and no one prepares for, is financially crippling to him and his family.”
Trump has asked advisers about his authority to pardon, The Washington Post reported in July. The day after that report, he tweeted, “While all agree the U.S. President has the complete power to pardon, why think of that when only crime so far is LEAKS against us. FAKE NEWS.” In August, the president pardoned former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, which analysts have speculated was to signal to associates that he could pardon them in the Russia probe too.
‘Welch’s grape jelly with alcohol’: Nationally-recognized wine expert unimpressed after daring to try the rich asshole Wine

A Chardonnay from the rich asshole Winery. Image via Eli Christman/Creative Commons.
Given that President some rich asshole used the tragic death of Heather Heyer at the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia earlier this year to plug the winery his family owns in the same city, one writer (with the help of a wine expert) endeavored to try the wines.
As Corby Kummer wrote in Vanity Fair, there appear to be only two restaurants that sell the rich asshole wines — the restaurant at the controversial the rich asshole International Hotel in Washington, DC, and the rich asshole Grill in the president’s Manhattan tower. Kummer and his friend, who he describes only as a “nationally known wine expert,” dined together at the former — where the waiter appeared embarrassed at having to sell the president’s wine.
“We sell these because we have to,” the waiter reportedly said with a “theatrical eye-roll.”
The 2015 rich asshole Meritage tasted like “Welch’s grape jelly with alcohol,” Kummer’s expert friend said. “A terrible, fumy, alcoholic nose. If I served you that on an airline you’d be mad.”
Of the winery’s sparkling “blanc de blanc,” the expert was a bit more equivocal: “It’s fine.”
“It doesn’t offend,” he continued. “I’d get drunk on it at a wedding.” After a pause, he added: “let’s be honest, I’d get drunk on anything at a wedding.”
the rich asshole may look like he's failing, but he's getting powerful right-wing judges installed at an unprecedented rate
the rich asshole has set a record for the most appellate judges confirmed in a president’s first year in office
While President some rich asshole for most of the year struggled on the legislative front, his administration was quietly succeeding at nominating and installing powerful right-wing judges at an unprecedented rate for a president’s first year in office.
With the US Senate’s confirmation of a 12th circuit court judge earlier this month, the rich asshole set a record for the most appellate judges confirmed in a president’s first year. His predecessor, former President Barack Obama, was able to get three confirmed during his first year as President.
Each nomination seems to be aimed at shifting the US’s judiciary system ideologically to the right. And the administration’s ability to have gotten so many of its appellate nominees confirmed is particularly important given that appellate courts are where thousands of cases in the federal courts meet their ends because they will never make it onto the Supreme Court’s limited docket.
It should be kept in mind that even though the rich asshole has succeeded in getting at least 12 appellate judges confirmed this year, there are 179 appellate court judgeships overall. He has changed the composition of the US’s appellate courts by only 6.7 per cent.
He also hasn’t managed yet to tip the balance on a single appellate court from majority-Democratic appointees to majority-Republican appointees, according to Vox, meaning the rich asshole administration’s effects on particular courts have been minimal so far.
But the situation could worsen for liberals if Republicans maintain their Senate majority during next year’s mid-term elections. By the end of his first term, the rich asshole could conceivably have handpicked more than 30 per cent of the nation’s federal judges, experts say.
Democrats have accused Republicans of “rubber-stamping” the rich asshole’s judicial nominees and say the party has made it easier for the President to stack the courts in their advantage.
Dan Goldberg, the legal director of the Alliance for Justice – a progressive judicial advocacy group in the US – told The Independent that Republicans have “bent over backward” to change Senate rules and customs in order “to prevent careful vetting of these nominees”.
He noted that this is evidenced by the decision of Senator Charles Grassley, the Republican chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, to ignore the century-old “blue-slip” practice. While the informal practice was never added to the written committee or chamber rules, for about the past 100 years it has allowed senators to block nominees slated for judgeships in their home states.
“Grassley’s move undermines Democrats’ parliamentary ability to block the rich asshole nominees in the Senate – even when the American Bar Association (ABA) deems the rich asshole’s picks unqualified for the bench, as has happened with four of 58 nominees,” wrote Sarah Binder, a political science professor at George Washington University and a senior fellow at the left-leaning Brookings Institution, in an op-ed for The Washington Post.
“As a result, the rich asshole is likely to nominate candidates more quickly than previous presidents,” she added.
Melania the rich asshole Orders Removal of 200-Year-Old Tree From White House Lawn
The south facade of the White House will be undergoing a historic change this week when the iconic Jackson Magnolia, which has been in place since shortly after Andrew Jackson’s inauguration in 1829 will be coming down. First Lady Melania the rich asshole made the decision to remove the historic magnolia, which extends from the ground floor of the White house past the second-level executive residence, following expert reports that it was too damaged to stay in place, reports CNN.
Specialists at the United States National Arboretum concluded that “the overall architecture and structure of the tree is greatly compromised and the tree is completely dependent on the artificial support.” If it wasn’t for the “extensive cabling system” that props up the tree, it “would have fallen years ago,” according to the document cited by CNN.
It wasn’t an easy decision, according to the rich asshole’s staff. “Mrs. rich asshole personally reviewed the reports from the United States National Arboretum and spoke at length with her staff about exploring every option before making the decision to remove a portion of the Magnolia tree,” the rich asshole’s communications director, Stephanie Grisham, said. “After reviewing the reports, she trusted that every effort had been made to preserve the historic tree and was concerned about the safety of visitors and members of the press who are often standing right in front of the tree during Marine One lifts.”
Melania the rich asshole has reportedly requested that the wood from the tree, which is the oldest on the White House grounds, be preserved. The White house groundkeepers have apparently been preparing for this day and have been growing several offshoots of the tree that are “now somewhere around eight to 10 feet tall,” reports CNN. The plan is that one of those offshoots will eventually be planted in its place so another Jackson Magnolia that was taken directly from the original can grow in the same spot.
BY JOSH DELK - 12/26/17 09:01 AM EST
President the rich asshole on Tuesday lashed out at the FBI and the Clinton campaign on the Russia dossier compiled against him and his 2016 campaign.
"WOW, @foxandfriends 'Dossier is bogus. Clinton Campaign, DNC funded Dossier. FBI CANNOT (after all of this time) VERIFY CLAIMS IN DOSSIER OF RUSSIA/RICH ASSHOLE COLLUSION. FBI TAINTED.' And they used this Crooked Hillary pile of garbage as the basis for going after the rich asshole Campaign!" the rich asshole tweeted, the latest in his ongoing smear on the FBI.
WOW, @foxandfrlends “Dossier is bogus. Clinton Campaign, DNC funded Dossier. FBI CANNOT (after all of this time) VERIFY CLAIMS IN DOSSIER OF RUSSIA/TRUMP COLLUSION. FBI TAINTED.” And they used this Crooked Hillary pile of garbage as the basis for going after the Trump Campaign!
The dossier, a compilation of opposition research against the 2016 rich asshole campaign, was partly funded by Clinton's campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC). It included several incendiary claims against the rich asshole and his campaign that have loomed over his presidency.
While the research for the dossier was originally aimed at finding information on the entire field of GOP candidates, it alleged ties between the rich asshole campaign and Moscow that eventually became the focus of the project.
Some Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee, which has investigated witnesses in connection with the dossier, have begun to probe into the FBI's and Justice Department's handling of the look into the claims included in the document.
BuzzFeed News published the controversial dossier in January, which includes many salacious claims that have not been verified.
the rich asshole has also targeted the FBI in recent weeks for what many Republican lawmakers believe was a biased and politically motivated approach to its investigation of collusion between Russia and the rich asshole campaign.
The Justice Department allowed the House Intelligence Committee earlier this month to interview an FBI employee thought to be an informant to the dossier's leading researcher, amid calls from the rich asshole attorneys for a second special counsel to investigate links between the bureau and the private company that commissioned the dossier research.
The Intelligence Committee has attempted to slap contempt citations on the department and the FBI for its investigation into claims of Russian collusion in the dossier.
FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who is facing new criticisms from the rich asshole for his role in the FBI's probe, testified before the committee last week.
GOP attempting to trick the rich asshole into gutting Medicare and Social Security by making him think it’s ‘welfare reform’

House Speaker Paul Ryan (Gage Skidmore / Flickr)
The Republican-led Congress has a laundry list of legislative necessities they face when they return from the holiday break. However, one of Speaker Paul Ryan’s right-wing fever dreams is to gut Social Security and Medicare. The legislative agenda conflicts with campaign promises President some rich asshole made, assuring Americans he wouldn’t cut any social safety nets.
During a Tuesday morning panel discussion, CNN commentator David Drucker noted that the tea party wing of the GOP won’t have anything to do with the massive infrastructure bill that the rich asshole wants to pass. That leaves the GOP at the mercy of Democrats in passing the bill.
“If they’re going to get help from Democrats in the Senate, which they would need, because it’s a spending bill, Democrats are going to demand all sorts of things,” Drucker said. He noted that the Democrats are “not going to help President the rich asshole and the Republicans govern, help their majorities look good, if they don’t extract significant concessions. But January is really going to be a bear.”
Contributor and RealClearPolitics associate editor A.B. Stoddard agreed, noting the hopes of an $800 billion state-funded infrastructure package isn’t going to make it by the House Freedom Caucus.
“He’s going to need the Democrats,” she said. “And so that’s going to have to be completely bipartisan, because they won’t have back up Republican bills.”
She went on to encourage the GOP to reach out to the other side of the aisle now because issues like hurricane relief, legal actions on DREAMers and the Children’s Health Insurance Program all must be resolved by January 20th, before the infrastructure bill comes close to being proposed..
“Also, that entitlement reform that Paul Ryan wants,” Stoddard began. “They have a euphemism they’ve created, calling it ‘welfare reform,’ because the president ran against never cutting Medicare or Social Security. So, that’s a fight within, again, the Republican party. If he wants to go after food stamps and stuff, the Democrats are not going to be so helpful, I don’t think, on infrastructure.”
The same trick was used in September, when White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney revealed the same tactic.
the rich asshole repeatedly pledged not to cut the programs:
the rich asshole ‘blamed Sessions’ for loss of Alabama Senate seat because he quit to be attorney general: report

Jeff Sessions and some rich asshole (Photos: Gage Skidmore/Flickr and AFP Photo/SAUL LOEB)
President some rich asshole’s difficult relationship with former Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) reportedly became more strained after Republicans lost the Senate seat that he vacated to accept the job of U.S. Attorney General for the rich asshole administration.
The working relationship between the president and attorney general began to crumble soon after Sessions announced early in 2017 that he would recuse himself from the investigation into Russia’s interference in the U.S. election.
According to an Associated Press report that was published on Tuesday, the relationship became further frayed in July when FBI agents raided the home of Paul Manafort, the rich asshole’s former campaign manager.
“Privately, he discussed firing Sessions, but was met with a wave of resistance from his advisers,” the AP reported. “Some warned it would worsen the Russia probe, while Bannon told the president it would hurt with his base supporters, who loved Sessions’ tough-on-crime approach at the Justice Department.”
And although the report notes that Chief of Staff John Kelly tried to repair the relationship, it continued to sour after Republican candidate Roy Moore lost the race for the Senate seat that was vacated by Sessions.
Melania the rich asshole orders removal of 200-year-old tree — the oldest at the White House
December 26, 2017
Sydney Pereira
Posted with permission from Newsweek
The historic Jackson Magnolia has been on the south facade of the White House since the 1800s—making it the oldest on the grounds. But Tuesday, Melania the rich asshole reportedly made the decision to have it removed after tree specialists determined “the overall architecture and structure of the tree is greatly compromised,” reported CNN.
Posted with permission from Newsweek
The historic Jackson Magnolia has been on the south facade of the White House since the 1800s—making it the oldest on the grounds. But Tuesday, Melania the rich asshole reportedly made the decision to have it removed after tree specialists determined “the overall architecture and structure of the tree is greatly compromised,” reported CNN.
CNN obtained documents from specialists at the United States National Arboretum, which determined the magnolia tree must be removed. The tree is “completely dependent on artificial support,” the document read.
The document said: “Without the extensive cabling system, the tree would have fallen years ago. Presently, and very concerning, the cabling system is failing on the east trunk, as a cable has pulled through the very thin layer of wood that remains. It is difficult to predict when and how many more will fail.”
A White House official told CNN that the First Lady made the decision after reviewing and assessing professional information and historical documents. The tree is expected to be removed later this week. White House groundskeepers were prepared for the tree’s demise, however, and offshoots of the original Jackson Magnolia have been growing nearby. The offshoots are around eight to 10 feet tall and will be planted in the original tree’s place, according to CNN.
Documentation reviewed by CNN revealed the Jackson Magnolia has had apparent damage as far as five decades back. Three trunks of the tree grew from the base—tangling together in a mess of shared bark. One of those trunks was removed leaving an exposed cavity that was filled with cement. Back in the 1970s, this was the standard procedure in this circumstance. The concrete, however, permanently damaged the tree. By 1981, a large pole and cable system were installed and hold up the tree today.
The document from the United States National Arboretum also noted that “the high winds resulting from frequent helicopter landings complicates the future of the [west limb],” saying that it “may fail in an unpredictable way.”
“We understand this is a historic tree, and all measures have been used to save it to this point in time. While we cannot comment on the need to preserve the tree as long as it stands, we believe eventually, the tree will fail.”
The history of the tree stretches as far back as former President Andrew Jackson—who brought the tree from his farm, Hermitage, in Tennessee, according to CNN. Jackson’s wife, Rachel, died days after the 1828 presidential election. Following his inauguration, it is believed that Jackson wanted the magnolia tree planted in honor of his wife’s death.
The tree was featured on the back of the $20 bill between 1928 and 1998. A 1994 single-engine plane crash damaged the magnolia by slicing off one of its branches. Last year, former President Barack Obama brought a seedling as a gift to the people of Cuba—which wasn’t the first time replanted seedlings have been gifted. It has been the backdrop of events from state arrival ceremonies and Marine One departures and arrivals to Easter Egg Rolls. As CNN pointed out, the tree ironically stands behind where the press is located during these events.
the rich asshole booster blows his top after he’s teased about his blood pressure during frantic attack on FBI

Paris Dennard vs. former Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter (Photo: Screen capture)
CNN political commentator Paris Dennard is notorious for letting his opposition get under his skin. Tuesday’s panel discussion about the notorious the rich asshole dossier did exactly that.
After several false claims by Dennard, CNN host Pamela Brown was forced to correct the record on some of the comments about special counsel Bob Mueller’s investigation into the rich asshole campaign’s possible collusion with Russia. Dennard argued that the FBI along with Mueller’s team is obviously biased, based on the texts one investigator sent blasting a slew of politicians on both sides of the aisle.
Brown asked former Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter if Dennard has a point that the investigation was tainted.
“No. Other than his blood pressure being up this morning, that’s straight out of the usual talking points,” Nutter said.
Dennard took immediate offense, cutting in to say his blood pressure was fine.
“Hey, Paris? Hey, Paris? Happy holidays to you,” Nutter commented, smirking.
“My blood pressure’s fine,” Dennard said again before shouting “Merry Christmas” and demanding Nutter not “talk about my health.”
“Calm down, brother,” Nutter chimed back.
“Don’t ‘Brother, calm down‘ me!” Dennard shouted. “Don’t talk about somebody’s health. My blood pressure is not high. Finish your point if you have one.”
Nutter went on to note that at least four people have been indicted from the rich asshole’s team, one of whom was the former National Security Director who had access to sensitive security and defense information. Indictments, according to Nutter, don’t come out of fake investigations or political talking points.
the rich asshole goes golfing after declaring ‘it’s back to work’ and Tweets and Breaks The Law He’s In Trouble
In a Christmas Day Twitter message, President the rich asshole declared “tomorrow it’s back to work” to make America great again, but by 9 a.m. Tuesday the presidential motorcade was pulling into his Florida golf resort.
The president, who is on a 10-day vacation at his luxury Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach for the holidays, spent the morning on the links with Republican Sen. David Perdue of Georgia, Bryson DeChambau, a professional golfer, and Dana Quigley, a former pro, at the nearby the rich asshole International Golf Club.
The president, who has said he’s on a “working vacation” during the holidays, assured his 45 million Twitter followers on Christmas Day that he would keep his nose to the grindstone.
“I hope everyone is having a great Christmas, then tomorrow it’s back to work in order to Make America Great Again (which is happening faster than anyone anticipated)! ,” he posted on Twitter.
His official schedule did not include any additional public events for Tuesday.
the rich asshole and his family arrived at Mar-a-Lago on Friday and he headed to the golf resort on Saturday for a round with three professional golfers.
The duffer-in-chief last month played with golf legend Jack Nicklaus at his West Palm Beach resort.
He’s also teed it up in the past with Tiger Woods, Dustin Johnson and Brad Faxon.
Although he said during the campaign that if he was elected president he would have to give up the game because “I’m going to be working for you,” a review of his first year in office shows he spent nearly a third of his time away from the White House at one of his properties.
The Wall Street Journal in a report on Monday found that the rich asshole has visited his properties 100 times, including spending 40 days at his golf resort in Bedminster, NJ, and 40 days at Mar-a-Lago .
US President some rich asshole may be in hot water yet again for his controversial tweets. A former White House lawyer has stated that the rich asshole’s tweets could be construed as witness intimidation. “Normally, someone being investigated for obstruction of justice who intimidates and threatens three key witnesses against him (here Comey, McCabe and Baker) risks additional witness tampering charges,” tweeted Norm Eisen. Eisen served as special assistant for ethics and government reform under President Barack Obama.
Eisen’s voice is one of a handful of informed specialists who have noted that the rich asshole’s tweets are less than professional. Richard Painter a professor at University of Minnesota law school tweeted, “Using Twitter on Christmas Eve to intimidate a witness (McCabe) in a criminal investigation is not a very Christian way to celebrate the holiday.”
In a flurry of tweets, the rich asshole referred to FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. He claimed that Mr. McCabe’s wife had received a donation of $700,000 from “puppets” of Hillary Clinton. He also reiterated his claim that former FBI Director James Comey had leaked a memo to a friend who could then leak it to the press. He also spoke of outgoing FBI General Counsel James Baker, noting that Fox News had said that he had been reassigned.
The problem for President the rich asshole is that these men may be called as witnesses to the special investigation being held by Special Counsel Robert Mueller. This is a fact that the rich asshole has to be aware of and these attacks could be looked at very disapprovingly. Indeed it seemed that the barrage of tweets came out of nowhere. Perhaps it was another indication of the rich asshole’s seeming mental decline. It has been noted that the president appears to be far from the sharp operator that entered the White House. Perhaps the rich asshole is working on a defense of diminished capacity due to his health. If so, he’s doing a fine job of impersonating someone with failing faculties.
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‘Proof that intelligence skips a generation’: Internet hammers Flynn Jr for absurd defense of the rich asshole’s golfing

Michael Flynn Jr., left, with his father Michael Flynn (Screen cap).
The namesake son of disgraced former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn attempted to defend President some rich asshole’s constant golfing in office as helpful for conducting business.
Michael Flynn, Jr was ousted from the rich asshole’s transition last December for pushing the “pizzagate” conspiracy theory on social media about a pedophilia ring being run out of the nonexistent basement of a DC area pizzeria.
Special counsel Robert Mueller is also investigating the Flynn family’s alleged plot to kidnap a Muslim cleric for an extraordinary rendition in return for $15 million. Flynn, Jr is also reported to be under investigation by the special counsel for his work for the Flynn Intel Group, his father’s lobbying company.
Flynn, Jr’s social media mistakes were so legendary that his father started a secret Twitter account he used to tell his son to shut up.
“The ability to speak several languages is an asset, but the ability to keep your mouth shut in any language is priceless!” read a meme Flynn tweeted at his son.
The latest scandal began with a tweet from Allan Smith, senior politics reporter for Business Insider, updating the tally of the rich asshole’s golfing during office, showing that 25.6 percent of the president’s days in office have been spent at golf courses.
Michael Flynn, Jr had the political wherewithal to realize how damning the number looked for the rich asshole administration and took it upon himself to defend the president’s use of time.
The Associated Press reports the rich asshole is golfing Tuesday with PGA player Bryson DeChambeau, former Senior PGA player Dana Quigley and Sen. David Perdue (R-GA). Saturday the rich asshole golfed with PGA players Justin Thomas, Daniel Berger and Jim Herman.
As has been consistent with Flynn, Jr’s social media mistakes, there was immediate fact-checking and harsh criticism.
Here are some of the top responses:
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