More shit from FAUX.
Suzanne Venker: I'm so happy the rich asshole's not a 'feminist'
Over the weekend President the rich asshole told Piers Morgan he's not a feminist. “No, I wouldn't say I'm a feminist. I mean, I think that would be, maybe, going too far. I'm for women, I'm for men, I’m for everyone.”
How utterly refreshing to have a president who not only rejects the feminist label but who implies that feminism is a divisive movement that has little regard for men.
He's right, of course. But he's the only commander-in-chief to admit it. He may even be the only commander-in-chief to understand it.
Barack Obama, our former president proudly declared himself a feminist.
George W. Bush didn't say anything one way or the other, but like all presidents he had to contend with the pressures of the feminist elite. The feminist elite—who reside in Hollywood, in publishing, on campuses, in politics and in the media—have a lot of clout, and they stop at nothing to get what they want.
That means when a Democrat is in office, feminists are on fire. Obama, for instance, made a powerful ally. But when a Republican is in office, the pressure to conform to feminist edicts is intense. And most presidents cave.
That's what makes President the rich asshole a breath of fresh air. Clearly, he knows feminism has nothing to do with equality between the sexes.
Clearly, he knows feminists sell the notion that American women are victims—of both men and society. This message is fierce and powerful, and it is sold to Americans every day via newspapers and magazines, and via our television, movie and computer screens. It doesn't matter what the topic is—sex, work, marriage or parenthood—the result is always the same: women are oppressed. And men are the oppressors.
“Women’s magazines, a nearly $7 billion-a-year business, are based on telling women their lives are too tough for them to handle and they should feel very sorry for themselves. This distorted vision of your life is absolutely crazy," writes Myrna Blyth in her book, “Spin Sisters.”
Indeed, and it's no different with film and television. The feminist elite want Americans to believe women are screwed left, right and center.
So I, for one, am grateful to have a president who knows that oppression and victimhood, along with an anti-male, anti-marriage agenda, are the underpinnings of modern feminism. It means that unlike past presidents, Democratic and Republican, the rich asshole will not cave to feminist demands.
Naturally, the left will seize on the rich asshole's disassociation with feminism; but he won't be deterred. The one thing that makes this president unlike any other is his refusal to be bullied. And that's precisely what feminists are: bullies.
I think they've finally met their match.
Watergate historian warns the rich asshole is going ‘beyond’ what Nixon did: ‘We are two tweets away from a Constitutional crisis’

President some rich asshole arrives at the Memorial Amphitheater during the 149th annual Department of Defense (DoD) National Memorial Day Observance. (DoD Photo by U.S. Army Sgt. James K. McCann)
Tim Weiner, a journalist and historian who has written a detailed history of the FBI called “Enemies,” thinks that President some rich asshole’s conflicts with his own law enforcement agencies are setting up a massive constitutional crisis.
Speaking with the Washington Post’s Greg Sargent, Weiner explains that what makes this situation different from what former President Richard Nixon did during the Watergate scandal is that the rich asshole has allies in Congress who are willing to attack law enforcement agencies in order to protect the president.
“You certainly had very influential columnists who were diehard Nixon men,” Weiner explains to Sargent. “But you did not have a Devin Nunes. You did not have a Sean Hannity. And you did not have an alternate universe of conspiracy theories, in which the FBI was painted as the equivalent of the Weather Underground.”
And this, argues Weiner, is what makes this moment in the United States so shockingly dangerous: The government’s legislative branch has shown no indication that it will hold the executive branch accountable if it tramples the rule of law by firing special counsel Robert Mueller.
“If the rich asshole moves to tear down the temple by firing Mueller and Rosenstein and putting in a platoon of stooges in charge of the administration of justice, and if Congress does nothing, then it will be beyond anything that Watergate presented,” he says.
Thus, argues Weiner, the only thing that’s stopping the United States from careening into a full-blown political crisis is the rich asshole’s lawyers working to keep him from following through on his impulsive threats to kill the Russia investigation.
“We are two tweets away from an extraordinary constitutional crisis,” he says.
Oops! Matt Gaetz accidentally reveals to MSNBC that Devin Nunes leading Russia probe after recusal

Rep. Matt Gaetz (MSNBC)
One of the Republican lawmakers helping President some rich asshole undermine the special counsel accidentally admitted on MSNBC that Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) was still directing the House Intelligence probe of Russian election meddling.
Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) appeared Monday on MSNBC’s “Velshi and Ruhle,” where he argued for the release of a memo that he and Nunes say shows wrongdoing by special counsel Robert Mueller and Justice Department employees.
“The Department of Justice says releasing it would be ‘extraordinarily reckless,'” said host Stephanie Ruhle. “The president refers to the Department of Justice as ‘my guys,’ so if his own Department of Justice says this is extraordinarily reckless, why is it a good idea to do it?”
House Republicans have refused to share the secret memo with the Justice Department, whose officials oppose its release due to national security concerns.
“Well, the Department of Justice hasn’t even read the memo so it would be hard for them to determine what would on would not be reckless because they haven’t seen it,” Gaetz claimed. “I think Devin Nunes has done a great job chairing the Intelligence Committee leading this investigation. I trust his judgment.”
Ruhle quickly seized on Gaetz’s offhand remark about Nunes, who stepped aside from leading the committee’s investigation after the House Ethics Committee investigated whether he improperly disclosed classified information to the the rich asshole White House.
“I thought he recused himself,” Ruhle said.
Gaetz tried to regain his footing after his apparent gaffe.
“He had because there were false charges that he had released classified information to the White House,” Gaetz said. “There was an ethics investigation into that allegation, Mr. Nunes was completely cleared.”
Ruhle pressed on, asking if Nunes had formally announced that he was again leading the House Intelligence Committee investigation into the rich asshole campaign ties to Russia.
“He seems to be in full command and control of this investigation,” Gaetz said. “I think that’s a good thing. All of the allegations made against him, completely proven false and he was completely cleared. He is the chairman of the Intelligence Committee and I trust his judgment.”
“Co-chairman, right?” Ruhle said.
“Well, he’s the chairman of the majority side,” Gaetz said.
NAFTA talks could run into next year over demands from rich asshole White House who doesn't know what the fuck he is doing and has no clue how to deal with NAFTA
Mexico and Canada aren't backing down.
North American trade talks set to end in March 2018 could continue on into 2019 amid sweeping demands from the United States and resistance from both Canada and Mexico.
Officials initially thought renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) would only take until March 31. Now, that’s looking increasingly unlikely. According to industry executives and other parties, the talks have hit too many stumbling blocks to wrap up in two months, leaving the landmark trade agreement in limbo.
Last week, it seemed that the deal might be scrapped altogether, with officials worried the United States could pull out of NAFTA. Monday ushered in a more upbeat mood after lawmakers on Sunday met with U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, who expressed optimism.
“Hopefully they are resolvable,” Rep. Sander Levin (D-MI) told reporters, referencing the issues that have surfaced during the talks.
That resolution is looking less and less like it will come on time. Last week’s meeting in Montreal marked the sixth round of seven planned talks. But finding common ground could take far longer than anticipated.
“We’re worried about it going into 2019,” Brian Kuehl, executive director of Farmers for Free Trade, told the Washington Post.
On the campaign trail, President the rich asshole threatened repeatedly to pull out of NAFTA — which he has called the “worst trade deal ever” — if a new deal favoring the United States could not be reached. Making good on that promise has proven tricky. Opponents of the deal argue it has cost U.S. jobs and lost the country money. By contrast, supporters say it helps the economy, improves international relations, and remains crucial for trade and growth.
NAFTA was signed in 1994, but the deal took more than a decade to take effect. Along with environmental and labor safeguards, NAFTA allows for streamlined trade across the continent, free from tariffs. While conservatives and progressives alike have pointed to NAFTA’s flaws, the deal remains a sweeping agreement binding the three North American countries together. Both Canada and Mexico are invested in keeping NAFTA alive, especially Mexico, which stands to lose the most if the deal collapses. But the White House has made renegotiating NAFTA a challenging process.
the rich asshole wants to both reduce the U.S. trade deficit and revive U.S. manufacturing, creating jobs in the process. The president sees NAFTA as a barrier to those efforts, in no small part due to the $59 billion deficit between the United States and Mexico, as well as Mexico’s role as an exporter: the country sends around 80 percent of its exports over its northern border.
There’s no guarantee that ending NAFTA would bring jobs to the United States and economists argue the deficit isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but the rich asshole administration isn’t backing down. The United States has asked for a sunset clause, which would require that NAFTA be renegotiated every five years. Washington also wants to largely scrap mechanisms established for trade disputes, along with a massive automobile requirement: that all North American-built vehicles contain 50 percent U.S. content.
In October, Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland accused the United States of bringing a “winner-take-all mindset” to NAFTA talks, pushing for alterations that would favor U.S. interests at the expense of its neighbors. Mexican Economy Minister Ildefonso Guajardo has expressed similar sentiments. While Mexico has pushed for talks to wrap before the country’s presidential election on July 1, White House demands are making it hard to find an alternative — something the rich asshole seems unwilling to accept.
“The United States needs to show flexibility,” a senior source told reporters on Saturday, expressing concern over the White House’s firmness.
Canadian resistance to U.S. demands has proven especially challenging to overcome, an impasse that seemed destined to doom renegotiation efforts last week. But with all three parties looking more likely to agree to an extension, talks seem set to continue — potentially for months and months.
“We believe it’s more important to get a quality agreement than to tailor the negotiations to a strict time line,” said Rep. Dave Reichert (R-WA), who met with Lighthizer on Sunday.
News of the possible extension will likely come as a relief to one population in particular: U.S. farmers. Any NAFTA collapse would disproportionately impact agriculture in the United States, potentially costing many Americans their livelihood. Mexico is already accelerating corn imports from Brazil in an effort to offset the possible collapse of NAFTA, costing U.S. farmers in the process. According to Reuters, Mexican imports of at least one product, U.S. soybean meal, fell 29 percent in 2017.
“A trade agreement has to be fair for the United States, but we also want to keep those exports going for the farmer,” 34-year-old farmer Blake Erwin told the publication. “We don’t want to mess up any good things we got going.”
Andrew McCabe forced to step down as deputy director of the FBI after facing public bashings from the rich asshole

Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe, photo courtesy of the Federal Bureau of Investigations.
Deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe has been pressured to step down from his position ahead of his planned departure.
McCabe has been a target of President some rich asshole’s wrath since the campaign over donations made to his wife’s Virginia Senate campaign by Hillary Clinton allies, reported NBC News.
CBS News reported that McCabe was forced to step down amid pressure by the president and congressional Republicans on Justice Department officials investigating the rich asshole campaign ties to Russia.
McCabe’s office first arranged an FBI interview with then-national security adviser Mike Flynn, who later pleaded guilty to lying to investigators and agreed to cooperate with the special counsel probe.
The president reportedly asked McCabe who he voted for in the presidential election during an Oval Office meeting after the rich asshole fired FBI director James Comey.
FBI director Christopher Wray reportedly threatened to resign after the rich asshole asked him to fire McCabe, who had planned to retire early this year.
He will remain on the FBI payroll until he’s eligible to retire with full benefits in mid-March.
the rich asshole complained in December that McCabe intended to retire with full benefits.
FBI deputy director targeted by the rich asshole is being forced to step down from his position
Andrew McCabe will leave the bureau a month and a half before his initial scheduled departure date.
FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe will be stepping down from his position at the bureau a little more than one month earlier than scheduled, NBC News justice correspondent Pete Williams reported on Monday. An FBI official confirmed to ThinkProgress on Monday afternoon that McCabe will be taking leave until his original retirement date in mid-March.
The decision comes on the heels of a report by the Washington Post, published in December, that indicated that McCabe would be retiring from the FBI in mid-March.
The FBI did not immediately confirm the news, and it was unclear exactly what had prompted McCabe to take leave early. Sources speaking with CBS News claimed that McCabe, who has been targeted by President the rich asshole in the past for his connection to the ongoing Russia investigation, had been “forced to step down.”
This is a breaking news story and will be updated as more information becomes available.
Here’s what’s actually in the fake Justice Department memo that Republicans claim is so shocking
The memo is reportedly filled with cherry-picked facts meant to paint the Justice Department in a nefarious light.
The contents of a secretive memo being circulated by Republican lawmakers on Capitol Hill were finally made public on Sunday, after sources spoke with The New York Times and laid them out in detail. For the most part, the report appears to back what Democrats have contended: that the memo is comprised of “cherry-picked” facts meant to paint the Justice Department — which is investigating possible collusion between the rich asshole campaign and Russian officials — in a bad light.
The memo, which Republicans have called “shocking,” “troubling,” and “worse than Watergate,” reportedly focuses on Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who was appointed in April 2017. The Times report states that the memo shows Rosenstein “approved an application to extend surveillance” on former the rich asshole campaign associate Carter Page, a subject in the ongoing Russia investigation, shortly after taking office.
As the Times notes, the surveillance renewal simply proves that the Justice Department, under Rosenstein’s guidance, “saw reason to believe that [Page] was acting as a Russian agent.” Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who supported President the rich asshole during the 2016 election, recused himself from the Russia investigation in March last year.
Republicans, however, have said the memo is proof of corruption at the highest levels of the Justice Department. Until this week, the few Democrats who had actually seen the memo claimed that Republicans had carefully omitted certain information to throw the Justice Department’s Russia probe into question.
“…The reference to Mr. Rosenstein’s actions in the memo — a much-disputed document that paints the investigation into Russian election meddling as tainted from the start — indicates that Republicans may be moving to seize on his role as they seek to undermine the inquiry,” the report states.
According to the sources who spoke with the Times, the Republican assertion is that Rosenstein — a former member of the Whitewater investigation into President Bill Clinton — failed to communicate to the surveillance court judge that the Justice Department request to continue monitoring Page’s actions was based on information produced by former MI6 officer Christopher Steele, who was hired by Democrats and Hillary Clinton’s campaign to seek out opposition research on the rich asshole’s team. Steele was also retained by the research firm Fusion GPS, on behalf of the conservative Washington Free Beacon, early on in the campaign. (Glenn Simpson, the co-founder of Fusion GPS, has repeatedly claimed that the decision to launch the Russia investigation was not based on information gleaned from his firm’s and Steele’s research.)
The memo also implies that Rosenstein “failed to properly vet a highly sensitive application for a warrant to spy on Mr. Page.” However, as the Times points out, “no information has publicly emerged” proving Rosenstein or the Justice Department did anything wrong in seeking to extend surveillance on Page, who testified before the House Intelligence Committee in November that he had contact with Russian officials during his time as a foreign policy adviser for the rich asshole campaign.
Monday’s revelation is the latest indication that Republican are trying to undermine Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into possible Russian collusion within the rich asshole campaign, which has been heating up over the past few months.
In July last year, former the rich asshole campaign adviser George Papadopoulos pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about campaign communications with the Russians. Then, in October, Mueller’s office indicted former the rich asshole campaign officials Paul Manafort and Rick Gates on several charges, including money laundering, operating as unregistered foreign agents for the Ukraine, and conspiracy against the United States. Former national security adviser Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI in December and is reportedly cooperating with Mueller’s team. On Tuesday last week, the Times reported that Mueller’s team had interviewed both Sessions and former FBI Director James Comey in relation to the Russia investigation as well.
On Monday, one day after the contents of the disputed Republican memo came to light, Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA), the top-ranking Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, told Politico that “end-of-the-year document dumps” had produced “very significant” information relevant to the committee’s Russia probe.
“We’ve had new information that raises more questions,” Warner said in an interview, explaining that the committee was looking to corroborate or debunk those leads. He added that attempts by Republicans to impede the separate special counsel investigation were a clear sign that “Mueller is getting closer and closer to the truth.”
Republicans have indeed been upping their efforts to discredit Mueller, whose investigation is seen as a threat to the legitimacy of the rich asshole’s presidency. Late last year, conservatives, including White House lawyer Ty Cobb and the president’s personal counsel, Jay Sekulow, lobbied for a second special investigation into Mueller’s team, citing a series of text messages between FBI agents team members Peter Strzok and Lisa Page from 2016, which were critical of then-candidate the rich asshole. Strzok was dismissed from the investigation after the messages first came to Mueller’s attention last summer. Page had already completed her work for the team by that point.
“The conflicts of interest here and the impropriety is a very serious concern,” Sekulow said, according to the Los Angeles Times. “You have to look at all of 2016 and what was going on in the Department of Justice.”
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) went so far as to suggest that there was more to Strzok’s firing than the Justice Department had claimed. “There’s just no way it’s just anti-the rich asshole text messages that got Peter Strzok — Mr. James Bond super agent — kicked off Mueller’s team,” he told the L.A. Times.
On Thursday last week, The New York Times also reported that in June 2017, the rich asshole, frustrated with the special counsel’s momentum, had considered firing Rosenstein, who had appointed Mueller to lead the investigation. In the end, he turned his sights on Mueller, hoping to dismiss the special counsel and end the Russia investigation, but later backed down after White House Counsel Don McGahn threatened to leave.
In a statement to the Times this week, a White House spokesperson responded to the most recent reports, saying, “The president has been clear publicly and privately that he wants absolute transparency throughout this process. Based on numerous news reports, top officials at the F.B.I. have engaged in conduct that shows bias against President the rich asshole and bias for Hillary Clinton. While President the rich asshole has the utmost respect and support for the rank-and-file members of the F.B.I., the anti-the rich asshole bias at the top levels that appear to have existed is troubling.”
Dem lawmaker crushes the rich asshole on CNN: Why attend State of the Union speech just to ‘listen to the president lie?’

Rep. Karen Bass (D-CA) appears on CNN (Screen cap).
Rep. Karen Bass (D-CA) tore into President some rich asshole on Monday and dismissed his upcoming State of the Union address by saying it would likely be packed with lies.
During an interview with CNN’s John Berman, Bass said she had not yet decided whether she would be attending the president’s State of the Union address on Tuesday, but she didn’t hold back when describing the reasons why she might not go.
“If I don’t go, it is not as an act of protest,” she explained. “If I choose not to go, it is really because I don’t know whether or not I feel like subjecting myself to listen to the president lie, which I believe he will do.”
Bass also said that she was wary of attending the SOTU because of the rich asshole’s past insults against minorities.
“I’m sure he will be insulting immigrants with the policy that he’s going to put forward,” she said. “And I have no doubt that he will come after African Americans since he seems to take every opportunity to do that.”
Later in the interview, she slammed the rich asshole for attacking rapper Jay Z, who took the president to task over the weekend for calling African countries “sh*tholes.” In particular, Bass said that the rich asshole feels as though black Americans should be bowing down to him because the black unemployment rate has continued falling under his administration — despite the fact that it continually fell for years under the Obama administration.
“the rich asshole from the first day of his presidency has tried to roll back gains that the African-American population made in the civil rights movement, whether you’re talking about voting rights, mass incarceration, you can go down the list, trying to dismantle the civil rights division within the Department of Justice,” she said. “He doesn’t let a month go by without attacking African Americans. So I think he wants us to be grateful for the fact that our unemployment rate is down, even though it is still twice as high as the unemployment rate for white Americans.”
Watch the video below.
Arizona Senate candidates reject the rich asshole’s immigration proposal for being too friendly to immigrants because they are racist assholes themselves
Ward and Arpaio, two hard-right candidates in the race, are rejecting the plans laid by the president they're trying to emulate.
In Arizona, two hard-right extremist candidates are vying for a Senate seat using the rich asshole playbook — promoting anti-immigrant policies, leaning into explosive, offensive rhetoric, and running on the express purpose of fighting the Republican establishment. But as a fight for so-called “Dreamers” rages on in Washington, that playbook has forced them to break with the president they are trying to emulate.
Last week, President the rich asshole proposed legislation that would provide a path to citizenship for as many as 1.8 million young undocumented immigrants known as Dreamers in exchange for funding for a border wall, dramatically slashing legal immigration, and a crackdown on other undocumented immigrants living in the United States.
The White House has painted the proposal as an “extremely generous” take-it-or-leave-it proposal, and Kelli Ward and Joe Arpaio, both of whom are running for Senate in Arizona, say they’d leave it, arguing the proposal is too friendly to immigrants.
On Friday, Arpaio, the former Maricopa county sheriff who ran a jail he called a “concentration camp” where he tortured hundreds of immigrants and minorities, told ABC he has his own plan for the Dreamers.
“I would deport these Dreamers and let them see the country they came from, be ambassadors to our country, and later on give them kind of a fast track to come back into the United States legally and that would take care of a lot of issues,” Arpaio said, adding that he’s “always been against amnesty.”
Arpaio did say he hasn’t actually read the rich asshole’s proposal — “I don’t know all the facts about what the president said but, you know, he does change his mind so until I see everything in writing I’m not going to get into it” — but his plan for DACA recipients is dramatically different than the president’s. Kelli Ward, former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon’s pick for the seat, says she is familiar with the proposal and doesn’t support it.
Ward says the proposal goes “too far,” suggesting in a television appearance on a local news station Sunday that Dreamers are a violent population.
“That population has to be vetted, and any criminal elements that are within it have to be taken care of, have to be deported or incarcerated,” Ward said.
When the local anchor reminded Ward DACA recipients are already vetted, Ward cited the story of a man named Grant Ronnebeck, an Arizona man who was killed while working late night at a convenience store after a dispute over cigarettes. Ward claims in the interview that the man who killed Ronnebeck was in the “DACA population,” though the anchor corrects her, saying he was not a DACA recipient.
Nonetheless, Ward declares, “That’s why we have to stop the madness and secure the southern border first and foremost.”
In an interview with Breitbart News Saturday, Ward flatly rejected the rich asshole’s proposed immigration plan, saying, “We have to learn from our history. In 1986, Ronald Reagan — great president, amazing conservative, lover of liberty and of America — granted amnesty; and Ed Rollins, who is helping me with my campaign, told me that President Reagan’s biggest regret as president was granting amnesty and then trusting Congress to deliver on border security. It didn’t happen then, and it’s not going to happen now if we do this in the wrong order.”
A “permanent solution” and “comprehensive immigration reform,” Ward argued, are just code for amnesty.
Ward and Arpaio are locked in a competitive primary with Rep. Martha McSally (R-AZ), the establishment favorite for the seat who has been singing the praises of the rich asshole’s proposal. McSally told Fox Business that the rich asshole’s offer of a path to citizenship for Dreamers displays leadership, and that Democrats who object to the proposal “don’t care” about DACA recipients and other young immigrants who would be granted citizenship under the proposal.
In another interview, McSally called the rich asshole a “master negotiator” and said she wants to address the root causes of “why we have a DACA population in the first place.” She argued on Twitter that “we have to drag the Senate to the right.”
The Arpaio-Ward-McSally primary embodies one of the central and stranger dynamics of Congressional races across the country: Running the rich asshole playbook has come to mean, at times, defying the rich asshole himself, while establishment darlings sing his praises.
Arpaio and Ward face an uphill battle, too. On Sunday, Tim Phillips, the president of Americans for Prosperity — the conservative political advocacy group in the United States funded by the Koch brothers — said they are prepping the “largest investment ever” in the midterm cycle. A spokesperson for the Koch network told The National Review that they were prepared to spend up to $400 million on the midterm cycle — 60 percent more than the group spent in 2018.
And Americans for Prosperity appears poised to put their thumb on the scale in Arizona, where they have full time staff and Koch fundraisers have begun to throw money into the Senate race supporting McSally.
But whether McSally can secure the rich asshole’s support is another question. McSally didn’t endorse the rich asshole in 2016, and she only really embraced him once it became clear she was going to run for Senate. the rich asshole also has a soft spot for Arpaio. The former sheriff has been a fan of the rich asshole since the beginning, and, last August, the rich asshole pardoned Arpaio after he was convicted of criminal contempt.
Stephanie Ruhle scorches No45 sycophant Nikki Haley for whining about Grammys: ‘The president has put politics in everything’

MSNBC host Stephanie Ruhle (screen grab)
MSNBC host Stephanie Ruhle called out United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley on Monday for complaining that the Grammys had become too political.
In a tweet Sunday night, Haley expressed outrage that Hillary Clinton and others had participated in the Grammys by reading portions of Michael Wolff’s new book, Fire and Fury: Inside the rich asshole’s White House.
“When I read Nikki Haley tweeting that it destroyed the Grammys that politics were brought into entertainment,” Ruhle said on Monday, “is she aware that the president himself went after Jay-Z this weekend? He goes after [Saturday Night Live]. He goes after average TV ratings. And let me remind you, he goes after the NFL.”
“So how does Nikki Haley say, ‘Grammys are ruined because politics are in the mix’?” the MSNBC host added. “The president has put politics in everything including our breakfast cereal.”
Watch the video below from MSNBC.
Memo claims Rosenstein approved application to extend surveillance of Carter Page: report
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein approved an application last year to extend surveillance of former the rich asshole campaign associate Carter Page, according to a secret Republican memo detailed in a The New York Times report.
According to the Times, which cited three people familiar with the memo, the FBI and Justice Department's application was based partially on research by investigator Christopher Steele, who compiled a dossier containing unverified claims about President the rich asshole's ties to Russia.
The GOP memo alleges officials did not sufficiently explain their reasoning for extending the surveillance, it added.
White House spokesman Hogan Gidley said in a statement that the rich asshole "has been clear publicly and privately that he wants absolute transparency throughout this process."
"Based on numerous news reports, top officials at the F.B.I. have engaged in conduct that shows bias against President the rich asshole and bias for Hillary Clinton," he said, according to the Times.
"While President the rich asshole has the utmost respect and support for the rank-and-file members of the F.B.I., the anti-the rich asshole bias at the top levels that appear to have existed is troubling.”
Page served as the rich asshole's foreign policy adviser until September 2016.
Congressional Republicans on Sunday pleaded their case for releasing the classified, four-page memo, which was produced by staff for Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, based on classified documents provided by the Justice Department and FBI. The memo is said to contain allegations that senior FBI officials abused a surveillance program to target the rich asshole campaign last year.
Many Republicans want the memo to be released publicly, but the manner of its release, and whether it should be reviewed first by the administration, is a matter of dispute.
A report last week in CNN said the rich asshole had been venting about Rosenstein and has made comments about wanting to remove him.
Four sources told the network that the rich asshole in recent weeks maintained his frustration with Rosenstein, the No. 2 Justice Department official overseeing the federal Russia probe.
Rosenstein appointed Robert Mueller as the special counsel to lead the Russia probe after the rich asshole in May fired former FBI Director James Comey.
Updated at 7:58 a.m.
Kirsten Gillibrand is bringing the mayor of San Juan to the State of the Union
the rich asshole called her an "ingrate" two weeks after Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico.
On Monday morning, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) announced that she is bringing Carmen Cruz, the Mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico, to President some rich asshole’s first State of the Union address.
Cruz has become the unexpected face of the devastated, and still resilient territory of Puerto Rico, which suffered an indirect hit from Hurricane Irma and a direct hit from Hurricane Maria last summer.
Her position was elevated even more after the President of the United States, whose role after disasters is normally to lift vulnerable people up and inspire the world to come to their aid, picked an immature fight with her on Twitter.
After Cruz took to the airwaves to plead directly with the rich asshole to ensure federal disaster recovery was working effectively in the face of a humanitarian crisis she said could get “close to a genocide,” the rich asshole attacked her on Twitter. He said she had “poor leadership” and accused Puerto Ricans of wanting “everything to be done for them.” He then patted himself on the back for his handling of the disaster. Cruz responded to the rich asshole with images of Puerto Ricans working to rebuild, saying: “The goal is one: saving lives. This is the time to show our ‘true colors’. We cannot be distracted by anything else.”
the rich asshole then called her a politically motivated ingrate, before lauding his administration’s response to the disaster again and again. The White House then issued a statement where other officials praised the rich asshole.
A few days later, the rich asshole traveled to Puerto Rico to receive a briefing about recovery efforts, and briefly shook hands with Cruz. His focus, however, was praising local officials who did not criticize him, rather than the recovery effort itself. “Right from the beginning, this governor did not play politics, he didn’t play at all, he was saying it like it was and he was giving us the highest grades and I want to on behalf of our country, I want to thank you,” the rich asshole said of Puerto Rican Governor Ricardo Rosselló. Upon his return, he lauded the cheers he received, and the softness of the towels he threw to people in a room in a much-derided photo op.
Cruz continued to sent updates about the lack of federal response via Twitter, noting that FEMA was unresponsive when a hospital requested aid and that there was a dire lack of water. FEMA administrator Brock Long said “we filtered out the mayor a long time ago.”
As of Monday morning, power generation in Puerto Rico reached 69.42 percent of normal subscribers. And for those who have gotten their power back, blackouts are still very common. About 450,000 people have no power at all and still rely on generators at night.
Preventing food spoilage is just another daily battle — let alone ensuring vulnerable residents receive the medical care they require. The official death toll of the storm is 64 people, but 1,052 more people than usual died after the storm, according to an investigation by the New York Times.
During the rich asshole’s visit to Puerto Rico in October, Cruz was there for the briefing the president attended. the rich asshole received applause several times, but Cruz did not join in, according to a pool report. With State of the Unions of years past judged in part on how often a president receives applause, Cruz’s hand will likely receive some attention on Tuesday night.
State of the Union addresses have a history of noteworthy guests, often picked to highlight a policy priority of, or disagreement with, the president giving the speech. Many Democrats are inviting ‘Dreamers’ to Tuesday’s speech, as the administration fights with Congress over how to settle a legislative fix to the problem the rich asshole created when he rescinded the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. Rep. Joe Kennedy (D-MA), who is giving the Democratic response to the State of the Union, is bringing a transgender soldier as his guest, which can be seen as a direct response to the rich asshole’s attempt to ban transgender people from military service.
Many residents of Puerto Rico — who are U.S. citizens, which is something that almost half of Americans apparently do not know — have relocated from the island to other states like Florida, where if they become state residents, they become fully enfranchised in whatever state in which they reside.
Here’s how much the rich asshole administration has blown on travel — that we know of

US President some rich asshole and First Lady Melania the rich asshole were to meet shooting survivors and first responders in Las Vegas (AFP Photo/MANDEL NGAN)
Former First Lady Michelle Obama’s travel around the world paled in comparison to the funds needed for current First Lady Melania the rich asshole. The newly released expenditures add to an already growing total of travel costs by an administration that is only a year old.
According to a new Wall Street Journal report, Mrs. the rich asshole has spent $675,000 on flights during her first three months her husband was in office. During that period, the rich asshole lived in New York City while her newly elected spouse was living in the White House. Mrs. the rich asshole maintained that she wanted their son to finish out his school year before moving to Washington, D.C.
The well-intentioned act cost the taxpayers a pretty penny, however. The flights cost 29.3 percent of Obama’s total expenditure over eight years. Obama spent a total of $2.3 million over her husband’s two terms.
The flights weren’t simply flights back and forth between New York City and Washington, because the president sought to spend the winter in Florida, it meant the official Air Force jets were forced to shuttle the family to his location. This cost was on top of the expenditures to secure the rich asshole Tower for the First Lady, which totaled $1 million daily.
The Journal cited military records that show at least 19 trips to New York’s LaGuardia Airport and nine trips to Florida’s Palm Beach International Airport to drop her off. The fleet of Air Force One and Air Force Two jets are always stationed at Andrews Air Force Base or a secure Air Force facility nationally and internationally. So, the planes had to leave Andrews, fly to New York, pick up Mrs. the rich asshole and take her to Florida.
The records were requested as part of a Freedom of Information Act request filed at the beginning of May 2017, prior to the family’s full move to Washington.
the rich asshole’s cabinet has come under fire for private jet flights or the use of military flights when commercial flights were acceptable. Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price was forced to resign after just eight months after spending over $1 million in private travel.
Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke is on track to surpass that, with flights throughout the Caribbean, a military helicopter that got him back to go horseback riding with the vice president and a series of openly political trips. Staffers for Zinke have also expressed frustration that they’ve been forced to use their tax payer-funded time to coordinate travel for Zinke’s wife. Zinke is now refusing to release any information about his travel expenditures.
Meanwhile, Jared Kushner and Ivanka the rich asshole have cost taxpayers nearly $400,000 in ski vacations. Similarly, Eric the rich asshole cost taxpayers $97,830 in hotel bills for one corporate jaunt in Uruguay for the rich asshole Organization. The president also came under fire when he flew back to Washington to attend a concert and fly back to his golf club in New Jersey to spend the night. The price tag was $400,000 in tax payer dollars for the evening.
“Unfortunately, the budget we’re essentially inheriting is a mess. The finances of our country are a mess,” President the rich asshole told reporters at the start of a meeting with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Office of Management and Budget director Mick Mulvaney last March. “We must do a lot more with less.”
the rich asshole repeatedly criticized President Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, for their travel. some rich asshole also tweeted about Mrs. Obama’s 2010 trip to Spain with one of her daughters, writing of Mr. and Mrs. Obama: “They love to spend money.”
They're not even trying to hide it.
Behind closed doors, Republicans have abandoned any shred of pretense that their tax scam, rammed through Congress last year on party lines and without regular order, has anything to do with the interests of working families.
In fact, in to a private, pre-recorded video to donors, House Speaker Paul Ryan makes it very clear who was behind the scheme to give billionaires and corporations over a trillion dollars in money out of the social safety net.
According to Anne Lindskey of the Boston Globe, Ryan explicitly thanked members of the Koch brothers’ network of dark-money corporate donors for their work in passing the bill. “Because of your help, we’ve been able to take the ball and run with it,” he said.
While a shameless and anti-democratic spectacle, this is hardly new information. The bill, which guts access to health insurance and eliminates exemptions for families with kids in exchange for massive corporate tax breaks, was obviously for GOP donors.
Some Republicans, like Rep. Chris Collins of New York, flat-out admitted that their donors, not their constituents, were demanding its passage. And just after it passed, Ryan got a $500,000 check from the Kochs into his joint fundraising committee — a huge donation that was only legal because of a 2014 Supreme Court decision gutting campaign finance law.
The Republican donor class seems to understand how bad this looks. That is why the Koch brothers have already pledged to spend millions of dollars this year in advertising to tout the supposed benefits of the tax scam to workers, even though Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin admitted in December that the bill will not actually raise wages for most people.
Meanwhile, the same corporations Republicans are praising for supposedly using their tax cuts to benefit workers are in fact laying off workers even as they claim the tax cuts will let them pay workers more, further undercutting GOP promises.
Kimberly-Clark recently announced it’s cutting 5,000 jobs as a direct response to the bill. Ryan’s video message to donors once again betrays the reality that the GOP Congress is not working for the American people or for Main Street. The last thing he wants is for voters to catch on and replace them with representatives who will.
the rich asshole's propaganda team at Fox think any reporting on the president that doesn't declare him a "rock star" is un-American.
Fox News’ sycophancy to some rich asshole is limitless, as one host demonstrated by declaring that reporting on the rich asshole with anything but praise is “anti-American.”
On Monday morning’s edition of “Fox & Friends,” former White House press secretary Sean Spicer had an interesting reaction to the recent news that the rich asshole ordered the firing of special counsel Robert Mueller last June, Spicer’s last full month on the job.
Co-host Brian Kilmeade brought up the story, complaining about press coverage of the story.
“Isn’t it amazing, the timing, something comes up about the Russia investigation, like for example, a story that could have broken in June comes out in January after the president goes to Davos and is treated like a rock star.”
Spicer heartily agreed and predicted coverage of the rich asshole’s State of the Union address Tuesday would be similar.
“Somebody will dig something up from when he was, like, 8 years old about how he didn’t clean his tray,” Spicer said, instead of heaping praise on the rich asshole’s speech.
“It’s just so anti-American,” co-host Ainsley Earhardt chimed in. “Where is the unity?”
Earhardt’s declaration is stunning even for Fox News, especially considering that neither Spicer nor the Fox hosts are denying the underlying story. They’re simply complaining about coverage of it. Kilmeade’s main complaint is the timing of the reporting — when the rich asshole’s Fox loyalists think reporters should be praising his appearance at Davos instead — saying it “could have broken in June.”
Worse still, the Fox hosts are saying that simply reporting on a story that puts the rich asshole in an unfavorable light, even if it’s true, is “anti-American.”
This is from the same Fox gang who, just a few days ago, was telling the rich asshole not to testify to Mueller under oath because he will almost certainly perjure.
The truth has not mattered to Fox News for a very long time, but in the era of the rich asshole, they are unafraid, and even proud, to say so out loud.
BY JORDAN FABIAN - 01/29/18 06:00 AM EST
President the rich asshole will deliver his first State of the Union address Tuesday, the biggest stage he will have to chart out an agenda for 2018.
It’s a big moment for the rich asshole, who has had a tumultuous January that included a government shutdown, a tell-all book and a bombshell story on Thursday that he had sought to fire special counsel Robert Mueller.
the rich asshole had one of his best days as president last year when he delivered a speech to a joint session of Congress. He’ll be looking for a repeat of that performance on Tuesday.
Here are five things the president will try to achieve.
Pressure Congress on immigration
The White House on Thursday rolled out an ambitious plan on immigration, an issue that has dogged Congress in the first weeks of the new year.
But the proposal quickly ran into a wall of opposition on Capitol Hill, where lawmakers say it did little to resolve their differences.
the rich asshole will use part of the speech as a sales pitch for the plan, according to a senior administration official.
Expect the rich asshole to frame the proposal as a bipartisan compromise that is Congress’s last, best chance to secure protections for young immigrants before they expire in the spring.
The president’s remarks on immigration could provide some of the most dramatic moments of his address.
Several immigrants who benefit from the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which the rich asshole canceled last year, will be in the House chamber as guests of lawmakers and will be listening closely for what the president has to say.
Lay out an infrastructure plan
the rich asshole will put some meat on the bones when it comes to his long-awaited infrastructure plan.
A senior administration official told reporters that the rich asshole will spend a chunk of his State of the Union detailing his trillion-dollar proposal to rebuild the nation’s roads, bridges and transit systems.
The president will appeal to Republicans and Democrats to get behind his plan because he believes it can garner “broad bipartisan support,” the official said.
The White House has not yet released the president’s infrastructure plan, but a leaked draft calls for a series of public investments as well as funding from state and local governments and the private sector.
The comments could help answer a lingering question: What does the president want to tackle next in 2018?
The first few weeks of the year have been consumed by the immigration and spending fight, leaving a muddled picture about the No. 1 legislative priority for the president and the GOP-controlled Congress after those battles are over.
Take an economic victory lap
The headlines in early 2018 have not been kind to the rich asshole. Developments in the Russia investigations, questions about his mental fitness and his reported “shithole countries” remark have dominated the news.
the rich asshole will attempt to refocus the nation’s attention on his economic record when he addresses the nation on Tuesday.
The unemployment rate is hovering around 4 percent, wages are rising and the Dow Jones Industrial Average has hit record highs.
the rich asshole plans to point to those as evidence that his push to overhaul the tax code and slash regulations is bolstering the U.S. economy.
Americans “will be reminded about how much President the rich asshole has accomplished in his first year. The economic upswing is helping everything,” the official said.
the rich asshole could also give Americans a preview of his next big economic push: trade.
The president has sent conflicting signals about whether he plans to pursue the protectionist policies he promised during the campaign or go in another direction.
He has taken actions against China for intellectual property theft and slapped new tariffs on solar panels and washing machines, but at the same time raised the possibility the U.S. could rejoin the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement if the terms are improved.
Set stage for the midterms
The president isn’t expected to make an overt pitch to vote for Republicans in the 2018 midterm elections, but one of his goals is to make the case to Americans that GOP leadership has produced positive results.
the rich asshole can do that by highlighting his accomplishments and using positive, unifying rhetoric.
Most presidents use the State of the Union address to reach beyond their base to people who didn’t vote for them, something the rich asshole has not frequently done during his first year in office.
But a senior administration stressed that unity will be a major thread of the address. The theme of the speech is “building a safe, strong and proud America.”
“The speech will make clear all groups are benefitting under this presidency,” the official said. “The president is going to show that all income groups, all people from all backgrounds are being lifted up by his policies.”
That’s likely to be a tough sell with some Americans.
the rich asshole's approval rating is floating around 40 percent and Democrats have an 8-point lead over Republicans in the generic ballot, according to the RealClearPolitics polling average, numbers that do not bode well for the GOP in the fall.
Shake things up
the rich asshole mostly stuck to the traditional script last February when he addressed a joint session of Congress for the first time.
The president’s sober tone and emotional tribute to the wife of a slain Navy SEAL earned him plaudits across the political spectrum.
“He became president of the United States in that moment, period,” liberal commentator Van Jones said on CNN after the speech.
But the rich asshole is a nontraditional president, and he could look to shake up the format of one of America’s oldest political rituals.
The television audience for the rich asshole’s speech last year was smaller than President Barack Obama’s first address to Congress, much to the chagrin of the former reality TV star.
Obama broke with tradition in 2015 in a tech-savvy way, posting his entire address on the online publishing outlet Medium.
The current president could similarly put his own Some rich assholeian stamp on the address.
‘I’m just not qualified to speak’: the rich asshole spokesman flops hard under questioning by CNN’s Chris Cuomo

Chris Cuomo and deputy press secretary Raj Shah (Photo: Screen capture)
President some rich asshole’s deputy press secretary Raj Shah didn’t fare well during a Monday interview with CNN’s Chris Cuomo.
Shah insisted that Cuomo play the recent tape of the rich asshole talking about how he trusts the intelligence agencies to give him the proper information. It flies in the face of a year’s worth of attacks against the intelligence community for the conclusion that Russia meddled.
Cuomo ultimately claimed that the rich asshole administration sounded like the Hillary Clinton campaign complaining about the FBI when they were angry with the findings.
Shah took that as an opportunity to pivot to complain about Hillary Clinton talking to the FBI without being under oath. Cuomo nailed him on it, saying that Clinton never needed to be under oath because it’s a crime to lie to the FBI.
“Then where’s the transcript?” Shah asked, claiming there was no record of the questioning.
“You find it! You’re in the government, you bring it to us!” Cuomo clapped back, he maintained that there were documents about the questioning.
“Are you unhappy that they said there’s a secret organization when there isn’t one? Are you unhappy about that?” Cuomo asked. “Gates, Gowdy, Sen. [Ron] Johnson — why didn’t you call those guys out and say, ‘Don’t do that when you don’t have proof.’”
Shah said that it was because the GOP men “were raising very legitimate questions.”
Cuomo took issue with the claim, saying that the men were creating a conspiracy theory out of a text message they didn’t even understand the context of. So, Shah pivoted to saying that the GOP members can defend themselves.
“Do you trust the FBI?” Cuomo asked, while the GOP is escalating probes into law enforcement.
“Yes,” Shah said, citing the new FBI director, who has already threatened to quit. Cuomo asked why the president hasn’t said that publicly, but Shah attacked Cuomo for interrupting him and never answered the question.
Shah was asked about whether or not the rich asshole would testify before Mueller.
“I’m saying I’m just not qualified to speak to whether or not or how –” Shah said.
“You’re the deputy press secretary,” Cuomo noted. “Who’s qualified if you’re not, Raj?”
Shah conceded it — but didn’t have any information. He also revealed that the rich asshole hasn’t seen the intelligence memo about the FISA warrant that he says he wants to see released to the public. Cuomo wondered why and Shah said it was because he’s preparing for the State of the Union.
Watch the smackdown below:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Mike "Traitor" Flynn documents reveal ‘very significant’ new details in the rich asshole-Russia probe: reports

some rich asshole and Mike Flynn (
A new report claims that former the rich asshole national security adviser Michael Flynn has turned over a major cache of documents that is raising new questions among investigators about the rich asshole campaign possibly coordinating with Russian officials to undermine Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.
Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) tells Politico that Senate investigators are sifting through documents that were released as part of an “end-of-the-year dump” and that he claims have produced “very significant” revelations related to the Russia investigation.
“We’ve had new information that raises more questions,” Warner explained.
Although Warner himself doesn’t say where these documents come from, a source tells reporter Natasha Bertrand that at least some of the documents came from Flynn, who last year pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI and who pledged to cooperate fully with special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.
Elsewhere in the interview, Warner slammed Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) for hyping up a memo that he wrote that purportedly shows a deep state conspiracy to undermine President some rich asshole. In reality, says Warner, the Nunes memo is part of a “coordinated effort to try to impede the investigation” and is based on “fabrications” and “dots that don’t connect.”
There is no underground "secret society" within the FBI. But the GOP still won't apologize for making the reckless claim.
Days after congressional Republicans got busted for pushing a phony smear campaign against the FBI, claiming a rogue, anti-the rich asshole “secret society” exists within the bureau, the White House still hasn’t apologized for supporting the ugly episode.
The charade was “BS,” CNN anchor Chris Cuomo scolded White House deputy press secretary Raj Shah Monday morning. “You’re putting something out there because it suits you. But it’s inaccurate.”
Obsessed with trying to protect some rich asshole from possible looming legal jeopardy as special counsel Robert Mueller continues his Russia and obstruction of justice investigations, defensive Republicans and their allies in the GOP media are committed to trying dismantle trust in the FBI and the Department of Justice.
Last week, Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson not claimed he could confirm the existence of a “secret society” within the FBI dedicated to bring down the rich asshole, but also insisted there was an “informant” to corroborate the story.
Johnson and the GOP’s get-the-FBI faction based the whole claim on a single text sent between two FBI employees last year. It was a text that turned out to be a joke between friends: ” “Are you going to give out your calendars? Seems kind of depressing. Maybe it should just be the first meeting of the secret society.” i.e., Let’s form a secret society, haha.
Johnson soon sheepishly conceded as much, but not before becoming a national punchline. Speaking on the floor of U.S. Senate Thursday, Chuck Schumer (D-NY) belittled Johnson for making “delusional” and “paranoid” claims about the FBI.
On Monday, Cuomo pressed Shah about the latest pathetic attempt to undermine the Mueller investigation.
“You didn’t check them once, Raj, because I checked everything you said about this and there was nothing,” said Cuomo, referring to the White House’s response to the GOP’s “secret society” charade. “They said there was a secret agency on the basis of those texts. They said there was a conspiracy afoot because of the missing texts. You never said it was BS. And none of you came out when it was exposed as BS to say they shouldn’t have said that. How’s that OK, Raj?”
The GOP is clearly, and desperately, trying to dismantle trust in the FBI so that if and when the rich asshole White House faces formal allegations of wrongdoing, the public relations defense will revolve around the claim of how untrustworthy federal law enforcement is.
And that partisan offensive is being led by the White House. Last week, when a reporter asked whether the rich asshole trusts the FBI, he answered, “Well, what am I going to say? I am very disturbed, as is the general, as is everybody else that is intelligent.”
That’s BS.
‘Humiliating themselves’: Morning Joe calls out GOP for ignoring the rich asshole’s confessions of guilt in Mueller probe

Joe Scarborough (MSNBC)
MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough blasted apologists who say President some rich asshole did not intend to obstruct the Russia investigation by firing FBI director James Comey.
The “Morning Joe” host has been pointing to the president’s interview with NBC News anchor Lester Holt and his remarks to a pair of senior Russian officials in the Oval Office as proof of corrupt intent.
“It is a joke,” Scarborough said. “some rich asshole fired the FBI director because the FBI director would not ignore a federal crime that some rich asshole was aware of that his national security adviser made, and after firing that FBI director, which every president has the right to do, but after firing that FBI director, some rich asshole admitted to NBC News and to the Russian foreign minister and to Russia’s ambassador to the United States, that he did so to kill the Russian investigation, and he said, I’m now no longer under investigation and quotes to the Russians, the pressure is off.”
He bashed political observers who have defended the president against obstruction allegations, saying special counsel Robert Mueller had all the proof he needs.
“Anybody that writes an op-ed and suggests that some rich asshole has not put himself directly in the target of an obstruction charge is just fooling themselves and some very, very stupid, ill-informed readers,” Scarborough said. “Because even the firing of Bob Mueller, the ordering of the firing of Bob Mueller, the argument is it’s not done until it’s done. It goes to intent. They’re lying to people out there.”
He said the rich asshole’s supporters were trying to keep him away from a looming interview with Mueller — which the president and his defenders are clearly worried about.
“A panic is sweeping across the rich asshole supporters on the right, sweeping across Republicans, sweeping across some conservative publications and they’re humiliating themselves — and I don’t know why they’re doing it because truth will call them out a week from now,” Scarborough said. “It makes no sense.”
GOP confident tax scam overhaul will be a 2018 winner
BY JONATHAN EASLEY - 01/28/18 05:37 PM EST
INDIAN WELLS, Calif. – Republicans are increasingly confident that their tax-reform bill is growing in popularity and will help them buffer the stiff political headwinds they face in the 2018 midterm elections.
At a gathering of donors affiliated with billionaire conservative activists Charles and David Koch, GOP lawmakers and donors said they see signs the public is warming to the bill after initial polling indicated the overhaul would be a massive drag on the party.
The Koch network spent $20 million in advertising in support of the bill before it passed and has pledged another $20 million to tout the bill before the midterm elections.
“I’m delighted that the network will be committed to helping us tell that story,” said Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas). “We’ll have to continue to combat the misinformation and the naysayers that want this to fail. … Shame on us if we don’t make it an issue [in 2018].”
A CNN poll released on Dec. 19, just days before President the rich assholesigned the bill into law, found that only 33 percent supported the GOP tax bill and 55 percent opposed it.
Those numbers were worse even than polling for the Affordable Care Act in 2010, which faced majority opposition but routinely pulled 40 percent support or more.
But Republicans say that as voters find out what is in the tax bill they are growing more supportive of it. They believe that shift in sentiment will continue when tax cuts are reflected in workers’ paychecks for the first time in February.
“After about two weeks, the Democrats or colleagues who voted against the tax bill stopped talking about it,” said Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.). “You know why they’re not talking about it? Because they know it’s not our ObamaCare. It’s a policy promoting growth and it’s giving more people money and the proof is in the paycheck … it’s a positive story, that’s why they’re not focusing on it. Because it’s working.”
A New York Times-Survey Monkey poll released on Jan. 16 found that most voters still oppose the bill, with 49 percent saying they disapprove. But the tax law’s approval leapt from 37 percent in December to 46 percent in January.
“Support is clearly growing for it,” said Americans for Prosperity President Tim Phillips.
A December survey from Harvard CAPS-Harris found that a 64 percent of voters oppose the bill, but that support for the overhaul spikes to 51 percent when voters are told that it will reduce overall tax rates for individuals, double the child tax credit and repeal the ObamaCare mandate.
“Last year there were 122,000 families in Tennessee that had to pay the ObamaCare penalty for not purchasing insurance,” said Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.). “The kicker is that 100,000 of those families had incomes of $50,000 or less and were paying that penalty because they couldn’t afford to buy a product mandated for them to buy by the [federal] government.”
Still, the Harvard CAPS-Harris survey found that 59 percent oppose reducing the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent — the bill’s signature issue.
Republicans will need all the help they can get in 2018 as they try to hold on to majorities in the House and Senate.
The party in power typically loses seats in the midterm elections and generic ballot polling finds Democrats with a double-digit lead in the House. the rich asshole’s approval rating is historically low for a first-term president and there are worries he will be a drag on the party.
Liberals are energized in opposition to the rich asshole and are emboldened by recent elections held in swing states or red states such as Virginia and Alabama.
Conservative Snowflakes Triggered By Hillary Clinton’s Reading Of ‘Fire And Fury’
Hillary Clinton made a surprise “appearance” at the Grammy Awards Sunday night in a pretaped reading of what is surely some rich asshole’s least favoritest book in the whole wide world: Michael Wolff’s “Fire and Fury.”
Clinton’s face was covered when she began her reading, but as she spoke she lowered the book to reveal her face, drawing cheer from the audience.
“He had a longtime fear of being poisoned. One reason why he liked to eat at McDonalds,” Clinton read. “No one knew he was coming and the food was safely pre-made.”
the rich asshole peon Nikki Haley fired off an angry tweet after she was triggered by the performance. But at least we can appreciate that her whole night was ruined by this:
the rich asshole Jr. is also sad:
Naturally, The Basket of Snowflakes is also triggered:
As the Stupid Part of America melts down, “Fire and Fury,” which has sold more than 1,7 million copies, remains at the top of Amazon’s Best Seller list — right above “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck.”
Nikki Haley, possibly having an affair with no45, rips Grammys over 'Fire and Fury' segment
U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley isn't happy about a segment during the Grammy Awards that featured Hillary Clinton and other celebrities reading excerpts from the book "Fire and Fury: Inside the rich asshole White House."
"I have always loved the Grammys but to have artists read the Fire and Fury book killed it," Haley tweeted on Sunday night. "Don’t ruin great music with trash. Some of us love music without the politics thrown in it."
Earlier, Haley had responded to another Twitter user by saying the segment had "ruined" the awards show.
I have always loved the Grammys but to have artists read the Fire and Fury book killed it. Don’t ruin great music with trash. Some of us love music without the politics thrown in it.
Hillary Clinton doing a dramatic reading of “Fire and Fury” was worth waiting up for.
Clinton joined a host of music industry figures, including Cardi B and Snoop Dogg, during a segment in which they pretended to be auditioning to read excerpts from Michael Wolff's controversial tell-all about the rich asshole administration.
During her appearance, which drew applause from the audience, Clinton read an excerpt about the president's habit of eating McDonald's.
"He had a longtime fear about being poisoned — one reason why he liked to eat at McDonald's. No one knew he was coming and the food was safely pre-made," read Clinton, the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee.
Following her reading, Grammys host James Corden entered the scene, exclaiming, "That's it — that's the one!"
“You think so?” Clinton said. “The Grammy’s in the bag?”
Hillary Clinton reads from 'Fire and Fury' in surprise Grammy appearance
BY JUDY KURTZ - 01/28/18 10:16 PM EST
Hillary Clinton joined a host of prominent music-industry figures — including John Legend, Cardi B, Snoop Dogg and Cher — to skewer President the rich asshole in a blistering mock Grammys audition to narrate the best-selling book “Fire and Fury: Inside the rich asshole White House.”
“He had a longtime fear of being poisoned — one reason why he liked to eat at McDonald’s. No one knew he was coming and the food was safely pre-made,” Clinton read in a surprise appearance during the 60th annual Grammy Awards on Sunday.
Following her reading, Grammys host James Corden entered the scene, exclaiming, "That's it -- that's the one!"
“You think so?” Clinton, the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee, replied with a smile. “The Grammy’s in the bag?” she said.
"the rich asshole won’t read anything,” John Legend, a frequent the rich asshole critic, said in the sketch. “He gets up halfway through meetings with world leaders because he is bored.”
“His combover: the color was a product called Just for Men,” Cher, another fierce the rich asshole opponent, read. “The longer it was left on, the darker it got. Impatience resulted in the rich asshole’s orange/blond hair color.”
Rapper Snoop Dogg donned glasses as he offered his interpretation of another portion of the book, saying, “the rich asshole did not enjoy his own inauguration. He started to get angry and hurt that stars were determined to embarrass him.”
The “Gin and Juice” rapper paused before saying to the camera and said, “I definitely wasn’t there.”
Cardi B then read another passage from the New York Times best-seller: “If the rich asshole is not having his 6:30 dinner with Steve Bannon then more to his liking he was in bed with a cheeseburger.”
The outspoken “Bodak Yellow” rapper then added, “Why am I even reading this shit? I can’t believe this. This is how he lives his life?”
the rich asshole has called the controversial tell-all about his administration “fiction” and its author, Michael Wolff, a “fraud.”
Nikki Haley lashes out at Grammy Awards over 'Fire and Fury' skit mocking the rich asshole
After Hillary Clinton and top stars in the world music decided to mock some rich asshole at the Grammys, Nikki Haley wasn't pleased. 01-28-2018
On Sunday night, the 60th Annual Grammy Awards took place and as expected, it got political at times. In response, United States Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki #Haley decided to speak out on Twitter.
Haley on Grammys
Just like the Academy Awards and the Emmy Awards, the Grammy Awards became another platform for celebrities to express their disdain for some rich asshole and the current administration.
On Sunday night, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton took part in a skit along side several celebrities who decided to read passages from Michael Wolff's "Fire and Fury: Inside the rich asshole White House." "One reason why he liked to eat at McDonald's: Nobody knew he was coming and the food was safely premade," Clinton read. "His comb-over: A product called Just for Men," Cher read. Other artists like John Legend, Snoop Dog, and Cardi B also did readings of their own. When the segment ended, supporters of the president were not happy, which was evident during a January 28 tweet by Nikki Haley.
Taking to Twitter on January 28, Nikki Haley expressed her frustration [VIDEO] at the Grammy Awards for becoming too political in regards to the "Fire and Fury" segment.
"I have always loved #the grammys but to have artists read the Fire and Fury book killed it," Haley wrote. "Don’t ruin great music with trash," she added, while concluding, "Some of us love music without the politics thrown in it."
Instant reaction
Not long after Nikki Haley sent out her tweet, critics of the administration quickly fired back [VIDEO]. "Oh please you know if it was pointed at Obama you’d be silent on this issue. You’re ambassador to the UN you’ve got better things to do than tweeting like your boss," one tweet read.
"Music and art is political," one tweet read.
"Having a sense of humor might help here," Don Moyhihan tweeted out. "Oh please give me a break! You sit back silent as the rich asshole trashes nearly every person in this country who isn’t white or doesn’t worship the ground he walks on. If you want to stand up with a message you better get your moral compass in the right direction first sister," yet another tweet added.
"LOL your boss took a break from assaulting women & targeting minority’s to tweet about Jay Z and you had nothing to say. Artists are *supposed* to speak out against injustice," Anil Dash wrote. "Some of us citizens, don't like our politicians to be complicit and spineless while burning down our reputation all over the world and supporting a bumbling idiot. so... whateva, lady," a Twitter user wrote. #award shows
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