Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen is sounding the alarm: the rich asshole is blowing up her party.
The number of retiring House Republicans has now hit 31 — the largest mass midterm exodus by a single party since Democrats fled from Newt Gingrich’s House takeover in 1994.
Latest to retire is California Rep. Darrell Issa, the former House Oversight Chairman, along with his fellow Orange County colleague Rep. Ed Royce.
These retirements are driven by a real fear of political retribution, as Florida Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen — who is retiring from a seat the GOP considers unwinnable — explained to The Hill reporter Scott Wong.
“In many districts like Darrell’s and mine, having President the rich asshole, an ever-present figure, is a drag on the ticket,” she said. “The rich asshole symbol, the rich asshole brand and some rich asshole himself is a drag on moderate tickets.”
Ros-Lehtinen is no doubt correct that the rich asshole is killing Republican chances in well-off, educated suburbs that traditionally leaned red.
In 2016, even as Southern California GOP congressmen retained their districts, Orange County voted Democratic in the presidential race for the first time since the Great Depression. Now, most of the down-ballot Republicans there are down in the polls, too.
But it would be overly simplistic for GOP lawmakers to chalk up the entirety of their failures to the rich asshole. Their own legislative priorities have been tremendously unpopular.
In Virginia, for example, voters who rejected Republican gubernatorial candidate Ed Gillespie cited not just the rich asshole, but also his party’s attacks on health care. It was the agenda of the Republican congressional leaders Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell, which these voters were rejecting as well.
Essentially, this political environment is hostile to Republicans on all fronts. And the frantic dash to leave office ahead of the storm proves that they know it.
the rich asshole’s press secretary did not bother to read the poll she was touting.
some rich asshole and his inner circle have repeatedly expressed frustration that voters are not crediting them for the state of the economy.
But the reason is not that complicated. And on Wednesday evening, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders accidentally admitted that reason when she tweeted out the latest Quinnipiac University poll:
The problem is that if you dig deeper into the Quinnipiac poll, voters say, by a margin of 49 percent to 40 percent, the strong economy was the doing of President Barack Obama.
Indeed, the rich asshole entered office with the tail end of the longest uninterrupted stretch of private sector job growth ever recorded, and this year’s job growth, while robust, is still the lowest in six years.
Job growth was always bound to slow somewhat this year, because we were already approaching full employment. However, at least some causes of the job slowdown are directly attributable to the rich asshole, including the decline in tourism revenue.
Moreover, none of the policies from the rich asshole and his allies that were supposed to deliver jobs have had any success so far.
The Indiana Carrier plant, which Mike Pence gave a huge tax break in one of his final acts as governor, is shedding hundreds of jobs it was supposed to keep. The coal industry, which the rich asshole said he could “bring back” by gutting environmental regulations, is still in decline. And many of the same companies that pretended they were giving bonuses to workers because of the GOP tax scam are also planning big layoffs.
With all that in mind, voters are rightly skeptical about crediting the rich asshole for the state of the economy. And Sarah Sanders, who apparently did not bother to read the finer details in the Quinnipiac poll, failed to notice this.
some rich asshole went golfing nearly 100 times in 2017, but he never found time to visit American troops in combat zones. Now, some American veterans are hitting him hard for ignoring them.
the rich asshole boasts about wanting to spend lavishly to increase the military’s budget, but to date he has refused to visit to places like Afghanistan and Iraq, where an estimated 20,000 U.S. troops are still stationed.
the rich asshole, who has bragged about being a three-sport athlete in high school, suddenly developed bone spurs when he became eligible for the draft during the Vietnam War. In total, he received five deferments and avoided serving in the military. Nearly 60,000 Americans were killed in the Vietnam War.
Years later, the rich asshole joked with R-rated radio host Howard Stern that his own “personal” Vietnam had been his sex life in 1980s New York, and how he was “lucky” not to contract an STI.
Previous American presidents have all made a point of visiting U.S. troops inside combat zones. Barack Obama visited them in Afghanistan just three months into his first term as president. He returned there three more times as president.
The call for the rich asshole to visit combat troops was recently raised by author Gregg Zoroya. Writing in USA Today, he urged the rich asshole to do his duty:
Troops serving in combat speak of a shared, nagging sense that, apart from family and friends, most Americans back home seem oblivious or have forgotten that U.S. military members are still risking their lives overseas. But this sentiment melts away for the moment when the commander in chief comes calling.
At home, the rich asshole regularly, and shamelessly, exploits the grief of military families for attempted political gain. And this summer, he was caught disrespecting American troops when he talked through the playing of the “Retreat” bugle call inside a hangar at the Air National Guard base in Pennsylvania, during a self-congratulatory interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity.
Meanwhile, the rich asshole continues to keep an amazingly light work schedule, which is often punctuated by long vacation trips to one of his luxury resort properties; trips that are often filled with leisurely, daily rounds of golf.
Visiting the troops just isn’t a priority for him.
Posted on January 11, 2018
the rich asshole just praised the sale of a non-existent fighter jet during a joint press conference with the Norwegian prime minister.
During a press conference this past weekend with Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg, President the rich asshole boasted about a supposed U.S. delivery of “F-52” warplanes to the Norwegian government. As it turns out, F-52s only exist in the video game Call of Duty.
“In November we started delivering the first F-52s and F-35 fighter jets,” the rich asshole said during the press conference. “We have a total of 52 and they’ve delivered a number of them already a little ahead of schedule.”
From The Washington Post:
the rich asshole lauded the sale of the fictional planes alongside Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg at the White House on Wednesday, remarking on the very real and growing defense relationship with America’s Northern Europe ally.…the rich asshole was reading from a statement, and it appears he combined the figure of 52 planes with the “F” designation assigned to fighter jets in the U.S. inventory, such as the F-35 Lightning II.
Watch The Washington Post’s report on the story below:
Featured image via
By Eli Watkins and Abby Phillip, CNN
Updated 8:16 PM ET, Thu January 11, 2018
Washington (CNN) President some rich asshole expressed frustration behind closed doors with people coming to the US from "shithole countries," sources told CNN on Thursday.
One of the sources briefed on the Thursday Oval Office meeting with lawmakers confirmed the rich asshole asked, "Why do we want all these people from 'shithole countries' coming here?"
A person familiar with the meeting said Illinois Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin and South Carolina GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham brought a plan to the rich asshole that involved cutting the visa lottery in half and, at the behest of the Congressional Black Caucus, the rest would go to underrepresented countries in Africa and Temporary Protective Status nations, including Haiti. The person said the language was salty on both sides.
One person briefed on the meeting said when Durbin got to Haiti, the rich asshole began to ask why we want people from Haiti and more Africans in the US and added that the US should get more people from countries like Norway.
A person familiar with what was said at the meeting told CNN that the rich asshole also said: "Why do we need more Haitians? Take them out."
the rich asshole was taping a message in the State Dining Room on Thursday afternoon for Martin Luther King Jr. Day as the story was breaking, an official said. Another official said the rich asshole expressed to aides within the hour that the media was blowing his comment of proportion.
The Washington Post first reported on the rich asshole's comments in the Oval Office meeting, which the Post said "shocked" lawmakers in attendance.
Reached for comment about the article, White House spokesperson Raj Shah did not deny the "shithole" remark, but instead said in a statement that the rich asshole "is fighting for permanent solutions that make our country stronger by welcoming those who can contribute to our society, grow our economy and assimilate into our great nation."
One of the sources told CNN that White House adviser Stephen Miller was at the meeting, and White House chief of staff John Kelly attended part but probably not all of the meeting.
The rich asshole administration late last year announced it would end the TPS designation for Haiti, a move that could affect tens of thousands of Haitian immigrants. Likewise, the Department of Homeland Security on Monday announced it would end protections more than 200,000 Salvadorans, and on Thursday the White House rejected a bipartisan immigration proposal, including a fix for people protected under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.
A White House official told CNN the President's "shithole" remark is being received much differently inside of the White House than it is outside. The official said that although this might enrage Washington, staffers predict the comment would resonate with the rich asshole's base, similarly to how the rich asshole's attacks on NFL players kneeling during the National Anthem did.
Neal Katyal, a lead lawyer challenging the rich asshole's attempts to impose a travel ban on mostly Muslim nations, has argued the travel ban reveals a discriminatory intent on the President's part, and responded to news of the rich asshole's comment in light of the ongoing legal battle.
"As I put the finishing touches on the travel ban brief to the Supreme Court tonight, the President's words remind us again of how his un-American racist ideology impacts policy," Katyal said.
The White House denied similarly derogatory remarks in December, when The New York Times reported the rich asshole said during a meeting in June that people coming from Haiti "all have AIDS," that recent Nigerian immigrants would never "go back to their huts" in Africa and that Afghanistan is a terrorist haven.
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders denied at the time that the rich asshole had made the comments and cited denials from several of the meeting's attendees.
CNN's Pamela Brown, Lauren Fox, Jeff Zeleny, Kaitlin Collins and Ariane De Vogue contributed to this report.
BY AVERY ANAPOL - 01/11/18 04:44 PM EST
President the rich asshole reportedly referred to immigrants from Haiti and African countries as coming from “shithole countries” on Thursday.
the rich asshole made the comment in an Oval Office meeting with lawmakers during a discussion of protections for immigrants from several countries, according to The Washington Post.
“Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” the rich asshole said, according to multiple people briefed on the meeting.
He reportedly suggested the U.S. should bring in more immigrants from countries such as Norway.
Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) and Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) were present at the meeting and were surprised by the comments, according to the Post.
“Certain Washington politicians choose to fight for foreign countries, but President the rich asshole will always fight for the American people,” White House spokesman Raj Shah said when asked to comment on the Post story, before outlining the rich asshole's requirements for an immigration deal.
“The president will only accept an immigration deal that adequately addresses the visa lottery system and chain migration — two programs that hurt our economy and allow terrorists into our country," the spokesman said. "Like other nations that have merit-based immigration, President the rich asshole is fighting for permanent solutions that make our country stronger by welcoming those who can contribute to our society, grow our economy and assimilate into our great nation. He will always reject temporary, weak and dangerous stopgap measures that threaten the lives of hardworking Americans and undercut immigrants who seek a better life in the United States through a legal pathway.”
the rich asshole has been quoted criticizing immigrants from these countries in the past. The New York Times reported in December he once suggested Haitian immigrants “all have AIDS,” and Nigerian immigrants would never “go back to their huts” if granted entrance to the U.S.
The White House denied those allegations at the time.
In the meeting, lawmakers reportedly floated reinstating Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for countries that have been removed from the program as part of an immigration deal.
Earlier this month, the rich asshole administration announced it would end TPS for more than 260,000 immigrants from El Salvador.
the rich asshole campaigned on a hardline immigration stance and has tried to enforce limits through his travel ban, which has been challenged multiple times in courts.
Updated 5:15 p.m.
BY KATIE BO WILLIAMS - 01/11/18 03:56 PM EST
In three hours, the House was set to vote on controversial legislation renewing the National Security Agency’s warrantless surveillance program.
The White House was actively whipping votes on the bill, which would extend a program that senior officials say is critical to keeping America safe from terror plots. Getting the program renewed with as few changes as possible had been the intelligence community’s No. 1 legislative priority for the past year.
Then, at 7:33 a.m., President the rich asshole tweeted.
“‘House votes on controversial FISA ACT today.’ This is the act that may have been used, with the help of the discredited and phony Dossier, to so badly surveil and abuse the rich asshole Campaign by the previous administration and others?” the rich asshole tapped out.
Suddenly, Capitol Hill was thrown into confusion before what was already expected to be a tight vote.
After months of lobbying by the administration for a renewal of the surveillance program, it appeared that the president himself was throwing his weight behind an amendment to impose new privacy limitations on the government.
Supporters of the amendment immediately blasted out the tweet to rally support for the proposal. Democrats launched an ill-fated effort to pull the underlying bill from the floor. Members walking onto the floor to vote, asked for their predictions, threw their hands up and said, “No idea!”
“There were people on the fence, there were friends of mine on the fence that I’ve been working — when that first tweet came out, I got a couple texts from some of my friends saying ‘I’m voting no, because if he doesn’t care I don’t care,’” said Rep. Tom Rooney (R-Fla.), a member of the House Intelligence Committee who backed the underlying legislation.
An hour and a half later, the rich asshole issued a second tweet clarifying his position.
At the time, Republicans were holding a contentious meeting on the bill behind closed doors. The House Freedom Caucus and a few other privacy-minded members have been fiercely opposed to renewing the program without the changes proposed in the amendment, from Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.).
“We were getting a minute-by-minute update. ‘Hey, there’s another one!’” said Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.), reenacting the incident for reporters. “People were laughing about it.”
In the second tweet, the rich asshole essentially said that he was in favor of the underlying bill but against the amendment. He also noted that he separately was taking action to change the rules for the “unmasking” of officials caught up on wiretaps.
the rich asshole tweeted that he “has personally directed the fix to the unmasking process since taking office and today’s vote is about foreign surveillance of foreign bad guys on foreign land.”
The White House had already expected a fierce fight on the amendment before the rich asshole put his own position briefly into question.
The amendment opposed by the administration had passed the House twice before, under former President Barack Obama, and as late as Wednesday night officials were still making calls to try to sway uncertain members. White House chief of staff John Kelly was on the Hill Thursday to rally support.
In the end, the House voted to renew the program with a few small changes. Although some members had expected the tally to be close, the controversial amendment went down by 50 votes.
The vote was a pivotal moment in the battle over surveillance and privacy, dampening the hopes of those who wanted to limit the government’s powers.
Although Sens. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) have vowed to filibuster the bill, the upper chamber is expected to swiftly take up and pass it. And despite the first tweet, the rich asshole is expected to sign it.
House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) spoke to the rich asshole after the initial tweet, but after the vote he batted down questions from reporters about whether the rich asshole understood what the House was voting on and how his tweets sowed confusion on Capitol Hill.
“We speak on an almost daily basis. It’s well known that he has concerns about the domestic FISA law, but that’s not what we’re doing today. Today, we’re doing 702, which is a different part of that law,” Ryan said.
“He knows that, and he I think put out something that clarified that. And his administration's position has been clear from day one, which is 702 is really important; it's got to be renewed.”
Supporters of the surveillance program have repeatedly complained that issues such as unmasking have been conflated with Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, a law authorizing the government to spy on foreigners overseas.
Unmasking isn’t covered by Section 702, which allows the government to use any information they “incidentally” collect on Americans who are corresponding with legitimate foreign targets. Critics of the program say that investigators should have to seek a warrant before searching the database for American targets.
The two issues became politically linked last year when the president tweeted that the Obama administration had “wiretapped” his campaign at the rich asshole Tower. Republicans have long speculated that former national security adviser Michael Flynn was caught up in 702 surveillance and inappropriately unmasked by Obama administration officials.
“There are FISA issues swirling around that have absolutely nothing to do with 702,” Rep. Mike Conaway (R-Texas) said before the vote. “Those are being used by opponents, those who want it to go dark, in a perfectly legitimate debate technique to try to muddy the waters.”
“I think the president’s instincts are great and I think he understands that all the evidence points to the fact that it sure looks like the FBI systematically went after him — so he’s concerned about all these possible infringements on the Fourth Amendment,” said Rep. Jim Jordan(R-Ohio), a Freedom Caucus member who supported the amendment.
Melanie Zanona and Scott Wong contributed.
Is the rich asshole profiting from the presidency?
January 11, 2018
Leah Thomas
Posted with permission from Newsweek
Congress must begin a "serious investigation" into whether President Donald Trump's business empire is violating the Constitution's ban on receiving gifts from foreign governments, a group of House Democrats said Thursday.
In a letter to House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy, the group of 17 Democrats said that the Trump Organization has failed to turn over documents relating to his foreign business deals—and demanded that the committee use its subpoena power and conduct a “serious investigation” of Trump’s possible violations of the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution.
"Over the past year, President Trump and his attorneys have stalled virtually any credible oversight, and unfortunately our Committee has done nothing to push back on these efforts," the letter stated.
The Emoluments Clause bars federal officials from accepting a payment or gift from a foreign government. Just before taking office, then President-elect Trump had promised to cede control of the Trump Organization to his sons Eric and Donald Jr., but the company continues to profit from foreign business. He also promised to donate any foreign profits from his Washington, D.C. hotel to the public—but the Trump Organization later said that it would not ask guests at the Trump International Hotel if they are using money from foreign governments.
It is unclear if the president is making the promised donations, Democrats said in the letter, which called on Gowdy to subpoena the Trump Organization to hand over all documents "referring or related to" the empire’s financial transactions with foreign governments.
"There is no longer any reason for the Trump Organization to continue defying our Committee's request for documents and a briefing," the letter stated.
The hotel is just one of the Trump Organization's major dealings with foreigners. Since taking office just one year ago, Trump has reportedly sold more than $35 million in real estate to secret buyers.
It is unclear whether Gowdy will address the Democratic committee members' concerns. The South Carolina Republican led the lengthy Benghazi investigation that some say was designed to damage Hillary Clinton's presidential aspirations. More recently, his Oversight Committee is investigating the FBI's decision to not charge the former Secretary of State for the use of her private email server.
Last year, several groups sued Trump claiming his foreign profits amounted to a "gift" under the Emoluments Clause, but the suit was dismissed by U.S. District Court Judge George Daniels, who ruled that the plaintiffs did not have standing and that the issue should be up to Congress to decide.
BY JORDAIN CARNEY - 01/11/18 01:38 PM EST
A bipartisan group of senators says they have clinched a deal to provide protections to young immigrants known as Dreamers, but are facing pushback from President the rich asshole and GOP leadership.
Sens. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) and Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) said Thursday the group of six senators has locked down an agreement amongst themselves on pairing a fix for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program with a border security package.
"We've got this bipartisan group. We are at a deal. ... It's the only game in town," Flake told reporters.
But Durbin and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) were told during a Thursday meeting with President the rich asshole at the White House that he was not ready to sign on to the bill.
"We were hoping for that, but the president is not prepared to do that at this moment," Durbin said when asked if they wanted the president's support before they moved forward with their agreement.
Press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, during a press briefing, said, "There has not been a deal reached yet. However, we still think we can get there and we are very focused on trying to make sure that happens."
The group of senators holding the talks — which also includes Democratic Sens. Michael Bennet (Colo.) and Bob Menendez (N.J.) and Republican Sen. Cory Gardner (Colo.) — has been negotiating for months on a deal that would include a fix for DACA.
Their bill is expected to include legalization for DACA recipients, known as Dreamers, as well as a border security package and changes to the State Department's diversity visa lottery program and family-based immigration policies.
Those four parameters are in line with what the rich asshole and lawmakers agreed to during a White House meeting earlier this week.
The six senators said in a joint statement Thursday afternoon they have reached an agreement, which would include a path to citizenship.
"President the rich asshole called on Congress to solve the DACA challenge. ... We are now working to build support for that deal in Congress," they said.
Durbin said the bill would include a pathway to citizenship not only for current DACA recipients, but other immigrants in the country illegally who would qualify for the program.
Meanwhile, Flake indicated that any changes to family-based immigration would be narrowly focused to the current DACA population and their family members, and not apply, as some Republicans want, to the entire immigration population.
Flake also said senators had discussed reallocating some of the State Department's diversity lottery visas to people who have Temporary Protected Status (TPS), a program the rich asshole administration has been scaling back.
Both Flake and Durbin have declined to discuss specific border security numbers. But Durbin indicated Wednesday night that the border security package would include funding for fencing and barriers, but also technology.
Durbin confirmed that he believed the group has an agreement and they are "working to get support from the other senators, on both sides of the aisle, and we won't be releasing draft or final version at least through the weekend."
Flake added that members of the working group will try to line up more co-sponsors before releasing details of their deal.
"We're shopping it among our colleagues," he said. "We got a few others already said they'll sign on and we're working on others before we release details of it."
Staffers for Durbin, Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) and Reps. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) and Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) are expected to meet Thursday as part of separate discussions to figure out a path forward.
"Kevin McCarthy asked for a chance to move forward. ... We'll work with him to see what we can achieve," Durbin said.
Still, the White House suggested the emerging Senate agreement was not something the rich asshole would accept, even though the president on Tuesday suggested he would sign whatever immigration bill lawmakers sent to his desk.
Marc Short, the White House director of legislative affairs, said the president has not signed on to the agreement and that there is a "long ways to go."
He added that the White House is "not looking for DACA to be the DREAM Act" — referring to the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act that provides a path to citizenship.
Short added the president wants changes to "chain migration" to go broader than just impacting the DACA population, a potential hurdle from the bipartisan Senate group's deal.
"I think we're pleased that bipartisan members are talking ... but I still think there's a ways to go," he said.
GOP Sens. Tom Cotton (Ark.) and David Perdue (Ga.), McCarthy and Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) — who have not been part of the bipartisan Senate talks — were also part of Thursday's White House meeting.
Cornyn said a message had been delivered that the bipartisan group would not be able to single-handedly decide what the final DACA agreement is.
"I think what the president told them is its fine for them to negotiate ... but what they need to do is share that with others so it will have broad enough support to actually get passed," he said.
The rich asshole administration announced last year that they were ending the DACA program, giving Congress a March deadline to codify the Obama-era program into law.
Both sides have appeared sympathetic to DACA recipients, but Congress has struggled to come up with a broad agreement that could win enough support to overcome likely pushback from conservatives as well as progressive Democrats.
Goodlatte was part of a group of House Republicans who introduced their own proposal this week, but that bill is unlikely to be able to win over enough support to pass the Senate.
- Alex Bolton contributed
Fox News tries to downplay the rich asshole’s ‘sh*thole’ racism: ‘There are so many more offensive things in the world’

Fox News host Jesse B. Waters. Image via screengrab.
While left-leaning media struggled with whether or not to call President some rich asshole a racist after he claimed African nations and Haiti are “sh*thole countries,” Fox News began working to make the off-the-cuff remarks seem like less of a big deal.
“This doesn’t move the needle at all,” Jesse B. Waters, host of The Five, said. “This is who the rich asshole is. He doesn’t care. He shoots from the hip.”
“If he offends some people, fine,” he continued. “There’s so many more offensive things that are happening in this world.”
Watch below:
‘I’m a proud sh*tholer’: CNN’s Phil Mudd loses it with the rich asshole ‘growing this country on the backbone of bigotry’

Phil Mudd (Photo: screen capture)
CNN analyists and former CIA officer Phil Mudd lost it when the news broke about President some rich asshole’s comments about “sh*thole countries” like Haiti and African countries being less than places like Norway.
During a panel discussion about the president’s remarks, Mudd told host Wolf Blitzer to hold his ears and that his response was personal. Mudd called himself a “proud sh*tholer” as a descendent of family members who “were called wops and mackerel-eaters” when they came to the United States.
“A century ago we called people slant eyes … and now they’re a backbone of this country,” Mudd continued. “In the 1940s, we called people traitors because they came from a sh*thole country called Japan and were ashamed.”
“We called people spicks and wetbacks,” he went on. “The president is growing this country on the backbone of bigotry that comes from when I saw my family called spicks, wops and wetbacks. We should be ashamed. we’ve learned way too many lessons and history will tell you, if you don’t read history, you’ll repeat them. That’s what our president did for us today.”
Watch the full video below:
Here are 5 pundits who danced around calling the rich asshole a ‘racist’ for his ‘sh*thole countries’ remark

President some rich asshole (Screenshot)
Immediately after news broke that President some rich asshole reportedly said immigrants from Haiti and African nations come from “sh*thole countries,” pundits exploded in outrage — but many fell short of calling the president himself a racist.
Below are five reporters and pundits who danced around naming the racist elephant in the Oval Office.
1. CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta
Known for his snide wit, CNN’s Jim Acosta said the president appears to “harbor racist feelings about people of color from other parts of the world,” but did not continue to flat-out charge him with being racist.
2. CNN political analyst Jeffrey Toobin
Author and political analyst Jeffrey Toobin went so far as to say the rich asshole “has racist views,” and claimed many “dance around that issue,” but did not refer to the president himself as a bigot.
3. CNN chief national security correspondent Jim Scuitto
While Scuitto’s observation that the “sh*thole” comment was “very much in character with how President the rich asshole views people of color,” he did not name him a racist outright.
4. The University of New Hampshire’s Seth Abramson
Abramson’s takeaway on the rich asshole’s racism that informs his immigration and foreign policy stances is how bad it hurts the United States — and not how it proves further the president is a bigot.
5. This group of lawmakers
According to lawmakers who spoke to POLITICO’s Christiano Lima, the rich asshole’s comments are “breathtakingly offensive,” “unforgivable” and “ignorant” — but not purely racist.
CNN panel goes off the rails when reporters demand sources for ‘feelings’ from far-right commentators

Rich Lowry of the National Review and April Ryan of Urban Radio (Photo: Screen capture)
A CNN panel went completely off the rails when conservatives Rich Lowry of the “National Review” and Paris Dennard seemingly began to make up facts while reporters read verified statistics.
The fight began after President some rich asshole was quoted saying that he didn’t want people coming from “sh*thole countries” like Haiti and African nations.
White House corespondent April Ryan of Urban Radio read data about immigrants from African countries and the extensive education that many of those immigrants have when they come to the United States.
“Black immigrants are one of the most educated immigrant groups,” Ryan read from the data. “They have more college education and higher rates of degree attainment than any other immigrant group in the United States of America. This is fact. So, the problem is, a lot of times we get into these discussions and start talking ‘what I feel, what I feel.’ People need to deal with fact before they go out there.”
She went on to say that the president sets the tone and is the “moral leader” and that it is unfortunate that he would go this route.
“Unfortunately, we have people on the panel speaking ill-informed about things, about a group he seems not to understand. There are a large portion of people who hail from descendants from these countries,” she continued. “I’m five generations removed from the last known slave in my family. You know, African-Americans or Africans enslaved in America helped build a portion of this country. It’s a slap in the face. That’s why you are hearing from the head of the black caucus, Elijah Cummings. Mia Love from Haiti. This is a very, very serious statement from the president of the United States of America.”
Lowry tried to claim that it’s “very hard for them to succeed in a 21st century economy.” Ryan asked for facts or information that backed up that statement but Lowry couldn’t provide any, instead he said he would “email it” to Ryan.
“I don’t want an email,” she said. “Tell me where you got it.”
Lowry began talking about Mexico, but Ryan broke in to say that her statistics were in reference to the rich asshole’s comments that specifically cited African countries and Haiti.
“I need you to back up your statements with facts, not what you feel,” Ryan said.
Dennard then broke in and said that the only reason the rich asshole mentioned Norway was that the prime minister was in his office yesterday. That comment caused the panel to devolve into absolute chaos.
Watch below:
US will renegotiate NAFTA or pull out: Steve Mnuchin

Steve Mnuchin
Steven Mnuchin, the U.S. treasury secretary, said on Thursday that he expects the United States to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with Canada and Mexico or to pull out of the deal.
“Ambassador (Robert) Lighthizer is doing an amazing job renegotiating NAFTA, and we expect that will be renegotiated or we’ll pull out,” Mnuchin told journalists.
BY MAX GREENWOOD - 01/11/18 04:56 PM EST
President the rich asshole on Friday said a renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) could yield the money to pay for his long-promised wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.
In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, the rich asshole said that a "good deal" in NAFTA negotiations could effectively return enough money to the U.S. to pay for the border wall.
That means Mexico will essentially have paid for the wall, he said.
"They can pay for it indirectly through NAFTA," the rich asshole told the Journal. "We make a good deal on NAFTA, and, say, I’m going to take a small percentage of that money and it’s going toward the wall. Guess what? Mexico’s paying."
Since the earliest days of his presidential campaign, the rich asshole insisted he would build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico as a way to stymie the flow of immigrants — and that Mexico would pay for the project.
Mexican officials have rebuffed that suggestion. Under spending plans submitted to Congress last week, the rich asshole administration wants $18 billion over the next 10 years to pay for the wall.
the rich asshole also told the Journal that he was prepared to pull out of NAFTA altogether if the U.S., Canada and Mexico are unable to reach a fair deal, which he called a "the rich asshole deal."
The rich asshole administration began renegotiating the trilateral trade deal last year, and discussions are set to enter their sixth round this month. the rich asshole told the Journal that he was leaving the negotiations "a little bit flexible” for the time being, because of Mexico's upcoming presidential election.
“I understand that a lot of things are hard to negotiate prior to an election,” the rich asshole said. “They have an election coming up fairly shortly. I understand that makes it a little bit difficult for them.”
Fox News executives privately view the rich asshole ‘as this crazy person who calls all the time’: report

some rich asshole during CNN debate (Photo: Screen capture via video)
It was revealed recently that President some rich asshole watches between four and eight hours of cable news each day. He typically comes into the office after 11 a.m. and is known for tweeting about his favorite show “Fox and Friends.”
One report, however, claims the rich asshole and Fox News are stuck in a positive feedback loop in which both are promoting each other and verifying each other’s opinions. Now that Roger Ailes is gone, “Vanity Fair” argues that the president is the new programmer for the network.
Conversations about the future of Fox have brought executives, producers, and hosts to see the rich asshole as a kind of “looming figure” over the network.
“When you worked at Fox, you knew that at any moment Roger Ailes was watching. Every day was like a job interview with Ailes. Now it’s the same way for the rich asshole,” a Fox News contributor said.
“What he usually does is he’ll call after a show and say, ‘I really enjoyed that,’” a former Fox anchor said. “The highest compliment is, ‘I really learned something.’ Then you know he got a new policy idea.”
While the rich asshole doesn’t dictate talking points as Ailes did, the so-called “audience of one” has staff keenly aware what they say and do is being monitored. But unlike many Fox viewers, what the rich asshole sees impacts more than just his millions in Twitter followers.
“He has the same embattled view as a typical Fox viewer—that ‘the liberal elites hate me; they’re trying to bring me down,’” one Fox executive said.
According to “Vanity Fair,” however, the relationship “makes it extremely complicated to cover the administration’s near-constant conflagrations.”
“They don’t want to see stuff about Michael Wolff. It’s depressing,” one staffer said about the Fire and Fury book. Instead, everyone is on board with attacking Hillary Clinton and her family.
So, the network is stuck with two options: they can report the news in it’s entirety and risk upsetting the president or they can tell him what he wants to hear and score retweets that draw in his audience to their website. The business decision is to kowtow to the president. The relationship can be advantageous for both.
“He’s sort of viewed as this crazy person who calls all the time,” a Fox executive said.
While the network was once opposed to the rich asshole it has now “become a safe space for the rich asshole fans,” an executive noted. Fox hosts who weren’t on board the rich asshole train suffered consequences. Bob Beckel, a former co-host of “The Five,” spoke out against the rich asshole and found an unsigned note in his office saying he needed to back off. Oddly enough, hosts and journalists like Chris Wallace and Shep Smith seem to be immune to the pressure and frequently report whatever they want. However, their shows air during an hour when the rich asshole is generally not watching.
Meanwhile, those who have celebrated the rich asshole have been promoted. Sean Hannity, Jesse Watters and Jeanine Pirro have all talked about right-wing conspiracy theories that the rich asshole is the victim of an FBI-led coup. Pirro has been upfront that her motives aren’t even about the report or the punditry. She wants to come aboard the rich asshole train officially.
“I really want a job in this administration,” Pirro proclaimed while walking out of her makeup room, one person who witnessed it said.
While Pirro might celebrate the president’s constant promotion to the network, others aren’t comfortable.
“It’s freaky to see him tweeting at Fox & Friends,” one staffer said. “That doesn’t help us. We’re not state television.”
the rich asshole-backing lawmaker freaks out after seeing Muslims at interfaith event at South Dakota capitol

State Sen. Neal Tapio (Argus Leader)
A Republican state senator confronted an interfaith group praying at the South Dakota Capitol — and then complained when they called him a racist.
State Sen. Neal Tapio (R-Watertown) was unable to stay silent after seeing about 50 Muslims and others pray Wednesday in the Capitol rotunda for tolerance and religious acceptance, reported the Argus Leader.
Tapio, who served as President some rich asshole’s state campaign manager, warned in a press release that Muslims intended to impose religious sharia law that would put nonbelievers at risk of death.
“A simple check of their social media accounts will verify these people violently oppose President the rich asshole and his efforts to keep America safe,” Tapio said in the statement.
The worshipers invited Tapio to join them for a group photo, and the newspaper reported that he stood awkwardly as cameras clicked.
The GOP lawmaker then turned his back to the group and began yelling.
“I don’t like being called a racist,” Tapio said, and then began a well-rehearsed anti-Muslim speech.
“If you don’t have the freedom to leave a religion, is there a freedom of religion?” Tapio said. “And that’s the question we have to ask ourselves as a state.”
Tapio continued the outburst with a small group of reporters.
“Interfaith dialogue is a part of a war, it’s a silent part, it’s a part of a way of taking away the Christian fabric of our nation,” Tapio told reporters. “Now some people are okay with that, that’s their prerogative, but there’s American patriots that want to fight.”
Steve Bannon hired the same lawyer as Reince Priebus — and that should scare some rich asshole

FILE PHOTO: - U.S. President some rich asshole (L-R), joined by Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, Vice President Mike Pence, senior advisor Steve Bannon, Communications Director Sean Spicer and then National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, speaks by phone with Russia's President Vladimir Putin in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington, U.S. on January 28, 2017. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst/File Photo
Steve Bannon will reportedly cooperate with special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into the rich asshole campaign ties to Russia.
The former White House chief strategist has hired the same attorney — Bill Burck, of the firm Quinn Emanuel — as White House counsel Don McGahn and former chief of staff Reince Priebus in the Russia probe, reported The Daily Beast.
That arrangement isn’t unusual, but it could signal bad news for the president as Mueller examines possible efforts to obstruct investigations into alleged collusion between the rich asshole campaign and Russian operatives.
Bannon left the White House in August, and he fell out of favor with the rich asshole and the Republican Party after serving as a major source in the Michael Wolff book Fire and Fury: Inside the rich asshole White House.
Since the falling out last week, Bannon has signaled he’s willing to help Mueller investigate the White House.
Bannon could be an incredibly valuable witness for the special counsel, especially if his testimony matches up with McGahn and Priebus — who took the highly unusual step of keeping contemporaneous notes throughout his six months as chief of staff.
McGahn received the initial warning Jan. 26 from acting attorney general Sally Yates that national security adviser Mike Flynn may have been “compromised” by Russia.
Two days later, Bannon, Priebus and Flynn all took part in a phone call between the rich asshole and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin.
The following day, the rich asshole signed an executive order elevating Bannon to the National Security Council and while downgrading the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the director of national intelligence, a move that most observers considered baffling.
Bannon was removed in early April from the National Security Council, about six weeks after Flynn was forced out of the administration.
His allies said at the time that Bannon had been placed on the principals committee to keep an eye on Flynn, who has since pleaded guilty to lying to FBI agents in late January about his conversations a month before with the Russian ambassador to the U.S.
“We all knew Flynn had issues,” a senior White House official said at the time.
Flynn has agreed to cooperate with Mueller under the terms of his guilty plea signed last month.
Bannon could help investigators understand when the rich asshole learned Flynn had lied to the FBI, and what steps he might have taken to cover up the crime to which his close ally later pleaded guilty.
The former chief strategist, who was ousted as Breitbart News chief over his feud with the rich asshole, could also potentially tell investigators whether the rich asshole fired FBI director James Comey in hopes of stopping or stalling the Justice Department investigation later taken up by Mueller.
Comey has said the president asked for his loyalty and urged him to let go of the Flynn investigation, and Priebus reportedly has notes backing up those accounts.
Sean Spicer, who served as White House press secretary until July, also reportedly kept“notebook after notebook” during his time with the rich asshole campaign and at administration.
Officials in previous White House administrations have expressed surprise that either man would keep notes, saying that past investigations have shown that those detailed accounts can serve as potentially damaging evidence.
Bannon told Wolff a June 2016 meeting between some rich asshole Jr. Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort was “unpatriotic” and even “treasonous,” and Mueller will no doubt ask what he meant by those remarks.
Manafort, who served as campaign manager before Bannon joined the rich asshole team, has been indicted on money laundering and other charges in the Mueller probe.
BY BRETT SAMUELS - 01/11/18 04:24 PM EST
Some of President the rich asshole’s advisers and friends are telling the president he shouldn’t sit for an interview with special counsel Robert Mueller, CNN reported Thursday.
the rich asshole team lawyers, White House insiders and friends are among those who have reportedly told the rich asshole it would be unwise to talk to the special counsel, arguing that doing so could land the president in hot water politically or legally.
“I think the entire Mueller probe is infected by intractable bias. And the president only risks some inadvertent misstatement becoming a new national narrative by doing that,” Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) told CNN.
Gaetz is one of several Republican lawmakers who have accused Mueller of bias against the president after a former Mueller team member was revealed to have sent anti-the rich asshole texts.
Others told CNN that the rich asshole should cooperate with the Mueller probe, or place limitations on any potential interview.
Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) suggested the rich asshole’s team answer Mueller’s questions in writing, while Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) said the rich asshole’s lawyers should set limits on what would be covered in the interview.
Multiple reports this week said that Mueller is likely to interview the rich asshole in the coming weeks as part of the special counsel investigation into Russia's meddling in the 2016 presidential race.
Last summer, the rich asshole said he'd be willing to commit to an interview with Mueller, but when asked again about the prospect on Wednesday, the rich asshole dodged the question.
“We’ll see what happens,” the president said when pressed by a reporter on Wednesday. “When they have no collusion … it seems unlikely that you’d even have an interview.”
Mueller's probe has led to two indictments and two guilty pleas thus far.
Former the rich asshole campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his former associate, Richard Gates, were indicted on money laundering and tax fraud charges.
Former the rich asshole national security adviser Michael Flynn and former the rich asshole campaign policy adviser George Papadopoulos have pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI.
the rich asshole accuses ex-Mueller team member Peter Strzok of treason

some rich asshole stands for the national anthem (screen grab)
In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, President some rich asshole said a former member of special counsel Robert Mueller’s team who was found to have sent text messages critical of him was guilty of treason.
The remarks were mentioned in a short paragraph about FBI agent Peter Strzok whose texts about the rich asshole, according to the president, “amounted to treason.”
Mueller dismissed Strzok from the team investigating the rich asshole’s campaign after discovering he had exchanged negative texts about the prospect of a rich asshole presidency with FBI lawyer Lisa page. When those texts were revealed to the public late last year, they became a major GOP talking point that “proved” bias against the rich asshole within the bureau, leading to a new congressional probe into whether Page and Strzok were “leaking” to the press
BY BRETT SAMUELS - 01/11/18 05:22 PM EST
Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Wis.) on Thursday fired back at a report that President the rich asshole questioned why the U.S. accepts immigrants from “shithole” countries by asking “why we allow presidents from shithole companies like the rich asshole Organization."
The Washington Post reported that the rich asshole made the remark during a meeting with other lawmakers to discuss protections for immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador and African countries.
Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) and Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) were reportedly present at the meeting and were surprised by the comments, according to the Post.
the rich asshole reportedly suggested in the meeting that the U.S. should instead seek to bring in more immigrants from countries like Norway, whose prime minister he met with Wednesday.
The White House defended the rich asshole’s remarks in a statement and did not deny them.
“Certain Washington politicians choose to fight for foreign countries, but President the rich asshole will always fight for the American people,” White House spokesperson Raj Shah said in a statement.
“President the rich asshole is fighting for permanent solutions that make our country stronger by welcoming those who can contribute to our society, grow our economy and assimilate into our great nation,” the spokesman added.
BY JORDAN FABIAN - 01/11/18 05:33 PM EST
The White House on Thursday did not deny that President the rich asshole referred to some immigrants as coming from “shithole countries” during a heated Oval Office meeting on immigration.
“Certain Washington politicians choose to fight for foreign countries, but President the rich asshole will always fight for the American people,” White House spokesperson Raj Shah said in a statement.
The Washington Post reported Thursday that the rich asshole grew frustrated when lawmakers proposed retiring protections for immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador and several African countries as part of a bipartisan immigration deal.
“Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” the rich asshole said, according to the Post, in reference to African countries and Haiti.
the rich asshole said the U.S. should bring in more people Norway, whose prime minister he met with Wednesday.
“The president will only accept an immigration deal that adequately addresses the visa lottery system and chain migration — two programs that hurt our economy and allow terrorists into our country,” Shah said.
“Like other nations that have merit-based immigration, President the rich asshole is fighting for permanent solutions that make our country stronger by welcoming those who can contribute to our society, grow our economy and assimilate into our great nation.”
The meeting was called amid contentious talks over immigration, including a possible solution for young immigrants who benefit from the expiring Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.
Part of the discussion involves restoring protections for countries removed from the Temporary Protected Status program in exchange for border wall funding.
“He will always reject temporary, weak and dangerous stopgap measures that threaten the lives of hardworking Americans, and undercut immigrants who seek a better life in the United States through a legal pathway,” Shah said of the rich asshole.
BY BRANDON CARTER - 01/11/18 06:24 PM EST
Rep. Dina Titus (D-Nev.) slammed President the rich asshole for his remarks referring to immigrants from “shithole countries,” saying the rich asshole is a “vile stain” on America’s reputation.
“Just when you think he cannot say anything more vulgar and offensive, he embarrasses us again,” Titus tweeted Thursday. “He is a vile stain on our country's reputation.”
Just when you think he cannot say anything more vulgar and offensive, he embarrasses us again. He is a vile stain on our country's reputation. via …@nbcnews
The Washington Post reported that in a meeting with lawmakers, the rich asshole referred to immigrants from Haiti and African countries as coming from “shithole countries.”
“Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” the rich asshole said, while discussing protections for immigrants.
the rich asshole then reportedly said the U.S. should bring in more immigrants from countries like Norway.
Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) and Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) were present at the meeting, and were surprised by the comments, according to the Post.
In a statement, the White House did not deny the rich asshole’s comments.
“Certain Washington politicians choose to fight for foreign countries, but President the rich asshole will always fight for the American people,” said White House spokesperson Raj Shah.
“The president will only accept an immigration deal that adequately addresses the visa lottery system and chain migration — two programs that hurt our economy and allow terrorists into our country."
“Like other nations that have merit-based immigration, President the rich asshole is fighting for permanent solutions that make our country stronger by welcoming those who can contribute to our society, grow our economy and assimilate into our great nation," he added.
Other Democrats blasted the rich asshole’s remarks, including Rep. Tim Walz (D-Minn.), who called on Republicans to denounce the rich asshole’s comments as racist.
BY CRISTINA MARCOS - 01/11/18 06:00 AM EST
Democrats are already plotting ways to protest during President the rich asshole’s State of the Union later this month.
At least one lawmaker plans to boycott the speech entirely, with more Democrats possibly opting to skip the event as well. Female Democrats including House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) plan to wear black to show solidarity with victims of sexual misconduct, just as Hollywood stars did at an awards show over the weekend.
Members of the Democratic Women’s Working Group had been discussing ideas for a coordinated effort around the State of the Union after wearing white — the color of suffragettes — to the rich asshole’s first joint address to Congress last year. They settled on wearing black after watching the Golden Globes on Sunday.
Female Democrats are hoping that their display of black will help bring the “Me Too” conversation about rooting out sexual misconduct and women’s issues to the rich asshole’s State of the Union on Jan. 30.
Rep. Lois Frankel (D-Fla.), the chairwoman of the Democratic Women’s Working Group, said she also expects to give her guest ticket in the House chamber gallery to a person involved in the “Me Too” movement, but hasn’t decided whom to invite yet.
“What we want is to really continue the conversation about sexual harassment in the workplace, about disparity of salaries where people work in the same job, and also getting paid for the value of your work,” Frankel said.
She joked that lawmakers’ attire won’t be quite the same as at the Golden Globes: “I don’t expect to see diamonds or a lot of flesh.”
Last month, female lawmakers led by Frankel demanded that Congress launch an investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct against the rich asshole that surfaced during the 2016 campaign. Three of the more than a dozen women who have accused the rich asshole of sexual misconduct had also jointly called for lawmakers to probe the allegations against the president.
Beyond wearing white, Democrats found several other ways to protest the rich asshole during his joint address to Congress in February 2017.
Rep. Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.) delivered a House floor speech announcing that he wouldn’t try to get a prime seat along the center aisle to shake the president’s hand for the first time since he began serving in 1989. Other Democrats sat along the center aisle, but quickly moved away as the rich asshole approached to avoid shaking his hand on national television.
Many Democrats invited guests to make political statements, such as young immigrants, people affected by the rich asshole’s travel ban and Spanish-American celebrity chef José Andrés, who withdrew plans for a restaurant in the rich asshole’s Washington, D.C., hotel.
Most lawmakers haven’t decided whom to invite as guests this year, but many may bring so-called Dreamers, or immigrants brought to the U.S. illegally as children, amid the negotiations over how to protect them from deportation. Frankel said that other members may also bring guests associated with the “Me Too” movement.
the rich asshole announced last fall that the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program would end on March 5. Republicans and Democrats are negotiating a deal that would allow DACA recipients to stay in the U.S. while enhancing border security.
Only two Democrats announced their intentions to skip the rich asshole’s address last year, compared to the more than 60 who boycotted his inauguration.
Reps. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) and Al Green (D-Texas) both declined to attend the rich asshole’s appearance before a joint session of Congress last year.
Green at the time cited the decision of the rich asshole’s Justice Department to withdraw an argument opposing the Texas voter ID law.
Since then, Waters and Green have both agitated for the rich asshole’s impeachment. Green forced a House floor vote last month on his articles of impeachment against the rich asshole, which 57 other Democrats supported.
Green said Wednesday that he plans to make an announcement in the coming days about whether he will attend the State of the Union.
A spokeswoman for Waters didn’t return a request for comment.
So far, Rep. Earl Blumenauer (Ore.) is the only Democrat who has said he won’t attend the State of the Union address.
“Instead, like I did during the rich asshole’s Inauguration, I will be working here at home listening to Oregonians about what they think about the State of the Union,” Blumenauer said in a statement.
Other vocal the rich asshole critics like Reps. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) and Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.), who both voted in favor of impeaching the rich asshole last month, plan to attend.
Rep. Brendan Boyle (D-Pa.), who introduced legislation called the Stable Genius Act this week requiring all presidential candidates to undergo a medical exam, also said he would go to the State of the Union despite boycotting the inauguration last year. Boyle named his bill after a tweet by the rich asshole over the weekend proclaiming himself a “very stable genius” amid discussion of his mental stability and fitness to serve as president.
Despite his legislative poking fun at the rich asshole, Boyle thinks it is worth being in the audience for the State of the Union.
“In my mind, I made the distinction between what is actually part of my job versus something that’s more a formal ceremony but actually isn’t necessarily part of your job. So I would look at it the same way this year,” Boyle said of his decision to boycott the inauguration but attend the rich asshole’s joint address to Congress.
“I think that it is important given that he’s talking entirely about legislative issues, that as representatives, we would be there.”
‘We don’t want a shithole president’: Internet blasts the rich asshole over ‘shithole countries’ comment

President some rich asshole (Photo: Gage Skidmore/Wikipedia)
President some rich asshole was quoted during an Oval Office rant about people coming into the United States from “shithole countries” during a meeting Thursday. The reference was to those from Haiti and African countries.
The internet was quick to light up with anger and disgust at the president calling him everything from “unfit” to “racist.”
See the full tweets below:
and now, the same old routine:SHS: he never said thatBase: Fake news again, libtards! But we agree that they’re shithole countries— john lynch (@jcmlynch)
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