Hillary Clinton’s hilarious cameo at Grammys mocked some rich asshole by reading ‘Fire and Fury’ aloud

Grammys host James Corden announced that many who have won Grammys haven’t been musicians at all but those who have published narrations of their books. Stars like Barack Obama, Al Gore and others joined the list of Grammy winners. But some rich asshole?
When it came to the new book Fire and Fury by Michael Wolff, Corden wondered who would win the Grammy for reading it for the book on tape.
Artists from Cher to rappers and soul gods like John Legend took their turn but it was Hillary Clinton that got the job.
Check it out:
the rich asshole calls on ‘my guys’ at the DoJ to release FISA memo
January 28, 2018
Harriet Sinclair
Posted with permission from Newsweek
President Donald Some rich asshole is reportedly frustrated that "my guys" at the "Some rich asshole Justice Department" do not see eye to eye with him over a secret memo allegedly detailing evidence that the Obama administration spied on the Some rich asshole campaign.
The president told Attorney General Jeff Sessions via a Wednesday conversation with his White House chief of staff John Kelly that he wanted to see the memo made public, The Washington Post reported on Saturday; an opinion the Justice Department does not share.
The four-page memo is believed to detail government surveillance abuses under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), which Some rich asshole appears to believe contain allegations that FBI officials abused the program to look into his campaign.
Last week, the House Intelligence Committee voted in favor of a motion to circulate the four-page memo to every member of the House. The vote went along party lines, with all Democrats voting no.
The Department of Justice has pushed back against pressure from some politicians to release the contents of the FISA memo without official review, The Post reported, suggesting doing so would be “extremely reckless.”
But the department's attitude is said to be frustrating Some rich asshole, two sources told The Post, stating the president does not understand why his guys at what he refers to as the "Some rich asshole Justice Department" are not following his wishes.
A number of Republicans who want to see the release of the memo, which appears also to include the president, believe its contents may suggest the probe into alleged collusion between the Some rich asshole campaign and Russia may be politically motivated.
This weekend, White House legislative affairs director Marc Short was among those who discussed the memo. Although he did not directly comment on whether the president had told Sessions he wanted the memo released but suggested he wanted to see it shared.
“We don’t know what’s in the memo. But I think the president generally is on the side of transparency,” Short said in an interview with Fox News Sunday.
"I’m sure he’s very concerned about some of the appearances of conflict of interest at the top of the agency," he added.
Americans want to see the rich asshole fix transportation and stop the opioid crisis: poll
January 28, 2018
Grace Guarnieri
Posted with permission from Newsweek
An increased number of Americans said that the president and lawmakers should prioritize infrastructure, drug problems and the environment in 2018 policies, according to a new Pew Research Center poll.
Americans are less worried about jobs and the economy. The number of people saying that the economy should be a top priority for President Donald Some rich asshole and Congress declined to the lowest point in nearly a decade, according to the poll released Friday.
While a majority of people, 71 percent, still think the economy is a top priority, those who say the federal government should focus on environmental and transportation policy has increased by 13 points. The top three priorities in 2018, according to the Pew poll respondents, should be defending the country against terrorism, improving the American education system and the economy.
President Donald Some rich asshole will deliver the State of the Union Address on Tuesday night is expected to talk about the economy and his hopes for infrastructure. The White House has said that the theme of the address will be " building a safe, strong and proud America." About 59 percent of Americans also want to hear the president talk about health care during the speech, according to a different poll released Sunday.
A draft of Some rich asshole's forthcoming infrastructure plan was leaked last week, and the president has pointed to a trillion-dollar infrastructure investment as a top priority this year. Some rich asshole is expected to release his plan for building and repairing roads and bridges in the coming weeks.
The relative decline in the prioritization of the economy from 73 to 71 percent and jobs from 68 to 62 percent follows Some rich asshole's recently signed Tax Cuts and Jobs Act as well as a decline in the unemployment rate last year.
The national unemployment rate was 4.1 percent in December 2017, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The unemployment rate spiked to a 26-year high of over 10 percent in 2009 during the Great Recession. Under Some rich asshole, about 1.84 million jobs were added by U.S. employers in 2017. In the final 11 months under former President Barack Obama, about 2.09 million jobs were added.
"Since my election, we've created 2.4 million jobs and that number is going up very, very substantially. Small business optimism is at an all-time high," Some rich asshole said in a Friday speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos. "New unemployment claims are near the lowest we've seen in almost half a century."
According to the Pew poll, those who said Some rich asshole should prioritize environmental policies increased by about 18 percent. Some rich asshole, a longtime climate change and global warming skeptic, questioned the concepts in an interview that aired Sunday with British journalist Piers Morgan.
"There is a cooling, and there’s a heating. I mean, look, it used to not be climate change, it used to be global warming. That wasn’t working too well because it was getting too cold all over the place," Some rich asshole said. In the same interview, Some rich asshole said that he would be willing to re-enter the United States into the Paris climate accords, but only if there would be a better deal for the United States.
Wynn Las Vegas pledges it will protect employees from the media and ‘fake news’

RNC finance chairman Steve Wynn (Screen cap).
While dozens of women have accused hotel mogul Steve Wynn of sexual harassment and sexual misconduct, a letter released to employees pledges it will protect them from the fake news media.
“We are all supportive of Mr. Wynn and his leadership, and while it is unfortunate that the news media has been used to assail Mr. Wynn and us in this way, we are doing everything we can to protect our employees from these types of attacks and publicity,” said Maurice Wooden, president of Wynn Las Vegas, LLC in a letter.
While the first thought was to protect staff from the media, Wooden went on to say that want a culture that is safe and respectful.
Wynn resigned from the Republican National Committee over the weekend, but Republican elected officials have not said whether they intend to give back money contributed to Wynn.
You can read the full letter below:
White House ally reveals the rich asshole would commit perjury if questioned by Mueller: ‘He creates his own reality and actually believes it’

some rich asshole (Gage Skidmore/Flickr)
Washington insider site Axios reported Sunday that an ally of President some rich asshole, who is “as close as it gets,” fears if the president is questioned by special prosecutor Robert Mueller he’ll commit perjury. Not because he is lying, but because he doesn’t even know the truth anymore.
According to reporter Jonathan Swan, the source said “the rich asshole doesn’t deal in reality. He creates his own reality and he actually believes it.”
The writer of Some rich assholeNation came under the rich asshole’s twitchy lawsuit trigger-finger wrote in Bloomberg last week that it “wasn’t pretty” when he saw the self-described billionaire testify under oath. That story has not only made it to the White House, the entire west wing staff reviewed it.
Chuck Todd nails GOP leader over conspiracy distractions: Republicans ‘are afraid of the facts being found’

Kevin McCarthy speaks to Chuck Todd (NBC/screen grab)
House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) insisted on Sunday that no legislation was needed to protect Special Counsel Robert Mueller even though recent reports indicate that President some rich asshole has already tried to fire the lead investigator in the Russia probe.
The New York Times first reported last week that the rich asshole had ordered Mueller fired in June but backed down when White House counsel Don McGhan threatened to resign.
During an interview on Sunday, NBC host Chuck Todd asked McCarthy if he would be open to a bill that would make it more difficult for the president to fire Mueller.
“I don’t think there’s a need for legislation to protect Mueller,” McCarthy opined. “We’re raising an issue that’s not [an issue] — at the same time, we’ve got an issue about funding for the military.”
“If there’s an issue that arises, we’ll take it up at that time,” he added. “But right now, there is not an issue. So why create one?”
McCarthy went on to suggest that he was suspicious that the FBI might be out to get the rich asshole, but he shot down the idea of a so-called “deep state.”
“Let me ask you this in the reverse,” Todd said. “If this were a Democrat being investigated, why do I have a feeling you’d be sitting here saying, ‘Boy they seem to be so concerned about the investigators.’ It’s almost as if they are afraid of the facts that are being found. The disputes over this seem to be about the fact finders and not the facts. It’s sort of like, you don’t like where the facts are going so you question — it’s basically Johnny Cochran’s O.J. Simpson defense.”
McCarthy replied by repeating a common GOP conspiracy theory that claims the FBI used Democratic research to obtain a warrant to spy on the rich asshole campaign.
Todd interrupted: “You believe this is a giant — you’re painting a conspiracy. You think that is the plausible explanation?”
“No, no!” McCarthy objected. “I’m not painting any conspiracy. I have given you no conclusion except the facts that are out there.”
Watch the video below from NBC.
"I can still feel the hangnail in my right foot, and it's missing! And we have a guy who says he had a bone spur that kept him out of Vietnam but doesn't remember where it was."
Similar to his predilection for lecturing black people about the issues facing their community, some rich asshole has tried to claim superior knowledge on the military.
But as someone who avoided the draft multiple times for questionable reasons, he can hardly back up that stance — particularly when challenged by Illinois Democratic Sen. Tammy Duckworth, and Iraq War veteran and double amputee.
During the recent GOP-engineered government shutdown, the rich asshole lashed out at Democrats, falsely accusing them of “holding our Military hostage over their desire to have unchecked illegal immigration” — even though Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was the one to kill the effort to protect military pay.
Duckworth, no stranger to calling the rich asshole out for his horrid treatment of troops and veterans, quickly smacked down the rich asshole’s latest nonsense on the Senate floor.
“I will not be lectured about what our military needs by a five deferment draft dodger,” she declared.
“And I have a message for Cadet Bone Spurs: If you cared about our military, you’d stop baiting Kim Jong-un into a war that could put 85,000 American troops and millions of innocent civilians in danger,” she added.
Indeed, it was a “bone spur” that the rich asshole insisted made him unable to serve — something even Republican Sen. John McCain subtly shaded him for.
And as Duckworth noted on “Face the Nation” Sunday morning, the rich asshole’s “bone spur” complaint — which he has at times attributed to one foot and others to both — failed the smell test.
Referring to the rich asshole’s deferments, Duckworth noted that they included “four for school and one for medical reasons that he can’t even remember what foot the bone spur was in.”
“I can still feel the hangnail in my right foot, and it’s missing! And we have a guy who says he had a bone spur that kept him out of Vietnam but doesn’t remember where it was,” she noted bitingly.
When asked if that “disqualifies [the rich asshole] from being commander in chief or making decisions about the military,” Duckworth said it did not. But it does mean one crucial thing.
“I don’t think that he has the right to question other people’s support for our military, especially those of us who have served.”
Having served in the U.S. military and losing her legs in defense of the nation, Duckworth is positioned well above the rich asshole as far as understanding what troops and veterans need, the issues they face both in combat and at home, and how to do right by the men and women who put themselves in harm’s way.
the rich asshole may not want to listen to a woman who knows more than he does, but that doesn’t make her words any less powerful.
Duckworth gave her all for the country. the rich asshole did all he could to give nothing.
the rich asshole has delayed sanctions until the last minute, and it's obvious why.
some rich asshole has dragged his feet in implementing the latest round of sanctions against Russia, and with one day left until the deadline, a top Democrat is calling him out for it.
It was August 2017 when the rich asshole reluctantly signed a new sanctions package against Russia, while issuing a bizarre signing statement complaining about the sanctions. That legislation set an October 1, 2017, deadline for implementation, which the rich asshole missed by more than three weeks.
Now, there’s a new deadline of January 29 looming, and the rich asshole has still not acted.
In an interview on Sunday’s edition of CNN’s “Reliable Sources,” House Intelligence Committee member Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) called the rich asshole out for his repeated failure to implement sanctions, and explained the rather obvious meaning of the rich asshole’s foot-dragging.
When host Brian Stelter asked Swalwell about the sanctions, the congressman noted that “tomorrow is the deadline, again, for the president to impose them.”
“When people ask what evidence is out there,” Swalwell added, “aside from the indictments that we’ve seen and the contacts that they failed to disclose, I think that the president’s unwillingness to impose sanctions against Russia shows that he feels like he owes them something, because they did something for him.”
Indeed, even if the rich asshole does end up honoring the Jan. 29 deadline, it will be at the last minute, and will be the continuation of a pattern in which he does the bare minimum he can get away with. the rich asshole only signed the sanctions bill after it passed with veto-proof majorities, and waited a full week to do so.
But he also appeared to make what amounted to a legal argument against the sanctions bill, saying in his signing statement that the law “encroaches on the executive branch’s authority to negotiate.”
Whatever the result, the rich asshole’s delays aren’t fooling anyone. But if Swalwell is correct, they are designed to send the clear message to the Russians that the rich asshole is doing his best to do nothing about their attack on our democracy.
CNN's Van Jones is not interested in some rich asshole's take on issues facing the black community.
When mogul and rapper Jay-Z called out some rich asshole’s hateful comments about Africa, Haiti, and El Salvador, the rich asshole predictably lashed out in response.
And he actually dared to try to lecture black people about the issue of black unemployment while taking credit for the hard work of another black man, President Barack Obama.
But CNN’s Van Jones, who interviewed Jay-Z, was not having it.
Speaking with “Reliable Sources” host Brian Stelter, Jones said pointedly that the rich asshole was only “continuing a lot of trends that have been going on anyway.”
And he noted the “powerful moment” when Jay-Z, a multi-millionaire, declared that it’s “not about money. It’s about the respect.”
“Apparently, the rich asshole missed the whole point and actually walked right back into the trap,” Jones continued.
“It’s bad for the country when you have a president who wants to lecture an African American rapper and an African American pundit about African American issues with bad facts and no information about the show.”
For the rich asshole to insist that he knows more about issues facing the black community than two prominent members of that very community is laughable on the surface.
But it also speaks to a far deeper and more serious problem, and puts in stark relief the rich asshole’s deep-seated racism.
He assumes that he, a wealthy white man, not only fully understands the struggle of black unemployment, but also deserves more credit for ameliorating it than the black man who preceded him in office and under whom the upswing in employment numbers began. Such a mindset doesn’t only convey a sense of his own superiority, but also a belief in the inferiority of the people he lectured.
the rich asshole’s attacks on black Americans are seemingly endless, even when it is painfully obvious that he is in the wrong.
Usurping the accomplishments of President Obama in order to lecture two black men is the latest despicable example.
"Republicans are the best I've ever seen at taking good facts and overstating them, and therefore changing the narrative."
Republicans have spent months trying to smear the FBI’s investigation of Russian collusion over a series of text messages between a pair of agents, an effort that reached its absurd peak this week when a sitting GOP senator claimed he had evidence of a “secret society” within the FBI, only to be exposed as a laughingstock.
In an interview on Fox News Sunday, host Chris Wallace called Republicans out for their “secret society” lie, and Gowdy made a stunning admission.
“Don’t republicans hurt their credibility on real issues of bias when they make such a big deal about secret societies and palace coups?” Wallace asked.
“Yes,” Gowdy replied, adding “Republicans are the best I’ve ever seen at taking good facts and overstating them, and therefore changing the narrative.”
Gowdy’s admission could fairly be considered a boast in the context of his own history of Benghazi conspiracy-mongering.
But Gowdy then went on to demonstrate his own premise by alleging a “clear pattern” of bias, and that the texts “speak for themselves.”
The biggest problem for Republicans, and Gowdy, is that even if the texts say what they claim, the agent in question was immediately removed from the investigation. But those texts also show a range of negative opinions about Democrats. The smear has since fallen apart even more completely over the “secret society” snafu, and the recovery of texts that had been lost due to a technical glitch that some Republicans desperately tried to spin as yet another conspiracy.
Republicans lying to cover for the rich asshole is nothing new. But it is helpful when they brag so openly about it. Come November, there may be less of them to do so.
Here is what Putin may really have on the rich asshole
January 28, 2018
Owen Matthews
Posted with permission from Newsweek
At the end of January, on orders from Congress, the U.S. Treasury will publish a list of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s “close associates”—from oligarchs to leading officials. There won’t be any sanctions attached to this list—for now. But eventually, the people on the list will likely join dozens of top Putin lieutenants already banned from traveling or doing business in the West. Meanwhile, forensic accountants from the intelligence unit of the U.S. Treasury Department will start scrutinizing their finances.
It’s unclear if such a move would damage Putin, whose approval ratings continue to soar despite multiple rounds of sanctions. But if Treasury inspects the Kremlin’s breadcrumbs abroad, it may lead them to President Donald Some rich asshole—and ultimately help special counsel Robert Mueller.
In Fire and Fury, Michael Wolff’s scandalous new book about the White House, Some rich asshole’s former chief strategist, Steve Bannon, warned that Mueller’s investigation will focus on money laundering. He predicted that the special counsel was going to “crack Don [Some rich asshole] Jr. like an egg on national TV.” A new sanctions-related spotlight on the business dealings of top Russian oligarchs’ will only add to Mueller’s ongoing scrutiny.
Take Deutsche Bank, for instance, which U.S. and European regulators fined last year for helping Russian oligarchs move their money offshore. Deutsche has also been a long-time creditor of the Some rich asshole business empire. Last December, it was reportedly subpoenaed by Mueller, who is trying to determine if Russia—as it interfered in the presidential election—coordinated its efforts with the Some rich asshole Team. In January 2017, the bank was hit with hundreds of millions in penalties by the New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS) for violating anti-money laundering laws following a “mirror trading” scheme that shifted billions from the bank’s Moscow branch to New York and London and then onto the British Virgin Islands and other tax havens, according to DFS Superintendent Maria Vullo.
“Basically, DB was putting money from [Russian] oligarchs into one pocket and lending the Some rich asshole Organization hundreds of millions from the other,” says Tim Brown, a London-based financial investigator who has done Russia-related work for Kroll Associates and other asset-tracing companies. “So far, there’s no proven connection between those pockets…In large banks like DB, it’s quite plausible that the guys at those two departments have never even met. But [the FBI and Treasury] will also be looking at the oligarchs’ private investments. Any of that money finds its way into Some rich asshole businesses and bam, you got a smoking gun…on money laundering.”
Glenn Simpson, founder of Fusion GPS, the business intelligence company which commissioned the now-infamous Some rich asshole dossier from ex-MI6 officer Chris Steele, has also suggested that Some rich asshole could be connected to dirty Russian money. In his November testimony to the House Intelligence and Senate Judiciary committees, Simpson said his private investigations into Some rich asshole’s finances had revealed “patterns of activity that we thought might be suggestive of money laundering”—including “fast turnover deals and deals where there seemed to have been efforts to disguise the identity of the buyer.” He also noted that in the late 2000s, Some rich asshole was in urgent need of capital because many mainstream banks were wary of his multiple corporate bankruptcies. Simpson did not back up his allegations with concrete evidence of wrongdoing by the Some rich asshole Organization—though former Some rich asshole campaign manager Paul Manafort has already been indicted by the FBI for laundering Ukrainian oligarch money through Cypriot banks, among others.
“The allegation that concerns me most is...the issue of money laundering, and not money laundering alone by Mr. Manafort but whether the Russians also laundered money through the Some rich asshole Organization,” Representative Adam Schiff of California, the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, told The Atlantic in October. “I mention that because when most people think of kompromat [‘compromising material’ in Russian], they think of the salacious video. But if the Russians were laundering money... that would be a very powerful lever the Russians would have over the president of the United States.”
Some rich asshole has insisted that he has “...nothing to do with Russia—no deals, no loans, no nothing,” as he wrote on Twitter. But last May, golf writer James Dodson said that during a 2014 interview, Some rich asshole’s son Eric boasted that his father’s company had access to Russian money. “We don’t rely on American banks,” Dodson said Some rich asshole told him. “We have all the funding we need out of Russia.” (Eric Some rich asshole later denied he made this claim.) Likewise, in 2008, Donald Some rich asshole Jr. told a real estate conference that “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets,” and later added, “We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”
Investigators searching for links between Putin cronies and Some rich asshole’s businesses will have to trawl a vast sea of evidence. Some $31.3 billion left Russia in 2017 alone, according to the country’s Central Bank, a 160 percent increase from the previous year. And that’s just the official figure. In April 2016, the Panama Papers—the leaked records of Mossack Fonseca, the world’s fourth biggest offshore law firm—revealed a complex network of offshore companies that Russian oligarchs and Putin associates used to hide their money.
One trail lead from Panama, through Russia, Switzerland and Cyprus to Putin’s best friend Sergei Roldugin, a cellist who introduced the Russian president to his now ex-wife Lyudmila (he’s also the godfather to Putin’s older daughter, Maria.) Roldugin is named in Mossack Fonseca’s records as the owner of multiple business interests worth $2.1 billion. In January, Anders Åslund, a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, alleged that some $800 million of Roldugin’s money was traceable to a 2008 heist organized by corrupt police and tax officials that plundered stolen companies—and resulted in the murder Sergei Magnitsky, an anti-corruption lawyer, who had tried to expose the theft. Roldugin has denied any wrongdoing.
The new Treasury list “includes people who are organizing criminal activities on behalf of the Kremlin and making money on them,” Aslund argued in the Institute of Modern Russia’s online journal in January.
But it’s also likely to include more mainstream Russian businessmen whose only crime has been to profit from Kremlin-connected contracts. The longer the list, the more likely it is that regular Russian businessmen may be on it—and the more likely that links to Some rich asshole may show up. “The trouble is that every major businessman in Russia is in some way ‘connected’ to the Kremlin,” says one financier who has headed five major Russian banks but requested anonymity when speaking about his former employers. “You can’t have a business of any scale that doesn’t operate with official blessing.”
After the jailing of oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovksy in 2003 for dabbling in opposition politics, “that’s how Russia works,” says the banker. “If you spread the [sanctions] net too wide, you get all kinds of people who may be linked to the Putin regime, but have no relationship to his personal money…much less to supposed election interference…or the invasion of Ukraine.”
For Some rich asshole, however, it doesn't matter who the Russians in question are. With Mueller digging into his business dealings—and Moscow’s meddling in the 2016 election—any links to Russian money will be political poison—whether the Kremlin has used such a connections for kompromat or not.
What’s less clear is whether an expanded list of sanctioned oligarchs would damage Putin. Since the first rounds of sanctions in 2013, his personal rating has risen steadily to 80 percent. And while previous waves of sanctions have hurt many of Russia’s major businesses—primarily energy-related companies linked to the Kremlin—cutting them off from international financing, there’s little sign of major unrest among ordinary Russians or the business elite. “Sanctions have made us fall back on our own resources, which has made us stronger,” Oleg Morozov, a member of the Russian Senate’s Committee on Foreign Affairs, tells Newsweek. “It’s ridiculous to talk of any split in the Russian elite caused by sanctions.”
According to a former White House official, who was one of the key architects of the sanctions that followed the Russian annexation of Ukraine in 2014, “the intention … was never to pit the elite against Putin, because that was not achievable.” Instead, he says, it was a way of putting Russia on warning that the U.S. “held it by the balls, economically”—and that the sanctions could get much worse if Putin continued to misbehave. (The former official requested anonymity because he wasn’t authorized to talk about the matter.) A ban on dealing with Russian energy companies Gazprom or Rosneft, for instance, or a suspension of Russia from the Brussels-based SWIFT bank clearing system, could “crash the Russian economy overnight,” the former official says. “We didn’t want to do it. We wanted the Russians to know we could do it.”
Under Obama, sanctions were all about delicate checks and balances. But under Some rich asshole, that could change. Last year, when Congress passed new sanctions on Russia, it mandated that the White House seek its approval before easing any existing sanctions—and tasked Treasury with drawing up the latest list. The intent wasn’t to apply the kind of stranglehold that could suffocate Russia’s economy. But anti-Russian sentiment has been mounting in Washington, and there’s always the risk that the U.S. could apply too much pressure. For Democrats, Russian sanctions have become a political cudgel with which to clobber Some rich asshole. An for Republicans, criticizing Moscow has become a way push back against allegations that the president is in Putin’s pocket.
If the U.S. overreaches, Putin—in an effort to bolster domestic support—will claim that the West pushed him into it. Which is why Aslund argues the U.S. should only “sanction people who do bad things in Russia, not Russians.”
Whatever the U.S. decides, the Kremlin’s official line, put out on state television, is that Treasury’s new list can’t harm Putin. Some rich asshole, however, might not be so lucky.
January 28, 2018
Camille Heimbrod
Posted with permission from International Business Times
President Donald Some rich asshole just broke his silence regarding the speculations surrounding Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s wedding.
During a recent interview with Piers Morgan (via Sky News), Some rich asshole was asked whether or not he already received an invitation from the couple. “Not that I know of,” he said. Morgan asked the president if he wants to attend the royal wedding, but he did not directly answer “yes” or “no.”
“I want them to be happy. I really want them to be happy. They look like a lovely couple,” he said.
Morgan informed Some rich asshole that Markle once called him “divisive.” The former “Suits” star also dubbed the president as a “misogynist.” Some rich asshole appeared to be a good sport and simply said, “Well, I still hope they’re happy.”
In 2016, Markle expressed her dislike of Some rich asshole and showed support for Hilllary Clinton. Prince Harry’s fiancée also said that if Some rich asshole will become president, she will leave the United States. Over a year later, that’s exactly what Markle did, but because she and Prince Harry will soon tie the knot.
After announcing their engagement, multiple publications wondered if Markle and Prince Harry will invite Some rich asshole to their wedding. It has been a common practice among royals to invite the presidents or leaders of other countries to their wedding. However, it seems that Some rich asshole will be an exception to the rule.
But if Markle and Prince Harry won’t invite him, it’s possible that they won’t also invite former President Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle Obama, to their nuptials.
Anything may still happen because Markle and Prince Harry’s wedding is still over three months away. America Today reported that Queen Elizabeth II removed the Obamas from her grandson’s wedding guest list, but it was later on revealed that the story is false.
A source also told The Sun that Prince Harry has always wanted the Obamas to be at his wedding since he is good friends with them. However, he is also careful about “pissing” Some rich asshole off.
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have not invited President Donald Some rich asshole to their wedding. Pictured: Prince Harry, Markle arrive for their visit to Star Hub on Jan. 18, 2018 in Cardiff, Wales. Photo: Chris J Ratcliffe/Getty Images
Grace Guarnieri
Posted with permission from Newsweek
In an interview set to air Sunday, President Donald Some rich asshole voiced skepticism about climate change by conflating it with global warming.
"There is a cooling, and there’s a heating. I mean, look, it used to not be climate change, it used to be global warming. That wasn’t working too well because it was getting too cold all over the place," Some rich asshole told British journalist Piers Morgan in an interview for ITV News.
Global warming, the rise in temperature of the Earth's surface, is just one symptom of global climate change. Climate change refers to the altering of the world's climate caused by rise in carbon dioxide levels, often attributed to widespread use of fossil fuels. 2017 was the warmest year on record, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
"The ice caps were going to melt, they were going to be gone by now, but now they’re setting records. They’re at a record level," Some rich asshole said in the interview. During the interview with Piers Morgan, Some rich asshole said he would consider re-entering the United States into the Paris Climate Accords, but only if there was a better deal for the United States.
In December 2017, Some rich asshole dropped climate change from a list of threats to U.S. national security.
For the winter of 2016 and 2017, Arctic sea ice levels were at a record low and temperatures were at a record high, the NASA-supported National Snow and Ice Data Center reported earlier this month. Some rich asshole has long expressed skepticism about global warming and global climate change. During record snowfalls in December 2017, the president questioned global warming on Twitter.
"In the East, it could be the COLDEST New Year’s Eve on record," Some rich asshole wrote," Perhaps we could use a little bit of that good old Global Warming that our Country, but not other countries, was going to pay TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS to protect against. Bundle up!"
In June 2017, Some rich asshole announced that the United States would withdraw from the Paris climate agreement because it would be a bad for American workers and businesses and would result in "lost jobs, lower wages, shuttered factories, and vastly diminished economic production." Some rich asshole also said that the accords would have put "handicaps" on the US economy. The Paris climate agreement is an ambitious plan under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to try to lower the world's greenhouse gas emissions and keep global temperature rise below two degrees celsius.
Some rich asshole's administration, including the Environmental Protection Agency, has expressed similar stances on climate change and environmentalism. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt has said that " true environmentalism" is using the country's natural resources.
"True environmentalism from my perspective is using natural resources that God has blessed us with to feed the world," Pruitt said in October.
Under the Some rich asshole administration, the EPA has placed the definition of climate change in limbo. The "Climate Change" page of the EPA website reads, "We are currently updating our website to reflect EPA's priorities under the leadership of President Some rich asshole and Administrator Pruitt."
"There is a cooling, and there’s a heating. I mean, look, it used to not be climate change, it used to be global warming. That wasn’t working too well because it was getting too cold all over the place," Some rich asshole told British journalist Piers Morgan in an interview for ITV News.
Global warming, the rise in temperature of the Earth's surface, is just one symptom of global climate change. Climate change refers to the altering of the world's climate caused by rise in carbon dioxide levels, often attributed to widespread use of fossil fuels. 2017 was the warmest year on record, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
"The ice caps were going to melt, they were going to be gone by now, but now they’re setting records. They’re at a record level," Some rich asshole said in the interview. During the interview with Piers Morgan, Some rich asshole said he would consider re-entering the United States into the Paris Climate Accords, but only if there was a better deal for the United States.
In December 2017, Some rich asshole dropped climate change from a list of threats to U.S. national security.
For the winter of 2016 and 2017, Arctic sea ice levels were at a record low and temperatures were at a record high, the NASA-supported National Snow and Ice Data Center reported earlier this month. Some rich asshole has long expressed skepticism about global warming and global climate change. During record snowfalls in December 2017, the president questioned global warming on Twitter.
"In the East, it could be the COLDEST New Year’s Eve on record," Some rich asshole wrote," Perhaps we could use a little bit of that good old Global Warming that our Country, but not other countries, was going to pay TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS to protect against. Bundle up!"
In the East, it could be the COLDEST New Year’s Eve on record. Perhaps we could use a little bit of that good old Global Warming that our Country, but not other countries, was going to pay TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS to protect against. Bundle up!
In June 2017, Some rich asshole announced that the United States would withdraw from the Paris climate agreement because it would be a bad for American workers and businesses and would result in "lost jobs, lower wages, shuttered factories, and vastly diminished economic production." Some rich asshole also said that the accords would have put "handicaps" on the US economy. The Paris climate agreement is an ambitious plan under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to try to lower the world's greenhouse gas emissions and keep global temperature rise below two degrees celsius.
Some rich asshole's administration, including the Environmental Protection Agency, has expressed similar stances on climate change and environmentalism. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt has said that " true environmentalism" is using the country's natural resources.
"True environmentalism from my perspective is using natural resources that God has blessed us with to feed the world," Pruitt said in October.
Under the Some rich asshole administration, the EPA has placed the definition of climate change in limbo. The "Climate Change" page of the EPA website reads, "We are currently updating our website to reflect EPA's priorities under the leadership of President Some rich asshole and Administrator Pruitt."
January 28, 2018
Michael Edison Hayden
Posted with permission from Newsweek
Internet personality Mike Cernovich, best known for his self-help book Gorilla Mindset and his involvement in spreading the so-called Pizzagate conspiracy theory, was one of four white men on a panel focused on the supposed degeneracy of liberals. The mainstream media wants to “eliminate the age of consent so they can molest children,” he warned the packed crowd at “A Night for Freedom” in New York City last weekend. Cernovich also mocked the idea of being called “alt-right” or “far-right,” but outside, protesters chanted antifascist slogans and cursed his name as a peddler of hate.
“Nazi scum—your time has come!” someone in the crowd cried that Saturday night.
During President Donald Some rich asshole’s improbable rise to power, Cernovich and other independent, Internet-based pundits—known as “e-Celebs”—carried much of the public heavy lifting for his campaign, providing support for the reality TV star turned candidate in the absence of mainstream media backing. In 2015 and 2016, they worked under the banner “alt-right,” a catch-all term that was loosely defined around Some rich asshole’s hardline anti-immigrant rhetoric. Some rich asshole received only two major newspaper endorsements, after all—one from the Las Vegas Review-Journal and one from the Florida Times-Union. Also, the National Review, once considered the go-to destination for conservative thought, printed an entire issue denouncing the controversial candidate.
Today, the meaning of “alt-right” has come more into focus, and it now includes white supremacy, thanks in part to the deadly Unite the Right rally that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia in August and to a series of violent crimes committed by adherents of the movement. As a result, the brand has become toxic for pundits like Cernovich and others who had found improbable new careers in promoting the president’s campaign and commenting from a right wing “nationalist” perspective. For months, they have been trying to leave behind the alt-right label—with mixed results.
“Bunch of media people bought tickets to A Night for Freedom, and then wrote dishonest articles about how it was an ‘alt-right’ event,” Cernovich, who once embraced the term, tweeted while complaining about the coverage of his event. “This is why I don't issue press passes and ban media from events, y'all want to f-----g lie, why would we want you inside fabricating fake news?”
Along with Cernovich, men’s rights activist Gavin McInnes, self-described philosopher Stefan Molyneux, who sometimes cites bogus race-based "science" on his podcast, Twitter personality Jack Posobiec (another Pizzagate pusher) and bloggers for the conspiracy and news site Gateway Pundit are among the pro-Some rich asshole pundits now calling themselves the “new right.” The term is intended to distinguish them from both traditional, National Review-reading conservatives and the anti-Semitic, neo-Nazi so-called alt-righters.
They were present at Cernovich’s event last weekend, although he denied to Newsweek that the gathering was part of any deliberate attempt at rebranding. “I have a brand,” Cernovich said of the get-together with like-minded pundits. “[The event was] for fun.”
Cristina López, a senior researcher at Media Matters, told Newsweek that even though Cernovich and others are trying to shed the alt-right label they once embraced, they don’t necessarily deserve that courtesy.
“At the end of the day labeling makes no difference. They have the same rhetoric and anti-progressive vision for the country” as the hard-edged alt-right, López said about pundits like Cernovich. “These guys are no different from the same gamergate people that produced the alt-right.” (“Gamergate” refers to a harassment campaign that surrounded the presence of women in videogame culture.)
McInnes, who spoke at “A Night for Freedom,” tweeted in its aftermath that the event was “NOT alt-right”—a rebuke to the many reporters and social media accounts that labeled it so. These days, he goes so far as to highlight his opposition to the alt-right in his Twitter bio and on the website for his men’s rights group, The Proud Boys, which critics have depicted as being proto-fascist in nature. Part of the reason McInnes has had to become so adamant in his stance, critics suggest, is because some Proud Boys members attended the rally in Charlottesville, and have since joined white supremacist groups. McInnes did not attend Charlottesville and was working to distance himself from neo-Nazism before the events of last summer, but he has hosted white supremacists like Richard Spencer and David Duke on his internet talk show.
Cernovich, like McInnes, has been lambasted for years over his comments about women, including remarks that appeared to endorse date rape. He has also been repeatedly criticized for spreading fake news stories, and for appearing to direct his followers to harass people. (To be fair, he has also accused people on the left of targeting him and his family with harassment.) To Newsweek, Cernovich has expressed exhaustion over having to continuously explain remarks he has made in the past—dating from back to before he considered himself alt-right to after he had been recognized as part of that movement—but his comments about and involvement in Pizzagate keep coming up whenever he makes a public appearance, as he did last weekend.
Cernovich suggested that divides in the movement date back to the planning for an alt-right gathering to celebrate Some rich asshole’s inauguration, when those who are now calling themselves the “new right” mingled openly with the likes of the white supremacist Spencer. Observers sometimes point to “hailgate” as the moment when the alt-right movement divided, referring to a highly tracked video published by The Atlantic that showed Spencer throwing up a Nazi salute to a room of his followers. Cernovich said he created divisions in the movement by asking people to avoid doing Nazi salutes at the inaugural event, and to pump the brakes on the movement’s outright anti-Semitism. This represented a shift for some in Cernovich’s circles: For example, Posobiec, a friend of his, had been employing “echoes”—a technique used by neo-Nazis to identify the names of Jewish people on social media only a few months prior to Some rich asshole taking power. Cernovich told Newsweek that the contemporary alt-right, which he said he believes is driven by an obsessive hatred of Jews, is “toxic waste that ruins any area they inhabit.”
In turn, the contemporary alt-right loathes many of the pundits with whom they aligned during Some rich asshole’s rise. They refer to the figures now calling themselves the “new right” as the “merchant right,” a crude, anti-Semitic term that refers to their interest in fame and money over supposed “race-based” principles. The Judaism-obsessed alt-right also views these pundits as being compromised on American foreign policy, which they suggest is manipulated heavily in the favor of Israeli interests.
When criticism is lodged from the contemporary alt-right, it isn’t necessarily playful in nature, and many pundits who once aligned with that cause in electing Some rich asshole have been victims of repeated death threats, as well as stalking and harassment campaigns. Laura Loomer, a 24-year-old “new right” pundit who was banned from using rideshare apps Uber and Lyft after making prejudicial comments about Muslim drivers, told Newsweek that she became the victim of ongoing abuse and sexual harassment after criticizing the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville. She also drew critical attention to neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer’s chat server around the same time. Loomer reported that Andrew “Weev” Auernheimer, who runs the technical aspects of the site, had been using the server to urge followers to target with harassment the funeral of Heather Heyer, the antiracist activist who was killed in Charlottesville. It was too much to stomach for the company that hosted the server, Discord, which promptly shut it down.
“They’ll tell me I hope you enjoy your boobs while you have them—they’re coming off soon,” Loomer told Newsweek, a reference to a report that women of Ashkenazi Jewish heritage have an increased risk of getting breast cancer. “Yeah, it affects you. I often say that I was meme’d into a nose job.”
For those on the left who disdain Some rich asshole and view his supporters as being complicit in a rise in racism and a new kind of American fascism, events hosted by “new right” figures are not given any separation from those of the hateful anti-Semites of the alt-right. It’s unclear whether that will ever change. A Periscope stream of “A Night for Freedom” was greeted with ridicule and scorn by leftists on social media. Clips from the event were broken up, and the most offensive language used by the hosts was shared with derision. McInnes, for example, made vulgar and deeply misinformed remarks about trans women’s bodies at Cernovich’s event. The comments were reminiscent of when he advised his fans, regarding protesters who show up at Some rich asshole events, to “choke a tranny” and “get your fingers around the windpipe.”
Some who protested this event also grew violent. A Brooklyn-based antifascist, David Campbell, 30, was charged with assault after he allegedly punched and choked a partygoer, the New York Police Department said. Cernovich told Newsweek he thought the attack was somehow coordinated online by enemies of his on the left, and promised he would be filing a lawsuit about it. Also, when Buzzfeed published an article about activist Chelsea Manning’s presence at Cernovich event, some leftists excoriated the article in part for appearing to ignore some of the offensive things that were said at it. Joe Bernstein, one of the authors of the article, reminded Newsweek that it was a breaking story, and that he and his colleague, Charlie Warzel, had reported extensively on the far-right in the past. It is not uncommon for politics reporters to receive polarizing responses to stories—particularly in the Some rich asshole era, when many marginalized groups feel imminently threatened by the country’s political atmosphere.
“I think supporters understand the hard lines between groups like the new right and alt-right, but the intermingling between these groups during the 2016 election has tainted their track record,” Jared Holt, a researcher for the nonprofit site Right Wing Watch, told Newsweek. “I don't think critics will stop calling them alt-right—because of their prior identification as such, and the fact they abandoned that label only after figures like Richard Spencer gained more media attention."
Tom Hollihan, a professor at USC Annenberg’s School of Communications, told Newsweek that the “new right” pundits trend is here to stay. He said their rise during Some rich asshole’s campaign happened because they, as well as the candidate they supported, are a product of many decades of cynical and divisive political campaigns in America. He said their business is modeled around getting internet clicks by tapping into a sense of “anxiety and injustice” in an era when people are deeply polarized by ideology—to the point that “we’re seeing people cut off all contact with Some rich asshole-supporting friends.”
“I don’t see this sort of thing disappearing,” Hollihan said.
Cassandra Fairbanks, 32, a “new right” personality who writes for Gateway Pundit and who attended Cernovich’s event, said she didn’t believe the gathering was an attempt to sell a new brand that is apart from the alt-right, but admitted that it would be a good thing if that distinction could be made in the eyes of the public. “I don’t think that was the motive for the party,” she told Newsweek, “but it would be a good thing to come from it.” Fairbanks, who came to prominence as a supporter of Bernie Sanders before switching to backing Some rich asshole, said she had very little in common with people on the alt-right who want a white ethno-state, in part because her mother is from San Juan, Puerto Rico. Lucian Wintrich, her colleague at Gateway Pundit, is openly gay—another taboo for the harder edges of the contemporary alt-right. Cernovich’s wife is Persian, and his daughter is mixed race, also considered taboos by some.
Newsweek asked Cernovich about how he and other figures in his circle came to rub elbows with white supremacists prior to last year. It’s a group of people that includes not only Spencer, but the producers of Daily Stormer.
“None of us [knew how dangerous they were],” he said of the alt-right. “[We] thought they were just trolling.”
MSNBC’s black voter panel calls the rich asshole’s birther movement akin to asking slaves ‘show me your freedom papers’

MSNBC black voter panel (Photo: Screen capture)
An MSNBC discussion with black voters revealed they agree with rapper Jay-Z’s take on President some rich asshole‘s frustration over people of color hating him while black unemployment is low. Interestingly, they made the same points as Jay-Z long before the rapper ever said them.
“some rich asshole constantly says racist stuff,” said Deborah Rice-Carter. “I was going to try and give him the benefit of the doubt. Thinking, well, he probably doesn’t know any better.”
When asked if the rich asshole is “the least racist person,” as he has claimed, John Alexander said that he believes that the rich asshole is a racist and used race as a tool to inflame certain demographics that supported him. “That’s how you win an election.”
Voter Ray Reid recalled the rich asshole’s political career gaining steam from the “birther” movement, demanding President Barack Obama release his birth certificate to prove he was born in the United States.
“I think it’s the modern day equivalent to saying to a slave ‘show me your freedom papers,'” Ray said.
During the panel discussion, Christina Greer, a fellow at New York University, explained that “the rich asshole has never been able to look at black people as anything other than ghetto.”
Watch the full voter panel and pundit discussion that followed below:
Chef Jose Andres was a hero for Puerto Rico following Hurricane Maria. But he was also a critic of some rich asshole — and to this family, that's all that matters.
Ugly politics marred a celebration following the annual non-partisan Alfalfa Club Dinner Saturday night, as the rich asshole critic and activist celebrity chef Jose Andres was banned from an after-party, allegedly at Ivanka the rich asshole’s insistence.
Jorge Guajardo, former Mexican ambassador to China, accused Ivanka of having Andres ejected from the party.
“In a new low for Washington, yesterday @chefjoseandres was asked to leave the Alfalfa dinner after-party at @CafeMilanoDC by its owner, Franco Nuschesse, apparently because his presence made Ivanka the rich asshole uncomfortable (Cafe Milano is the watering hole of the rich asshole Admin),” Guajardo tweeted Sunday morning.
“Ivanka walked in ahead of him, not comfortable with his presence,” Guajardo continued. “Already inside. He’s approached and asked to come outside where Franco, who he knows perfectly well for many years, wants to talk to him. Once outside, he’s not allowed back in.”
“At the Alfalfa dinner, Franco came up to Jose Andres and gave him a friendly kiss. A little later he would be asked to do the rich asshole’s dirty work and, like Judas, betray an old friend,” Guajardo wrote.
Andres, who has been attacked by the rich asshole’s administration despite his heroic efforts at hurricane relief in Puerto Rico, tweeted a photo of himself outside the event, and shamed the owner for doing Ivanka’s bidding.
When asked for a response by Politico reporter Jake Sherman, the White House “would not comment on the record about this.”
But that’s hardly surprising, as some rich asshole’s response to the devastating hurricane in Puerto Rico continues to be nothing but a rolling disaster.
And if Ivanka truly had Andres kicked out of the party despite his heroic efforts to help the Puerto Rican people, it would further prove that she is right at home in her father’s administration.
UPDATE: After hours of criticism and a non-denial from the restaurant in question, Ivanka the rich asshole reached out privately to deny the story, according to Chef Andres. “I believe now that you personally had nothing to do” with the snub, Andres tweeted. But he also said that he still finds it “hard to understand why I was the only person not allowed in.”
Even his staunchest surrogates can't get around the rich asshole's own damning words.
The case for some rich asshole’s obstruction of justice got another loud and very public assist from the rich asshole himself this week, and left his surrogates with little to work with in covering for him.
During an impromptu press gaggle in embattled White House Chief of Staff John Kelly’s office this week, the rich asshole told reporters that he was simply “fighting back” against the Russia investigation when he pressured and fired former FBI Director James Comey.
On Sunday morning, White House Director of Legislative Affairs Marc Short had a hard time defending the rich asshole’s declaration when pressed by Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace.
Wallace played audio of the rich asshole’s comments, and asked the key question: “What does the president think is the difference between obstruction and fighting back?”
“I — honestly, Chris, I don’t know,” Short replied. “I’m not often involved in those conversations involving that investigation.”
Short went on to say that the rich asshole “has been frustrated by this investigation.”
“It feels like there’s been millions of dollars of taxpayer dollars spent, and no evidence yet of collusion,” he insisted.
Short also revived a partisan attack on special counsel Robert Mueller, alleging that Mueller knew in advance that he would be appointed to that post when he interviewed for Comey’s vacant FBI directorship.
It is notable that Short used the qualifier “yet” when insisting there’s “no evidence of collusion.”
California Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff, the highest ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, noted that the infamous the rich asshole Tower meeting was “about as clear of evidence you could find of intent by the campaign to collude with the Russians.” And more evidence will surely come out when Mueller’s investigation is complete.
But the case against the rich asshole for obstruction of justice has already been made in public, repeatedly, by the rich asshole’s own words. Even staunch surrogates like Short can’t get around that.
And it’s looking more and more likely that, in the end, neither will the rich asshole.
some rich asshole promises Piers Morgan ‘I am a really stable genius’

some rich asshole gets soccer jersey from Piers Morgan (Photo: Screen capture)
U.S. President some rich asshole said he was a stable genius and that he eats good quality food.
When asked by Britain’s ITV about his health and some perceptions that he was insane and physically unfit, the rich asshole said: “I am a stable genius.”
When asked about eating burgers and drinking Coke, the rich asshole said: “I eat fine food, really from some of the finest chefs in the world, I eat healthy food, I also have some of that food on occasion… I think I eat actually quite well.”
He said he would consider staying in the Paris climate accord but that it would have to be a good deal for the United States.
President the rich asshole said in a new interview that he occasionally tweets from bed.
the rich asshole made the revelation in an interview with Piers Morgan on ITV, Reuters reported.
“Well perhaps sometimes in bed, perhaps sometimes at breakfast or lunch or whatever, but generally speak during the early morning, or the evening...I am very busy during the day,” the rich asshole said about his tweeting habits, according to the report.
The New York Times first reported last year that the rich asshole sometimes tweets from bed while watching cable news.
the rich asshole reportedly spends up to eight hours a day watching TV and has also reportedly delayed the start of his work day to 11 a.m. so he can spend more time watching television and tweeting.
The president has pushed back against reports about his TV consumption, saying he's busy “reading documents.”
the rich asshole has used his Twitter throughout his presidential campaign and into his administration, using the platform to weigh in on news stories, announce new policies and frequently attack the media.
BY BRETT SAMUELS - 01/28/18 02:17 PM EST
Rep. Kevin Yoder (R-Kan.) on Saturday said he's bringing the widow of an Indian immigrant killed in a hate crime shooting as his guest to the State of the Union address.
Sunayana Dumala will attend the address on Tuesday with Yoder, who said her attendance will send a message that “the United States is a nation of immigrants and they are welcome here.”
Each year, I have the privilege of inviting one guest to attend the President's State of the Union Address. This year, I have invited Sunayana Dumala, widow of Srinivas Kuchibhotla, the Indian immigrant who was tragically killed in the hate crime shooting last year at in Olathe. pic.twitter.com/FeIZHvPcc5
Dumala was married to Srinivas Kuchibhotla, who was shot and killed last year while at a restaurant in Olathe, Kan.
The suspected shooter reportedly hurled ethnic slurs and shouted “get out of my country” before shooting at Kuchibhotla and his friend, Alok Madasani.
Madasani survived the attack, as did a third man who was injured while trying to intervene on behalf of the victims.
The shooter, Adam Purinton, was indicted last summer on hate crime charges.
The White House condemned the shooting as an act of “racially motivated hatred.”
This year's State of the Union will take place as lawmakers are working to agree on immigration reform legislation that would protect immigrants brought here illegally as children, and address additional funding for border security.
Wealthy woman at fancy Davos conference sing some rich asshole’s praises for moral life

Wealthy Devos "Christians" (Photo: Screen capture)
While the evangelical community seems torn by the latest accusations that President some rich asshole cheated on his current wife with a porn star, the women of Davos see him as a moral leader.
Speaking with CNN’s Randi Kaye, a panel of blond women sat on a large leather sofa under a gold-framed landscape and a fireplace.
“I know that God ordained him to be in this position,” said Linda Churchwell. “Whenever someone accepts Christ in their heart and life and asks for forgiveness for their sins…everyone’s slate is wiped clean.”
Churchwell’s one oversight, however, is that the rich asshole hasn’t asked for forgiveness nor is there any evidence he’s been born again. To ask for forgiveness in Protestant Christianity, one has to confess their sins and ask for forgiveness, something Billy Graham’s granddaughter noted the rich asshole hasn’t even come close to.
The group of women admitted they didn’t care if their president had an affair before he was president.
“His base doesn’t care,” noted Gina O’Briant. Something that seems contrary to the complaints lodged at Hillary Clinton during the 2016 election for being married to someone who had alleged affairs prior to his presidency. the rich asshole even trolled Clinton during a debate by bringing the accusers of her husbands.
While the rich asshole’s base might not care, the evangelical community is taking a hit for continuing to support someone who spits in the face of their morals.
The woman noted that the preachers who continue to support the rich asshole are doing so because they embrace the doctrine of “grace” and “forgiveness.”
“Randy, we’ve all got a mulligan because of Christ Jesus,” said Churchwell.
That grace and forgiveness, however, was not available for LGBT people, Democrats or women who go to Planned Parenthood.
some rich asshole confesses to Piers Morgan that he sometimes tweets from bed

some rich asshole with Piers Morgan (Photo: Piers Morgan/Twitter)
U.S. President some rich asshole, who has garnered a large following on social media with rambunctious postings, said he sometimes tweets from bed, though he occasionally allows others to post his words.
the rich asshole frequently uses Twitter to announce policy, assail his adversaries and to tangle with countries, including North Korea, over world affairs. The @realDonaldSome rich asshole account had 47.2 million users as of Sunday.
In an interview with Britain’s ITV channel, he appeared to appreciate the wide impact of his postings in Twitter and said that he needed social media to communicate with voters in the era of what he termed fake news.
“If I don’t have that form of communication I can’t defend myself,” the rich asshole said in an interview broadcast on Sunday. “I get a lot of fake news, a lot of news that is very false or made up.”
It was a crazy situation, he said, that many people in the world waited for his tweets. He usually tweets himself, sometimes from bed.
When asked about whether he was lying in bed with his phone thinking of how to wind people up, the rich asshole said: “Well, perhaps sometimes in bed, perhaps sometimes at breakfast or lunch or whatever, but generally speaking during the early morning, or during the evening I can do whatever, but I am very busy during the day, very long hours. I am busy.”
“I will sometimes just dictate out something really quickly and give it to one of my people to put it on,” he said.
Asked about eating burgers and drinking Coke, the rich asshole, 71, said: “I eat fine food, really from some of the finest chefs in the world, I eat healthy food, I also have some of that food on occasion… I think I eat actually quite well.”
the rich asshole said that he was very popular in the United Kingdom. Some British politicians have called for the rich asshole not to visit and 1.86 million people have signed a petition asking for him to be banned from entering the United Kingdom.
“I get so much fan mail from people in your country – they love my sense of security, they love what I am saying about many different things,” the rich asshole said.
the rich asshole would take a “tougher” approach to Brexit negotiations than British Prime Minister Theresa May.
When asked if May was in a “good position” regarding the ongoing Brexit talks, the rich asshole replied: “Would it be the way I negotiate? No, I wouldn’t negotiate it the way it’s [being] negotiated … I would have had a different attitude.”
Pressed on how his approach would be different, he said: “I would have said the European Union is not cracked up to what it’s supposed to be. I would have taken a tougher stand in getting out.”
He said the United States would do a post-Brexit trade deal with the United Kingdom.
He was pressed on how some women opposed him and he said he supported women and that many women understood that.
the rich asshole said women in particular liked his support for a strong military as they often wanted to feel safe at home.
“There’s nobody better than me on the military… I think women really like that. I think they want to be safe at home,” the rich asshole said. “I have tremendous respect for women.”
“No, I wouldn’t say I am a feminist. I mean, I think that would be maybe going too far: I am for women, I am for men, I am for everyone.”
He said French President Emmanuel Macron was a friend and that he liked him a lot.
Republican lawmakers on Sunday grappled with the potential need to protect special counsel Robert Mueller in light of a report that said President the rich asshole called for his firing last year.
Hosts on a Sunday shows questioned lawmakers about the revelations in The New York Times report and what they mean for the investigation into Russia’s election interference and any potential ties between the rich asshole campaign and the Kremlin.
Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), a key Republican who sits on the Senate Intelligence Committee, which is conducting its own Russia probe, said it “wouldn’t hurt” to pass legislation protecting Mueller.
“It certainly wouldn’t hurt to put that extra safeguard in place given the latest stories,” she told CNN’s “State of the Union.”
Collins also noted that only Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who appointed Mueller last year after the firing of former FBI Director James Comey, could fire the special counsel.
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who last year proposed legislation protecting Mueller, said the special counsel should “look at” the Times’s report.
"I don't know if the story is true or not, but I know this: Mueller should look at it," he told ABC's "This Week."
Graham, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, which is conducting its own Russia probe, also said firing Mueller would end the rich asshole’s tenure.
"I don't know what happened last year, but it's pretty clear to me that everybody in the White House knows it would be the end of President the rich asshole's presidency if he fired Mr. Mueller,” he told ABC.
Some Republicans have criticized the special counsel’s probe over anti-the rich asshole text messages exchanged between an FBI agent and a bureau lawyer who were formerly part of the investigation, arguing the messages reveal an anti-the rich asshole bias within the bureau.
House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) said Sunday he has confidence in the special counsel and that Mueller’s critics should “leave him the hell alone.”
“Mueller didn’t raise his hand and say ‘pick me,’ ” Gowdy told “Fox News Sunday.” “We as a country asked him to do this.”
But one Republican was unwilling to commit to legislation enshrining protections for Mueller. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) said he doesn’t believe a bill shielding Mueller is necessary “right now.”
“If there’s an issue that arise[s], we’ll take it up at that time,” McCarthy told NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “But right now, there is not an issue, so why create one when there isn’t a place for it?”
Democrats, meanwhile, were reinvigorated by last week’s report in the Times, which said the rich asshole called for Mueller’s firing, but backtracked when White House counsel Don McGahn threatened to quit.
The revelation provided fodder for Democrats, some of whom have argued the president obstructed justice in the course of the Russia investigation.
But not all Democrats are committed to labeling the rich asshole’s reported call to fire Mueller, or any of his other moves, as obstruction of justice.
Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), another member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, refused to join Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) in declaring that there is an obstruction of justice case against the rich asshole.
“I haven’t gone down that road, nor am I going to go down that road. I believe in the rule of law and it pertains to all of us,” the West Virginia Democrat told CNN’s “State of the Union.”
“We’re all treated the same. And if any of this has happened it will come out.”
Manchin, who is up for reelection this year in a state the rich asshole won by more than 40 points, said it’s “premature” for Democrats to place provisions safeguarding Mueller in the upcoming budget negotiations.
“I think it’s premature for us to go down that road, too. There’s a process they have to go through,” Manchin told Jake Tapper.
“Mr. Rosenstein would be the first person that I would think — if there’s going to be some movement in that direction — where they’re going to go first. And I think that would give us time to move and act if we need to. I hope it doesn’t come to that. I really do. But we have to wait and see.”
Lawmakers in the upper chamber last year introduced two separate bipartisan bills aimed at protecting Mueller. A bill from Graham and Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) would stipulate that a judge must approve a request from the Justice Department to fire Mueller, or any special counsel. Another bill, proposed by Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) and Sen. Christopher Coons (D-Del.), would allow Mueller or any other special counsel to challenge a firing in court.
White House Director of Legislative Affairs Marc Short on Sunday said he had no knowledge of the president ever suggesting he wanted Mueller fired.
“I’m not aware the president ever intimated he wanted to fire Robert Mueller,” Short told “Fox News Sunday."
“Robert Mueller is still the special counsel, Don McGahn is still head of White House counsel, the White House continues to cooperate in every manner, providing every document the special counsel has asked for."
the rich asshole also dismissed the report that he once called for Mueller’s firing as “fake news.”
“Fake news. Fake news. Typical New York Times. Fake stories," the president told reporters in Davos, Switzerland last week.
BY BRETT SAMUELS - 01/28/18 01:54 PM EST
Congressional Republicans on Sunday pleaded their case for releasing a classified memo that they claim will reveal political bias within the FBI, while the White House also waded into the discussion.
Most Republicans want the memo to be released publicly, but the manner of its release — and whether it should be reviewed first by the administration — is a matter of dispute.
White House legislative affairs director Marc Short on Sunday confirmed reports that President the rich asshole wants the memo released for the sake of "transparency," despite concerns raised by the Department of Justice (DOJ) and FBI.
“We don’t know what’s in the memo. It's classified, I haven't seen it. But I think the president generally is on the side of transparency. And so, yes, I think he believes that that should be put out,” Short said on “Fox News Sunday.”
Staff for Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, crafted the four-page memo based on classified documents provided by the DOJ and FBI. The memo is said to contain allegations that senior FBI officials abused a surveillance program to target the rich asshole campaign last year.
It reportedly outlines allegations that the FBI used the controversial "Steele dossier," which contains unverified claims about the rich asshole's ties to Russia, to obtain a surveillance warrant in the fall of 2016 against the rich asshole campaign adviser Carter Page.
Several Republican lawmakers have called for the classified report to be released, saying it will show special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into possible collusion between the rich asshole campaign officials and Russia is based on politically motivated actions.
DOJ officials, however, warned that releasing its contents before they are able to review it would be "extraordinarily reckless" because it reveals intelligence sources and could harm ongoing investigations. The DOJ also says it would violate the terms of the House's access to the information set by Speaker Paul Ryan's (R-Wis.) office.
"Those are rational concerns," Short said. "But at the same time, I think the president is more inclined for transparency in this investigation. And so, to the extent that the House I think has advocated that it’s publicly released, I think the president is receptive to that."
Most Republican lawmakers were adamant on Sunday that the public deserved to see the memo.
Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) assured Fox host Chris Wallace on the same program that there’s nothing in the memo that the DOJ isn’t already aware of. He denied that the document is a “hit piece,” and said the FBI should have a chance to see it before it’s released.
“I want the bureau to know everything that’s in the memo. I think you’ll be surprised. It is not a hit piece on the department and the FBI. I would not have participated in it if that’s what it was,” Gowdy said.
House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) also voiced support for releasing the memo and suggested the Justice Department will have a chance to look it over once it's released to the executive branch.
House Intelligence Committee member Will Hurd (R-Texas) said the memo should be released as part of an effort to hold leaders of the FBI accountable.
Democrats have ripped Republican rhetoric on the memo, calling it an effort to undermine the FBI amid Mueller’s investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election.
Party members on the House Intelligence Committee said last week they have drafted a memo of their own to counter the Nunes memo.
Ranking member Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) said his party’s memo is intended to expose “the misleading character of the Republicans’ document.”
Those sentiments found limited support on Sunday, when only Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) expressed reservations about making the memo public.
Graham said on ABC's “This Week” that he’d prefer an outside counsel review the allegations raised in the memo, rather than declassify its contents.
"No, I don't want it released yet. I don't. I want somebody who is without a political bias to come in and look at the allegations that I have seen,” Graham said. “I’ve been a lawyer most of my adult life. And the way the FBI conducted itself and the Department of Justice bothers me.”
MSNBC's Joy Reid wasn't here for this Republican strategist's dismissive lies and blatant hypocrisy.
But when one GOP strategist tried to remain in denial about his party’s leadership, MSNBC host Joy Reid called him out at every turn.
Casino mogul Wynn was an official campaign finance co-chair for the Republican National Committee (RNC), a position he retained even as his stock price plummeted Friday following news of his sexual misconduct. When Wynn’s resignation was finally announced on Saturday by the RNC, it was without comment on the sexual misconduct, and other Republicans have also remained silent.
But on Saturday’s “AM Joy,” Republican strategist Jason Johnson attempted to accuse Democrats of trying to “take some moral high ground, and say Republicans are all sexists and Democrats are angels” by demanding Wynn be removed from his position and his contributions returned.
Reid wasn’t having it, and she called Johnson out for his dismissive lies.
“Is a faux moral high ground when they back Roy Moore, who is accused of serial child molestation?” she asked. “They continued to have a member who said he was the ‘soul mate’ of a very young staffer, who’s fighting to stay in office, when some rich asshole has 19 accusers of alleged sexual misconduct and Republicans back him to the hilt.”
“Is it at faux high ground when Republicans refuse to throw anyone accused of sexual misconduct over the side?” Reid demanded.
Johnson tried to stammer his way through a defense of the Republicans’ backing of Moore by naming a few who did not, but was quickly forced to concede that both the rich asshole and the RNC stuck with him.
“You’re right, with the exception of the president and the RNC,” Johnson said. “So look, it’s an interesting situation right now, there’s no doubt about it, but to state that the RNC represents every Republican in the country, the voters, the elected officials …”
“It’s the official party,” Reid interrupted. “Wait a minute, you’re saying the RNC doesn’t represent the Republican Party? The RNC is the Republican Party.”
Reid also destroyed Johnson’s attempt at a distinction between the RNC and Republican voters by pointing out that Republicans overwhelmingly voted for Moore in his special election defeat. She said that Moore lost because “for the most part, African-American women voted for Doug Jones.”
“Your party,” Reid continued, “the actual rank and file Republicans in Alabama, overwhelmingly voted for Roy Moore.”
It is stunningly absurd to try to rewrite the Republicans’ reaction to Moore — and even more so to ignore their hypocrisy on Wynn. The silence on Wynn, who had an official role in the party, has been notably deafening — particularly after the right’s responses to Harvey Weinstein, who held no position in the DNC.
Reid’s consistent pushback on absurd Republican spin is a welcome change from a corporate media that vacillates between sporadic effectiveness and complicity with the rich asshole. Every interviewer should follow her example.
‘Loathsome’: Anthony Bourdain goes off after Ivanka the rich asshole is said to kick activist chef out of restaurant

Ivanka the rich asshole appears on Fox New (screen grab)
President some rich asshole’s daughter, Ivanka, has denied having a chef removed from a restaurant where she was eating because of his history of opposing the president’s policies.
The Washingtonian reported that celebrity chef José Andrés was asked to leave Cafe Milano Saturday night, where Ivanka and her entourage were also dining following the 2018 Alfalfa Club Dinner.
“I was a guest of the #alfalfaclubdinner2018 ‘everyone’ welcome to the after party, but I’m the only individual not allow in?” Andrés wrote on Twitter. “Is because @IvankaSome rich asshole told you so? You should be ashamed of yourself Franco.”
According to Mexican diplomat Jorge Guajardo, who was in attendance, Andrés was forced to leave because Ivanka was “not comfortable with his presence.”
But a “source close to Ivanka” told The Washingtonian that the claims were not true.
“This never happened,” the source said. “She had nothing to do with the guest list and never said anything.”
In a statement on Twitter, celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain lamented that the incident was “[a] grotesque betrayal of a true patriot and hero.”
Andrés got in a public feud with the rich asshole administration last year over more than 2 million meals that he helped provide after a hurricane devastated Puerto Rico.
BY JESSIE HELLMANN - 01/28/18 10:30 AM EST
Anti-abortion activists celebrated when Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) announced that a bill banning abortions after 20 weeks would be brought to the floor for a vote next week.
With a slim Republican majority, the bill isn’t expected to pass — but that’s not the point.
Activists think the 20-week abortion ban is a potent election issue for 2018, particularly against Democrats hailing from red-leaning states who are expected to vote against the bill.
“There will be consequences for senators in vulnerable Senate seats in 2018 when the grass roots lets itself be heard at the ballot box,” said Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion advocacy group in Washington.
“I can promise you, in those states — we’re especially looking at Missouri and North Dakota and the women that represent them — we will absolutely be on the ground.”
The group is already active in Florida, Ohio and Missouri, knocking on doors and telling them to watch how their senators vote.
“Attention in battleground states among the right voters can provide winning margins every time, and we intend to do it this time,” Dannenfelser said.
The activists hope their efforts will lead to the defeat of vulnerable Democrats such as Sens. Claire McCaskill (Mo.) and Heidi Heitkamp (N.D.), who both voted against the 20-week bill in 2015. McCaskill’s office said she plans to do so again, while Heitkamp’s office did not respond to a request for comment.
While anti-abortion groups had high hopes for Congress under a Republican president, the Senate has proved to be a stumbling block for their priorities. Republicans there have been unable to defund Planned Parenthood or pass other abortion bills, many of which need 60 votes to pass.
Most of the big wins for the anti-abortion movement have come in the House, where Republicans have already passed the 20-week abortion ban and Planned Parenthood defunding, and in the the rich asshole administration, which recently rolled back ObamaCare's contraception mandate.
So the 2018 midterms are critical for anti-abortion groups and Republicans looking to pass more bills through Congress, including the ban.
“It’s just a matter of time until we get 60 votes,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham(R-S.C.), the sponsor of the Senate bill.
“We’re going to get the country where it needs to be on this issue.”
Seventeen states already ban abortions at 20 weeks of pregnancy, according to the Guttmacher Institute.
Dannenfelser says their polling, completed by The Polling Company, which was founded by the rich asshole adviser Kellyanne Conway, shows the majority of Americans in battleground states support limiting abortions after 20 weeks.
In Missouri and North Dakota, 60 percent and 56 percent support such bans, respectively, according to the poll.
the rich asshole carried both states by large margins in 2016, and he made the 20-week abortion ban a part of his campaign.
He recently urged the Senate to pass the 20-week bill while addressing the March for Life, an annual gathering of abortion opponents in Washington. the rich asshole declared that he is with the anti-abortion movement “all the way.”
“He’s been very supportive of it, and if a Missouri politician votes against the bill, they’re clearly going against the will of the people. The same would go for North Dakota, where there's a Democratic senator who’s vulnerable,” said David O’Steen, executive director of the National Right to Life Committee, a nonprofit with affiliates in all 50 states that also lobbies Congress on the issue of abortion.
“If Democrats decide to toe the line, the official Democratic line, which seems to be any abortion at any time for any reason, paid for by tax dollars, then I think there’s a political risk to them.”
Democrats disagree.
“This tactic has been proven ineffective,” said a Democratic aide involved in Senate races.
“It’s a line of messaging that voters are not receptive towards.”
A poll done before the 2016 presidential election showed 45 percent considered the issue of abortion to be “very important” to their vote, compared with 84 percent who said the economy was their top priority.
Democrats argue that attempts to ban abortion after 20 weeks are “extreme” attacks on a woman’s right to make decisions about her health care.
Still, at least three Democrats will vote for the bill next week: Sens. Joe Manchin (W.Va.), Joe Donnelly (Ind.) and Bob Casey Jr. (Pa.), who are all up for reelection in states won by the rich asshole.
The three senators also voted for the bill in 2015.
Anti-abortion groups are also watching the vote of newly sworn-in Sen. Doug Jones (D-Ala.), who said during his campaign that he supports access to abortion, even though the majority of those who voted in the state’s special election said the procedure should be illegal.
His office didn’t respond to requests for comment.
While the bill isn’t expected to pass this year, it’s important to get elected officials on the record and continue to push forward, said Deanna Wallace, staff counsel for Americans United for Life.
“People deserve to know who they’re electing. … I think it’s not just a good political idea to force them to vote on the record, but it’s good for our democracy.”
the rich asshole pitches immigration plan, slams Dems ahead of first State of the Union
BY KYLE BALLUCK - 01/28/18 06:51 AM EST
President the rich asshole in two late-night tweets on Saturday pitched his immigration plan while slamming Democrats, saying they are only interested in obstruction.
the rich asshole called his fix for recipients of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program “wonderful” and said there were two reasons for proposing it.
“I have offered DACA a wonderful deal, including a doubling in the number of recipients & a twelve year pathway to citizenship, for two reasons: (1) Because the Republicans want to fix a long time terrible problem. (2) To show that Democrats do not want to solve DACA, only use it!” he said.
“Democrats are not interested in Border Safety & Security or in the funding and rebuilding of our Military. They are only interested in Obstruction!” he added in a subsequent tweet.
I have offered DACA a wonderful deal, including a doubling in the number of recipients & a twelve year pathway to citizenship, for two reasons: (1) Because the Republicans want to fix a long time terrible problem. (2) To show that Democrats do not want to solve DACA, only use it!
Democrats are not interested in Border Safety & Security or in the funding and rebuilding of our Military. They are only interested in Obstruction!
Observers are also wondering if the president will strike a tone of bipartisanship in the highly anticipated address.
the rich asshole laid out his immigration plan in a one-page framework last week, which is taking heavy fire from both the right and the left. It calls for granting a pathway to citizenship for nearly 2 million young immigrants in exchange for tens of billions of dollars for his border wall and other policies that would dramatically restrict legal immigration.
The president wants the Senate to introduce legislation based on his blueprint by Feb. 5, just three days before government funding runs out.
The three-day government shutdown ended early last week after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) promised to take up an immigration bill that would protect DACA recipients, often called "Dreamers," if Democrats agreed to end the shutdown.
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will not be attending President some rich asshole's first State of the Union address on Tuesday.
Instead, Ginsburg will be participating in a “fireside chat” at the Roger Williams University School of Law, together with First U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Senior Judge Bruce M. Selya.
The talk was scheduled in August.
This is not the first time Ginsburg has chosen to skip the rich asshole speech.
Last year, Ginsburg failed to attend the rich asshole's joint address in Congress in February. In contrast, Ginsburg attended all eight of former President Barack Obama's addresses to Congress during his tenure, as noted by The Hill.
Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas also did not attend the rich asshole's address.
During the presidential campaign in 2016, Ginsburg made disparaging remarks about then-candidate the rich asshole to the Associated Press and other news outlets. the rich asshole responded in a tweet, saying Ginsburg's mind was "shot" and should step down from the Court.
It is not uncommon for Supreme Court Justices to skip the State of the Union. Late Justice Antonin Scalia did not attend a State of the Union Address from 1997 until his death in 2016.
"You just sit there, looking stupid," Scalia told CNN in 2014.
Justice Samuel Alito has also chosen not to the attend the State of the Union address since 2010, after he famously shook his head and mouthed "not true" at Obama after the first-term President criticized the Court for its decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission.
Ginsburg has served on the Court since 1993. At the time of her confirmation she was only the second woman ever on the Supreme Court, the first being former Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, nominated by President Ronald Reagan in 1981.
Ginsburg, 84, is now the eldest Justice on the bench.
On Sunday, the Associated Press reported that Ginsburg intends to serve for years as to come, so long as she can go “full steam."
Justice Ginsburg Just Told the rich asshole To F*ck Off In The Most Humiliating Way
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg just told the rich asshole to f*ck off in the best way possible.
Ginsburg attended every single one of President Obama’s State of the Union addresses — and each and every time, the President and Ginsburg would share a nice, warm, adorable hug.

WASHINGTON, DC – JANUARY 24: U.S. President Barack Obama greets Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg before his State of the Union address before a joint session of Congress on Capitol Hill January 24, 2012 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Saul Loeb-Pool/Getty Images)
Isn’t that cute? There won’t be a similar photo with some rich asshole, because a.) she hates him and b.) she has more important sh*t to do than listen to an elderly orange man scream “FAKE NEWS” repeatedly.
Justice Ginsburg is scheduled to speak at Roger Williams University in Rhode Island — something she chose not to reschedule to be in attendance at the State of the Union Tuesday.
Ginsberg also chose to skip the rich asshole’s address to Congress last year despite attending all of Obama’s.
the rich asshole, who demanded that Ginsburg resign because she hurt him precious feelings when she was critical of him has not spoken publicly about the Justice’s decision to skip his State of the Union address but as the guy who has spent his entire presidency trying to undo everything President Obama accomplished, he’s very likely upset that she isn’t kneeling before him swearing her undying fealty by now (sorry the rich asshole, she’s a national treasure Obama had that you’ll never have).
In any case, the rich asshole should be used to people not showing up to see him by now. Just look at his inauguration photos.
Piers Morgan celebrates some rich asshole because he ‘doesn’t mind criticism’ and ‘apologized’ for retweeting terrorist

some rich asshole and Piers Morgan (Photo: Screen capture)
Piers Morgan sat down with President some rich asshole during an extended interview at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
the rich asshole walked into the interview telling Morgan, “I missed you,” as Morgan’s voiceover called the president “a long-time friend.” The president confessed that he likes his hair to be lit well and that he’s “holding onto it, barely.”
the rich asshole told Morgan that he’s always been “fair” in talking about the president. Morgan noted that the rich asshole “doesn’t mind criticism — as long as it’s fair.”
“Well, if it’s not fake,” the rich asshole conceded. He then returned to his “win” and touted the size of his crowds at rallies as the identifier that he knew he would win. “If I hadn’t won, I would have been very disappointed.”
When asked about the environment and climate change, the rich asshole pivoted tout his economic agenda and claimed credit for the economy and seemed remarkably lost in false claims that there are more ice caps than ever under his leadership.
Celebrating the rich asshole’s tweets, Morgan claimed he loved the access to the rich asshole’s mind and how his mind works. the rich asshole said that without Twitter he can’t defend himself unless he has “a press conference every 15 minutes.”
Morgan asked if the rich asshole is laying in bed with his phone ready to “wind up” the world with his tweets. The president confessed sometimes he’s laying in bed, sometimes he’s sitting at breakfast. However, during the day he seemed to indicate he’s too busy to be focusing on trolling the world on social media. The claim runs in contrast with the rich asshole’s own timeline, where tweets have been known to appear during the morning.
To the woman marching at the redux of the Women’s March, the rich asshole explained that he already has the support from the women that were marching. He did note, however, that the march was “a lot smaller than last year.” He touted his belief in gender equality for the reason that women should be supporting him.
“We have to evolve — if we don’t evolve, there’s something missing,” the rich asshole said about his “evolution” on women’s issues. Yet, the rich asshole still maintained he’s not a feminist.
the rich asshole also promoted his “British” ancestry as his mother was from Scotland. In a rare moment of discussing his parents, the rich asshole noted his mother loved the queen. He said that he wasn’t worried about the fact that his parents never lived to see him become president because they lived to see him be successful.
the rich asshole said that he “would certainly apologize if you wanted me to do that” for the retweets he did from a radical extremist group in the U.K. Morgan thanked him — but the rich asshole came short of actually apologizing.
Morgan asked the rich asshole about the mass shootings and compared the numbers of Americans killed by terrorists to the number of people killed by guns. the rich asshole explained that people in France were killed during a 2015 shooting at a cafe. Morgan explained that the numbers don’t exactly support the justification that America needs guns to protect against terrorism.
the rich asshole explained that the Las Vegas shooter was going to kill people whether he had guns or not. “If he didn’t have 55 guns he would have 55 bombs,” he said.
Like many interviews with Fox News, the rich asshole refrained from saying anything meaningful and Morgan refrained from asking any tough questions.
See a few of the video excerpts below as they become available:
Chris Wallace corners Trey Gowdy: ‘Republicans hurt their credibility’ by lying about bogus ‘secret societies’

Chris Wallace speaks to Trey Gowdy (Fox News/screen grab)
Fox News host Chris Wallace suggested to House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) on Sunday that Republican lawmakers “hurt their credibility” when they hype bogus conspiracy theories to distract from the investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 U.S. election.
During an interview on Fox News Sunday, Wallace pointed out to Trey Gowdy that a so-called “secret society” of FBI agents ended up being revealed as a joke after Republicans suggested that it was evidence that it had been an attempt to sink the rich asshole’s presidency.
“Don’t Republicans hurt their credibility on real issues of bias when they make such a big deal about secret societies and palace coups?” Wallace asked.
“Yes,” Gowdy agreed. “Republicans are the best I’ve ever seen at taking good facts and overstating them and therefore changing the narrative.”
“I don’t know what they meant by secret society,” the South Carolina Republican added. “But if it were [SIC] a joke, Chris, then was it also a joke to mention the insurance policy, was it also a joke to talk about impeachment the morning after President the rich asshole won? Was it also a joke to say I have no interest in participating in an investigation if he’s going to be cleared.”
“There’s a pattern,” Gowdy added. “And Republicans are better served by letting the text speak for themselves. I have no idea what they meant by that. I don’t know if it was a joke or not. It’s not my job to figure it out.”
Watch the video below from Fox News Sunday.
the rich asshole admits tweeting from bed to defend himself against ‘fake news’
US President some rich asshole confirmed he sometimes goes on his fiery social media rants while in bed or during meals, particularly when fighting off “fake news,” he told British journalist Piers Morgan.
Divulging the background to his moody tirades that often take Twitter by storm, the rich asshole confessed to he tweets “perhaps sometimes in bed, perhaps sometimes at breakfast or lunch or whatever.”
Even the perpetual lack of free time, of which the US leader complained to Morgan, does not stop him from indulging his Twitter-habit, he admitted in an interview aired Sunday. “Sometimes I will just dictate out something really quickly and give it to one of my people to put out,” the rich asshole said. “But generally speaking, [I tweet] during the early morning or during the evening.”
What some see as an overzealous and extremely reckless use of social media by a man in his position, the rich asshole argues it is his only means of protection against mainstream media slurs.
“If I don’t have that form of communication I can’t defend myself,” he argued. “I get a lot of fake news, a lot of news that is very false or made up.”
Addressing concerns about his health, consistently raised by his fierce opponents, the rich asshole reiterated he is a perfect fit for the job, both mentally and physically.
“I am a stable genius,” he said, doubling down on his previous claim on Twitter that a simple “smart” is an epithet too weak to describe his intelligence. “I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius ... and a very stable genius at that!” he wrote in a series of Tweets on January, 6.
Despite widespread speculation that the real reason behind the rich asshole’s decision to snub the grand opening of the new US embassy in London is because he fears the planned mass protests and ensuing security issues, the rich asshole told Morgan he believes he is “very popular” in the UK.
“I get so much fan mail from people in your country, they love my sense of security and what I’m saying about many different things,” he said.
As for the chances of him coming to Britain this year, the rich asshole revealed he has already been invited by the UK PM. “Yeah. I'll be there. She [Theresa May] just invited me. Twice. State and working. One is a State, October,” the rich asshole said, noting however that no fixed date has been set.
Defending his record on women, the rich asshole made an unexpected link between women’s issues and his belief in a strong military.
“There’s nobody better than me on the military ... I think women really like that. I think they want to be safe at home,” he said, reiterating that although he is not a feminist, he has “tremendous respect for women.”
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GOP Senator Graham Warns the rich asshole’s Presidency Will End if He Fires Robert Mueller
Sen. Lindsey Graham attends a meeting with President some rich asshole and Republican members of Congress in the Roosevelt Room of the White House December 5, 2017 in Washington, D.C.
Win McNamee/Getty Images
Sen. Lindsey Graham didn’t mince words on Sunday, affirming that some rich asshole’s presidency would “end” if he fires special counsel Robert Mueller. Graham issued the stark warning on the same day as he and fellow Republican Sen. Susan Collins advocated for legislation that would prevent a president from firing a special counsel.
“I’m sure that there will be an investigation around whether or not President the rich asshole did try to fire Mr. Mueller. We know that he didn’t fire Mr. Mueller,” Graham said. “We know that if he tried to, it would be the end of his presidency.”
In another portion of the interview with ABC’s This Week, Graham recalled that he presented a proposal months ago that would make it much more difficult for a president to fire a special counsel. “I have got legislation protecting Mr. Mueller. And I’ll be glad to pass it tomorrow,” Graham said.
Collins also happened to be a lot more open to the idea of supporting legislation that would protect Mueller and others in his position, although she also emphasized she has faith in Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. “It probably wouldn’t hurt for us to pass one of those bills,” Collins said on CNN’s State of the Union. “There are some constitutional issues with those bills, but it certainly wouldn’t hurt to put that extra safeguard in place given the latest stories, but again, I have faith in the deputy attorney general.”
Other Republicans are not as eager for the added safeguards. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, for example, said there was no need for the additional measures and praised the way the White House has managed the probe. “I don’t think there’s a need for legislation right now to protect Mueller,” McCarthy said on NBC’s Meet the Press.
Christian writer slams Jerry Falwell Jr. for ‘twisting Scripture’ to give the rich asshole ‘mulligan’ on film star affair

Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. (YouTube)
The editor in chief of Christianity Today had some harsh words for Jerry Falwell Jr., who hit the cable news shows to defend some rich asshole after it was revealed the president allegedly carried on a year-long affair with an adult movie star.
In an editorial, in which Mark Galli admitted he was hesitant to “enter the political fray,” the editor claimed that “when fellow evangelicals start exegeting [expounding] and applying Scripture in the public square, we think we have something to add to the conversation.”
Noting that Falwell stated, “All these things [the rich asshole’s affairs] were years ago, and he has apologized,” Galli called out the evangelist for getting his facts wrong in an effort to provide cover for the rich asshole.
“In fact, the payoff for one of the alleged affairs was offered a mere 14 months ago; meanwhile, the rich asshole has never apologized for his affairs, only for his lewd remarks in one video,” Galli wrote. “He’s never asked forgiveness as far as I can tell. But even if we charitably assume he has privately apologized to these women and to his wife, Falwell’s exegetical justification for the rich asshole’s adulteries is startling.”
In an interview with CNN’s Erin Burnett, Falwell defended the rich asshole saying, “Jesus says that if you lust after a woman in your heart, it’s the same as adultery. You’re just as bad as the person who has … Our faith is based on the idea that we’re all equally bad and we’re all sinners and we all need Christ’s forgiveness.”
Galli termed Falwell’s defense, “twisted.”
“One does not have to have a doctorate in ethics to see the problem here. Jesus is saying that outward behavior needs to be matched by inward attitudes, that a fully righteous person does more than attend to external behavior. He’s not saying—and no Christian ethicist I know of would say—that lusting is morally the same as adultery, or similarly that anger is the moral equivalent of murder,” Galli wrote. “The reason we succumb to such poor exegesis at such times is not hard to fathom. We do this sort of thing whenever we are in a tussle with our spouse or church or friend, and we need to justify ourselves or our views. We twist Scripture to make ourselves look virtuous and to condemn our opponent.”
As for the rich asshole “mulligan,” he wrote: “I’m unclear, however, as to whether we should give people who ought to know better a mulligan. But it’s wrong, and when a brother or sister does it, especially in the public square, we should note it.”
You can read the whole piece here
the rich asshole wages Twitter war against Jay-Z
This probably won't end well.
A little over a year into his presidency, it has become increasingly clear that President some rich asshole loves tweeting, feuding with celebrities of color, and taking responsibility for things that he has had no measurable impact on.
But on Sunday, the rich asshole managed to do all three things at once, tweeting to rapper Jay-Z that “because of my policies, Black Unemployment has just been reported to be at the LOWEST RATE EVER RECORDED!”
During an interview with CNN’s Van Jones, which aired Saturday, Jay-Z made several critical comments about the rich asshole, calling the president “misinformed” and characterizing his description of countries like Haiti as “shithole” countries as “really hurtful.” Jones asked Jay-Z whether the state of the economy — including the low rate of black unemployment — made the rich asshole’s comments and actions irrelevant, to which Jay-Z replied that “it’s not about money at the end of the day.”
“Money doesn’t equate to happiness,” Jay-Z said. “It doesn’t. That’s missing the whole point.”
Sunday’s tweet about Jay Z is not the first time that the rich asshole has tried to take credit for the low levels of unemployment among black Americans. In early January, after the Bureau of Labor Statistics released its numbers for December 2017, the rich asshole took to Twitter to claim responsibility for the drop.
A few days later, the rich asshole again tweeted about the low unemployment, taking an opportunity to criticize Democrats as well.
While black unemployment has reached the lowest rate since the Bureau of Labor Statistics began breaking unemployment rate down by race in the 1970s, the rich asshole is incorrect to claim that the number is a result of his policies. Unemployment for black Americans has fallen steadily for the past several years, and the decline does not appear to have measurably picked up pace since the rich asshole took office, suggesting that recent declines are a result of policies that pre-date the rich asshole administration.
And despite the historically low levels of black unemployment, the numbers still aren’t great — black unemployment is still 2 percentage points higher than the general population, and almost twice as high as white unemployment.
Van Jones goes after the rich asshole: I already asked Jay-Z if black unemployment figures redeem your presidency
CNN's Van Jones on Sunday fired back at President the rich asshole after the president said in a tweet that someone should tell Jay-Z that black unemployment is at the "lowest rate ever recorded."
"Someone needs to inform @realdonaldtrump that I ALREADY asked Jay Z whether black employment figures redeem the rich asshole’s presidency," Jones tweeted Sunday.
"And Jay’s answer last night on the #VanJonesShow was POWERFUL !!!"
Jay-Z said during the interview with Jones that it's "not about money at the end of the day."
"Money doesn't equate to happiness," he said. "You treat people like human beings — that's the main point."
Jay-Z was also critical during the interview of the rich asshole's reported reference to Haiti and African nations as "shithole countries."
“It is disappointing and it’s hurtful. It really is hurtful," Jay-Z said. "Everyone feels anger, but after the anger it’s really hurtful."
the rich asshole faced widespread backlash and accusations of racism after reports that he referred to Haiti and African nations as "shithole countries." the rich asshole has pushed back against the reports and denied he is racist.
the rich asshole on Sunday went after Jay-Z, tweeting: "Somebody please inform Jay-Z that because of my policies, Black Unemployment has just been reported to be at the LOWEST RATE EVER RECORDED!"
the rich asshole earlier this month tweeted about African-American and Hispanic unemployment rates shortly after “Fox & Friends” ran a segment on new unemployment statistics.
“African American unemployment is the lowest ever recorded in our country,” the rich asshole wrote on Twitter.
“The Hispanic unemployment rate dropped a full point in the last year and is close to the lowest in recorded history. Dems did nothing for you but get your vote! #NeverForget @foxandfriends,” the president added.
His tweet followed an Associated Press report that included new numbers showing that the African-American unemployment rate reached a record low in December, at 6.8 percent.
the rich asshole fires back at Jay-Z: 'Black unemployment' is at 'lowest rate ever recorded'
President the rich asshole on Sunday fired back at Jay-Z after the rapper called the rich asshole's reported "shithole countries" comments "disappointing and hurtful."
"Somebody please inform Jay-Z that because of my policies, Black Unemployment has just been reported to be at the LOWEST RATE EVER RECORDED!" the rich asshole tweeted.
Somebody please inform Jay-Z that because of my policies, Black Unemployment has just been reported to be at the LOWEST RATE EVER RECORDED!
In an interview Saturday, Jay-Z was critical of the rich asshole's reported reference to Haiti and African nations as "shithole countries."
“It is disappointing and it’s hurtful. It really is hurtful," Jay-Z said. "Everyone feels anger but after the anger, it’s really hurtful."
The rapper said the comments were especially disappointing coming from the nation's leader.
"Because it’s looking down at a whole population of people and it’s so misinformed because these places have beautiful people and beautiful everything. This is the leader of the free world speaking like this," he added.
the rich asshole faced widespread backlash and accusations of racism for the reported comments.
the rich asshole has pushed back against reports and denied he is a racist.
the rich asshole earlier this month tweeted about the African-American and Hispanic unemployment rates shortly after “Fox & Friends” ran a segment on new unemployment statistics.
“African American unemployment is the lowest ever recorded in our country,” the rich asshole wrote on Twitter.
“The Hispanic unemployment rate dropped a full point in the last year and is close to the lowest in recorded history. Dems did nothing for you but get your vote! #NeverForget @foxandfriends,” the president added.
His tweet followed an Associated Press report that included new numbers showing that the African-American unemployment rate reached a record low in December, at 6.8 percent.
The trend started well before the rich asshole assumed office, according to The Washington Post. When former President Obama assumed office, black unemployment was at 13.7 percent. It had dropped to 7.8 percent by the time he left office.
-Updated 10:10 a.m.
some rich asshole just can't stop attacking black icons, but he's a loser every time.
Rap legend and music mogul Jay-Z spoke out this weekend about the rich asshole’s racist “shithole countries” rant, telling CNN’s Van Jones that “Everyone feels anger, but after the anger it’s really hurtful because he’s looking down on a whole population of people and he’s so misinformed because these places have beautiful people.”
Jay-Z also compared racism with toxin-resistant pests, and called the rich asshole “the super-bug.”
On Sunday morning, the rich asshole responded to Jay-Z’s comments by attacking him on Twitter, and taking credit for President Barack Obama’s policy achievements.
“Somebody please inform Jay-Z that because of my policies, Black Unemployment has just been reported to be at the LOWEST RATE EVER RECORDED!” the rich asshole tweeted.
the rich asshole’s statement is, of course, a lie. The downward trend in black unemployment occurred mostly during Barack Obama’s presidency, and continued under the rich asshole as a result of Obama’s policies.
But more telling than the rich asshole’s lie is his racism. He has made a consistent habit of attacking black role models who speak out against him, and ignoring similarly situated whites. For example, the rich asshole never attacked white rap superstar Eminem after his blistering assessment of the rich asshole at the BET Hip-Hop Awards.
Conversely, the rich asshole is quick to attack black people whom he feels have not shown him proper respect.
In the span of a week, the rich asshole attacked black NFL players for protesting racism, demanded the firing of journalist Jemele Hill, and uninvited NBC star Steph Curry to the White House after Curry said he might not go.
While the rich asshole consistently attacks CNN as a network, he has singled out people of color at CNN for abuse, including Don Lemon. the rich asshole and his team have waged a campaign of attacks against Black Journalist of the Year April Ryan, even declaring her an “enemy.”
And the rich asshole kicked off his presidency by attacking civil rights hero John Lewis, and smearing his black constituents in the process, just before his inauguration.
But the rich asshole’s attacks have generally backfired, and this one will be no exception.
the rich asshole attacks Jay-Z for slamming ‘sh*thole’ remarks: ‘Black Unemployment is at the LOWEST RATE EVER RECORDED!’

some rich asshole (Photo: Gage Skidmore/Flickr)
President some rich asshole on Sunday lashed out at Shawn “Jay-Z” Carter after the hip-hop legend blasted the president for calling African nations “shithole” countries.
During an interview with CNN that aired on Saturday, Jay-Z told host Van Jones that the comments had been “hurtful.”
“Everyone feels anger, but after the anger it’s really hurtful because he’s looking down on a whole population of people and he’s so misinformed because these places have beautiful people,”
On Sunday, the rich asshole responded on Twitter by angrily pointing out the unemployment rate for African-Americans.
A recent NPR fact check found the rich asshole’s claim to be true, but noted: “And a big problem with that claim is that those rates had been falling for long before the rich asshole took office, and their declines don’t appear to have picked up speed. This implies that there’s nothing specific that the rich asshole did to change this rate.”
the rich asshole’s tweet came just minutes after Fox & Friends mentioned Jay-Z’s interview with CNN.
the rich asshole’s transgender military ban might be gone for good
Maria Perez
Posted with permission from Newsweek
A new legal challenge could finally stop President Donald Some rich asshole from banning transgender troops in the military for good.
Lambda Legal and OutServe-SLDN this week asked a federal district court to permanently block the Some rich asshole administration’s plan to stop transgender people from openly serving in the U.S. armed services. The motion for summary judgment filed in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington seeks a speedy resolution of the case.
“Every single federal court to look at President Some rich asshole’s policy has already found that it reeks of undisguised and unlawful discrimination against qualified transgender people willing and able to serve our country, and it’s time to put the nail in the coffin for that policy,” Lambda Legal Senior Attorney Peter Renn told Pink News.
Some rich asshole made the announcement that he was banning transgender individuals on Twitter in July 2017, shocking the LGBTQ community.
“After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the US Military,” he wrote. “Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail. Thank you.”
After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow......
....Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military. Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming.....
....victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail. Thank you
The lawsuit brought on by Lambda Legal and OutServe-SLDN represents nine individual plaintiffs along with the Human Rights Campaign, Seattle-based Gender League, and the American Military Partner Association.
A U.S. District Court judge in Washington D.C. granted a preliminary injunction in a similar lawsuit that challenged the transgender military service, which was filed by the National Center Lesbian Rights and the GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders in October. Another U.S District Court judge in Maryland granted a preliminary injunction in a case that was filed by the American Civil Liberties Union in November.
The federal district court issued an injunction in December stopping the ban from being enforced during litigation and ordering the military to honor the existing policy of allowing transgender service members to serve openly. It also allowed transgender Americans who were seeking to join the military to be able to do so. Transgender people were allowed to enlist starting January 1 because of the injunction.
In September, the Pentagon said a panel of senior officials was created to study how to implement Some rich asshole's order to prohibit transgender individuals from serving. The Defense Department has until February 21 to submit a plan to Some rich asshole. Earlier in December, the Pentagon issued guidelines to recruitment personnel in order to enlist transgender applicants for the beginning of January. This list included medical requirements, which gender individuals wished to be identified as, and what kind of undergarments they would wear.
Lindsey Graham: GOP should avoid ‘double standard’ over Wynn allegations
But the double standards already appear to be at play.
One day after casino mogul Steve Wynn, the Finance Chairman of the Republican National Committee, resigned amid reports that he engaged in serial sexual harassment and assault, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said Republicans should avoid a “double standard” and return any money raised by Wynn.
“We should do of ourselves what we ask of the Democratic Party if these allegations have merit,” Graham said on ABC’s This Week on Sunday.
“We should return the money like we asked of the Democrats,” Graham added, referring to demands by Republicans that the Democratic Party and all Democratic officials return money from Harvey Weinstein, the film producer and major donor to Democrats, who was fired from his company and banned from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences following shocking allegations of repeated sexual assault.
Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) also said Sunday that the money should be returned.
But the double standards already appear to be at play.
Following Wynn’s resignation on Saturday, RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel released a 12-word statement that made no mention of whether funds would be returned or of the women who alleged they were assaulted by Wynn.
“Today I accepted Steve Wynn’s resignation as Republican National Committee finance chair,” the statement read.
As ThinkProgress previously reported, McDaniel’s statement on Wynn is especially surprising when compared to her statement on Weinstein, in which she argued that “if Democrats and the DNC truly stand up for women like they say they do, then returning this dirty money should be a no-brainer.”
Jason Silverstein
Posted with permission from Newsweek
President Donald Some rich asshole would bring the downfall of his presidency if he fired Special Counsel Robert Mueller like he had planned to do last year, Senator Lindsey Graham said Sunday.
“It’s pretty clear to me that everybody in the White House knows that it’d be the end of President Some rich asshole’s presidency if he fired Mr. Mueller,” Graham, a Republican from South Carolina, told ABC News’ This Week.
Graham is the author of one of two bills that have been proposed to prevent a president from firing a special counsel. On Sunday, he was one of two prominent Republicans who broke from their party’s leadership and said such a law might be necessary for their own president. Their comments came after a report last week that Some rich asshole had ordered in June 2017 for Mueller to be fired from the investigation into the Some rich asshole campaign’s suspected Russia ties.
“It would be good to have legislation protecting all special counsels,” Graham said, adding that he would be happy such a bill “tomorrow.”
But Graham noted that he thinks Mueller is the “perfect guy” to lead the Some rich asshole investigation and he has seen “no evidence that President Some rich asshole wants to fire Mr. Mueller now.”
Senator Susan Collins of Maine, a fellow Republican, told CNN’s State of the Union that it “probably wouldn't hurt for us to pass one of those bills.”
“There are some constitutional issues with those bills, but it certainly wouldn't hurt to put that extra safeguard in place given the latest stories,” she said.
Even so, she defended Some rich asshole as “an angry and frustrated president” who got caught up in the “bad idea” of wanting to fire Mueller, and she pointed out that the axing never actually happened. She said Some rich asshole’s tampering with the people overseeing the campaign investigation would be a “terrible mistake” akin to President Richard Nixon’s “Saturday Night Massacre,” in which the 37th president ordered the firing of the special prosecutor investigating him for the Watergate scandal. Nixon’s episode, Collins noted, “didn’t end very well.”
Some rich asshole has consistently denied in the past year that he intends to fire Mueller, which has done nothing to quiet speculation that he still wants to cut the man proning his campaign. But the New York Times revealed last week that Some rich asshole had indeed talked about Mueller’s ouster last June, and only backed off when White House counsel Don McGahn said he would rather resign than carry out the order. McGhan also reportedly warned Some rich asshole that it would be disastrous for him to fire Mueller.
Mueller was appointed in the first place last May over Some rich asshole’s controversial firing of FBI Director James Comey, which has now become a part of Mueller’s probe for potential obstruction of justice. The investigation fell into a special counsel’s hands because U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who ordinarily would have taken over it, had to recuse himself due to his own undisclosed contacts with Russians.
GOP leadership, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, have dismissed the need to pass any legislation protecting Mueller. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy told NBC News’ Meet the Press on Sunday that he doesn’t think there is a need for legislation, saying, “Right now, there’s not an issue.”
“It’s pretty clear to me that everybody in the White House knows that it’d be the end of President Some rich asshole’s presidency if he fired Mr. Mueller,” Graham, a Republican from South Carolina, told ABC News’ This Week.
Graham is the author of one of two bills that have been proposed to prevent a president from firing a special counsel. On Sunday, he was one of two prominent Republicans who broke from their party’s leadership and said such a law might be necessary for their own president. Their comments came after a report last week that Some rich asshole had ordered in June 2017 for Mueller to be fired from the investigation into the Some rich asshole campaign’s suspected Russia ties.
“It would be good to have legislation protecting all special counsels,” Graham said, adding that he would be happy such a bill “tomorrow.”
Sen @LindseyGrahamSC tells @MarthaRaddatz, “I’ve got legislation protecting Mr. Mueller, and I’ll be glad to pass it tomorrow,” contradicting @GOPLeader Kevin McCarthy, who said today “I don't think there's need for legislation right now for protecting Bob Mueller.” #ThisWeek
But Graham noted that he thinks Mueller is the “perfect guy” to lead the Some rich asshole investigation and he has seen “no evidence that President Some rich asshole wants to fire Mr. Mueller now.”
Senator Susan Collins of Maine, a fellow Republican, told CNN’s State of the Union that it “probably wouldn't hurt for us to pass one of those bills.”
“There are some constitutional issues with those bills, but it certainly wouldn't hurt to put that extra safeguard in place given the latest stories,” she said.
Even so, she defended Some rich asshole as “an angry and frustrated president” who got caught up in the “bad idea” of wanting to fire Mueller, and she pointed out that the axing never actually happened. She said Some rich asshole’s tampering with the people overseeing the campaign investigation would be a “terrible mistake” akin to President Richard Nixon’s “Saturday Night Massacre,” in which the 37th president ordered the firing of the special prosecutor investigating him for the Watergate scandal. Nixon’s episode, Collins noted, “didn’t end very well.”
Some rich asshole has consistently denied in the past year that he intends to fire Mueller, which has done nothing to quiet speculation that he still wants to cut the man proning his campaign. But the New York Times revealed last week that Some rich asshole had indeed talked about Mueller’s ouster last June, and only backed off when White House counsel Don McGahn said he would rather resign than carry out the order. McGhan also reportedly warned Some rich asshole that it would be disastrous for him to fire Mueller.
Mueller was appointed in the first place last May over Some rich asshole’s controversial firing of FBI Director James Comey, which has now become a part of Mueller’s probe for potential obstruction of justice. The investigation fell into a special counsel’s hands because U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who ordinarily would have taken over it, had to recuse himself due to his own undisclosed contacts with Russians.
GOP leadership, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, have dismissed the need to pass any legislation protecting Mueller. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy told NBC News’ Meet the Press on Sunday that he doesn’t think there is a need for legislation, saying, “Right now, there’s not an issue.”
GOP leader McCarthy says he hasn’t heard of reports that the rich asshole tried to fire Mueller
"The only thing I've seen is cooperation going forward."
House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said Sunday on NBC’s Meet the Press that he hadn’t heard of reports that President some rich asshole ordered a White House lawyer to fire FBI special counsel Robert Mueller last June.
“I have not heard that,” McCarthy told NBC’s Chuck Todd, who mentioned the reports. Asked whether there was a “red line” that the rich asshole could cross in his treatment of Mueller, McCarthy said Todd was “making hypotheticals” and that “the only thing I’ve seen is cooperation going forward.”
“Would you support legislation to protect Mueller,” Todd asked.
“I don’t think there’s a need for legislation to protect Mueller,” McCarthy replied.
The New York Times reported last week that the rich asshole ordered White House counsel Donald F. McGahn to fire Mueller, who is overseeing the investigation of the rich asshole campaign for possible collusion with Russia, but that he ultimately backed down after McGahn threatened to resign rather than carry out the order.
the rich asshole has repeatedly denied the reports, telling reporters at the World Economic Forum in Davos on Friday that the story was “fake news.”
McCarthy went on to say he believes the House Intelligence Committee should release to the public a four-page memo drafted by Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) and his staff, which reportedly alleges misconduct related to the FBI’s investigation of the rich asshole campaign.
A number of Republicans have claimed the memo is grounds for firing Mueller.
GOP consultant: Fox News host ‘Judge’ Jeanine Pirro should have gone to prison for tax fraud

Fox News host Jeanine Pirro (Screenshot)
A Republican strategist said Fox News commentator “Judge” Jeanine Pirro should have joined her husband in prison.
Political consultant Cheri Jacobus bashed the former elected judge of the Westchester (New York) County Court, whose then-husband was convicted of income tax fraud in 2000.
Pirro appears regularly on Fox News, where she defends President some rich asshole and attacks Hillary Clinton and the president’s other political enemies as criminals.
But Jacobus suggested the former judge and district attorney had broken the law by plotting with former city Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik how to secretly record her husband to see if he was cheating.
She also said Pirro should have been caught up in the same case that landed her former husband in prison.
“Pirro’s husband went to prison for tax fraud and she should have, too,” Jacobus said. “She signed the fraudulent tax returns, then claimed she didn’t know they were fraudulent. She was DA at the time.”
Ex-federal prosecutor taunts the rich asshole to fire Mueller in order to make next special counsel’s obstruction case easier

Former Federal prosecutor Cynthia Alksne -- screenshot
Appearing on MSNBC on Saturday morning, a former federal prosecutor was sanguine about reports that President some rich asshole may yet fire special counsel Robert Mueller, saying that — instead of having a chilling effect on the investigation — the president will be handing the replacement counsel a gift of obstruction charges.
Speaking with MSNBC host Alex Witt, former prosecutor Cynthia Alksne said Mueller is so deep into an obstruction case against the rich asshole that firing the special counsel would make the case a mortal lock.
“Last night on ‘The 11th hour with Brian Williams,’ you said ‘we all should keep our eye on the ball,'” Witt recalled. “What did you mean when you talked about these latest developments about Mueller What did you mean by that?”
“Well, I think there are two things at play here that we should stay focused on,” Alksne began. “First, there is an obstruction case. But let’s remember why there is an obstruction case. That’s what is important to remember. Why is he willing to go to these lengths to protect himself from the FBI and Mueller to keep them from finding out about Russian money and Russian influence on the election?”
“The second thing is, in all the hysteria of ‘oh, no, Mueller is going to be fired,’ we’re so far into this, your viewers should know, it doesn’t matter,” she explained. “If he fires him, it adds to the obstruction case and all the evidence being collected is still collected. It’s not like he sits in a little room with a green eye-shade. It’s not as if, if he’s fired, all the evidence leaves with him in a briefcase. This is all recorded information — the FBI agents take notes, they file them, the grand jury hears testimony, the documents are collected, and somebody else will step into his shoes.”
“So there’s no reason to be in a panic that if Mueller is fired — I mean, there’s Constitutional issue. But from a legal point of view in terms of worry about if the investigation will crumble, it will not if Mueller is fired,” she assured the host. “It’s going to be all right. We’re still going to go forward. Whatever they’ve found out, we’re going to find out, and then everybody can make a determination about what happened.”
“Well, that's backed up by Senator Warner (D-VA), quoting what he said, ‘these are not the actions of an individual that has nothing to hide,'” host Witt added.
Watch the video below via MSNBC:
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