January 19th, 2017 - January 20th, 2017. 431-432 days since the Nov 8, 2016, election of some rich asshole, no.45, and 361-362 days since the Jan 20th inauguration.
Women’s marches and other protests mark the one-year anniversary of some rich asshole’s inauguration
From New York City to Washington, D.C., hundreds of thousands take to the streets again.
This weekend marks the one-year anniversary of some rich asshole’s sparsely-attended inauguration in Washington, DC, and the historically large nationwide protest of his administration the day after. The Women’s March drew half a million people to Washington, DC in 2017 and millions more to satellite marches in hundreds of cities around the country, and provided a springboard to a year full of activism and resistance.
With the crucial midterm elections looming later this year, organizers of the Women’s March sought to capitalize on their momentum by staging a second round of protests and rallies around the country. And while attendance is expected to fall short of 2017 levels — an estimated 4 million people attended more than 500 rallies in the United States alone — hundreds of thousands of people nevertheless turned out in New York and Dallas and Washington DC and elsewhere to continue to protest some rich asshole’s racism, sexism, and agenda of hate.
Organizers of the Women’s March weren’t the only ones to protest some rich asshole this weekend, either. On Friday, hundreds of Haitian Americans gathered at the Brooklyn Bridge in New York City and marched into Manhattan and up to the rich asshole Tower to protest some rich asshole’s racist remark last week wherein he referred to Haiti — as well as African countries — as a “shithole.”
“We have a President in power who knows no history and seems to have no education, who just disrespects any and everybody in the world,” Marie Timothee, a social worker born in Haiti and raised in Brooklyn, told the New York Daily News.
“We bring a lot to this country, and he needs to be fair to us,” added Sully Guillaume-Sam, a priest in attendance at Friday’s rally. “He needs to be a leader with heart, not the kind of racist leader he has been showing us he is.”
In Philadelphia, organizers of the city’s 2018 Women’s March faced criticism from activists for agreeing to work closely with the local police. Women of color and transgender supporters voiced their concern over heightened police presence and reports that attendees would be subjected to random police searches. Several took to Facebook and other social media platforms to encourage other women not to attend Saturday’s march.
Nevertheless, reports from Saturday’s protests suggest that crowds in Philadelphia and elsewhere were substantial. The city was preparing for an even larger crowd than the 50,000 people who showed up to protest in Philly last year. In Chicago, organizers said Saturday’s attendance was comparable to, if not larger than, last year’s crowd of 250,000. In New York City, hundreds of thousands of protesters flooded the streets in a line that stretched for over a mile. And in the nation’s capital, where the city issued a permit for an expected crowd of just 5,500, many thousand more turned up to the Lincoln Memorial to protest and hear from a lineup of speakers.
the rich asshole blows up shutdown talks, releases unhinged new ad linking Democrats to murder
the rich asshole does his best to keep the government closed.
The next presidential election is almost 3 years from now. The government was shut down on Saturday at midnight and thousands of government employees have been furloughed or are working without pay.
President the rich asshole is releasing campaign ads.
On Saturday, the rich asshole released an ad through his campaign accusing Democrats that stand in the rich asshole’s way of building a wall along the southern border “will be complicit in every murder committed by illegal immigrants.”
The timing of the ad is especially odd because, on Friday, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer went to the White House and offered to support funding for a border wall in exchange for legal status for DREAMers, undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States as children.
Other key Democrats, including Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), have expressed a willingness to fund a wall, which they still oppose, in exchange for legal protections for DREAMers and an end to the government shutdown.
the rich asshole rejected the deal through his Chief of Staff, John Kelly, who said the offer to fund a wall was not enough.
the rich asshole, who famously promised Mexico would fund the wall but is now demanding taxpayer dollars, appears more interested in the wall as a political cudgel. He admitted as much in a conversation last January with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto. In a transcript of the call, which was leaked, the rich asshole describes the border wall as “the least important thing that we are talking about, but politically…the most important.”
Experts believe that walls are an expensive and ineffective way to deter illegal immigration.
Schumer tried to give the rich asshole funding for border wall in exchange for DACA protections
the rich asshole still wouldn't accept the deal.
A lot of ideas were batted around congress in the waning minutes of Friday night, as the government teetered on the edge of a shutdown.
One of those things? Funding for some rich asshole’s infamous border wall.
In the early hours of Saturday morning, Chuck Schumer revealed that in a 90-minute meeting with the rich asshole on Friday in the Oval Office — which was solely between Schumer, the rich asshole, and their respective chief of staffs — he put funding for the border wall on the table as part of negotiations.
“During the meeting, in exchange for strong [Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals] protections, I reluctantly put the border wall on the table for the discussion. Even that was not enough to entice the president to finish the deal,” Schumer said from the Senate floor, after the vote to pass legislation that would have avoided a shutdown by temporarily funding the government for four weeks failed.
Reports indicate that not only did Schumer float discussions about the wall, he offered to support defense spending funding requested by the White House as well.
Schumer reportedly left the meeting optimistic about getting a deal after what he called a “lengthy and substantive discussion.”
“In my heart, I thought we might have a deal tonight. That was how far we had come. That’s how positive our discussion felt. We had a good meeting,” he said.
It’s understandable why Schumer thought that. On Thursday, the rich asshole tweeted that “If there is no Wall, there is no Deal!”
The wall, which Mexico insists it will not pay for, has been a contentious political issue since it became a rallying cry for the rich asshole and his supporters at campaign rallies as early as 2015. Earlier this month, the Wall Street Journal reported that the the rich asshole administration will seek to spend $18 billion taxpayer dollars on just half of the wall between the United States and Mexico. the rich asshole’s stance on what exactly would constitute a wall has shifted dramatically over time.
The fact that Schumer was willing to bend so much on funding for the wall is a sign of how much negotiating Democrats were willing to do, contrary to the insistence by the rich asshole and most Republicans that the blame for the shutdown rests entirely on the shoulders of Schumer and the Democratic party.
But, of course, the Republicans control every legislative branch of the federal government, and six Senate Republicans voted against the funding bill that was on the table Friday night.
So, Schumer is pushing back against the #SchumerShutdown narrative, and placing the blame directly on the president’s shoulders.
“The blame should crash entirely on President the rich asshole’s shoulders,” Schumer said. “This will be called the the rich asshole shutdown because there is no one who deserves the blame … more than President the rich asshole.”
AM Joy panel ridicules ‘scumbag’ the rich asshole for having to employ a ‘lawyer goon squad’ to avoid being blackmailed

Joy Reid, Sarah Kendzior, Paul Butler, Malcom Nance -- screenshot
During an AM Joy panel discussion on both the Steele Dossier and President some rich asshole’s personal lawyer paying off an adult film star to keep quiet about their affair, guests on the show said that the president has always put himself in the position to be blackmailed so he employs a “lawyer goon squad” to protect him and to blackmail back.
“some rich asshole, was, reportedly, willing to pay $130,000 to squash the [Stormy Daniels] story. Thus, maybe making him susceptible to blackmail. What do you make about it,” host Joy Reid asked the panel.
“Of course the rich asshole is susceptible to blackmail,” authoritarian expert Sarah Kendzior explained. “It kind of blows my mind that a lot of people are just now realizing this. It’s like just realizing that he’s a racist. Why do people think he has surrounded himself with a lawyer goon squad for 40 years? Whether it’s Roy Cohn or Michael Cohen? The company he keeps include the American mafia, Russian mafia, arms traders, pedophiles, money launderers and other people involved in white collar crime.”
“When you surround yourself with those sorts of people, engagements in those kinds of actions, your lawyers will be very aggressive. They put out an NDA [nondisclosure agreement] for anybody that the rich asshole comes in contact with,” she continued as her fellow panelists smiled. “They know he is a consistent scumbag. This is just one more example of a pattern of behavior that has been going on for the rich asshole’s entire life.”
Watch the video below via MSNBC:
What Fresh Hell? #TrumpShutdown Edition

President some rich asshole (Nicholas Kamm/AFP)
Welcome to another edition of What Fresh Hell?, Raw Story’s roundup of news items that might have become controversies under another regime, but got buried – or were at least under-appreciated – due to the daily firehose of political pratfalls, unhinged tweet storms and threats of nuclear annihilation coming out of the current White House.
Welcome to the government shutdown! Stan “The Budget Guy” Collender thinks it will be just the first of many. We’d just note that there are plenty of shithole countries that manage to keep their governments’ lights on, but here we are.
Fun fact: this week, federal agencies prepared for such a possibility for the fourth time in some rich asshole’s first year in office. It’s also the first time in history a shutdown has occurred when one party controlled all three branches of government. He did say he’d run the country like a business; he just failed to tell us that the business would be the rich asshole Airlines.
Before this new drama unfolded, we were all focused on a particularly unsavory Shiny Object this week when a previously unpublished interview with former porn star Stormy Daniels revealed that the rich asshole is awful in bed — that may be the least surprising news in the history of unsurprising news — told her she reminded him of his daughter and made her spank him with a rolled up magazine that may or may not have had his face on the cover.
Unfortunately, we learned that this is some rich asshole making his moves…
He kept rubbing my leg and was like, “You know, you’re so beautiful. I love your little nose, it’s like a little beet.” I go, “Did you say a beet? Like, what the f—?” I started giving him a hard time about it. And he goes, “No, no, no, no! It’s majestic. It’s a very smart nose, like an eagle.” I was like, “Just keep digging, dude. Keep digging that hole.”
And while all of this sturm und drang was going on, here are some of the stories you may have missed.
some rich asshole and his supporters continue to tout his assault on regulations, as if an under-regulated market had ever functioned smoothly.
There were a couple of deregulatory doozies this week.
Much of their zeal is premised on the notion that Barack Obama was a mom jeans-clad tyrant who cared about nothing but the public interest and had no regard for the fragile multinational corporations he was crushing beneath his jackboots.
Education Secretary and fat cat GOP donor Betsy DeVos offered an example of this brutality during a private chat with “conservative allies” this week, citing an Obama-era guidance suggesting that allegations of campus sexual assault be weighed against a “preponderance of evidence,” the typical legal standard for civil cases. According to Rachel Cohen at The Intercept, DeVos called this “perhaps the most infamous example of the prior administration’s abuse” of its authority.” (Last year, DeVos’s top civil rights official, Candace Jackson, ” famously asserted that 90 percent of campus sexual assault accusations were due to drunken hookups and bad breakups.”)
Anyway, DeVos is doing the people’s work by rescinding another Obama-era rule that made it easier for students ripped off by fraudulent degree mills to apply to have their student loans forgiven.
“In its ongoing zeal to nix regulations,” writes Tom Philpott at Mother Jones, “the rich asshole administration’s Environmental Protection Agency has yet another one in its crosshairs: a rule banning minors from applying pesticides on farms.”
What could possibly go wrong?
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, early-life exposure to pesticides is linked to “pediatric cancers, decreased cognitive function, and behavioral problems.” Two recent studies of adolescent pesticide applicators in Egypt (here and here) have turned up evidence that the job causes neurological damage.
Not to be outdone, the Environmental Protection Agency, under climate change-denying crackpot Scott Pruitt, is “undermining new laws and regulations that Congress passed with overwhelming bipartisan support” by “quietly overhaul[ing] its process for determining whether new chemicals — used in everything from household cleaners and industrial manufacturing to children’s toys — pose a serious risk to human health or the environment.”
NBC’s Suzy Khimm reports that just “days before President some rich asshole took office,” chemical industry lobbyists told the EPA that they “are burdened by the delay of waiting for EPA to draft the orders, negotiating them with EPA, and then waiting for EPA to issue the orders.” So, so sad.
And what’s a little poison next to the inconvenience chemical manufacturers have to face while waiting for all that paperwork to go through?
Meanwhile, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which was taken over in a bloodless coup by former Congress-critter and current the rich asshole Budget Director Mick Mulvaney, “is about to make business easier for loan sharks,” according to Linette Lopez at Business Insider. “Which is to say, the agency is going to re-write a regulation that made it easier for pay-day lenders — lenders who charge high interest fees on short term loans — to keep mostly poor Americans in cycles of debt.”
As we’ve previously noted here at What Fresh Hell?, Mulvaney’s congressional bids were bankrolled by predatory lenders. This is surely an unconnected coincidence — after all, the US isn’t some corrupt shithole.
Also this week, Mulvaney took the unusual step of requesting zero budget dollars to fund the agency that he runs and loathes. Michael Grunwald has more on that angle at Politico.
In non-regulatory news, Danica Cotto reported for The WaPo this week that “a billion-dollar emergency loan approved by Congress to help Puerto Rico deal with the effects of Hurricane Maria has been temporarily withheld by federal officials who say the U.S. territory is not facing a cash shortage like it has repeatedly warned about in recent months.”
Local officials have warned that Puerto Rico’s power and water and sewer companies will run out of money this month. Both companies say their funds have dwindled since the storm caused up to an estimated $95 billion in damage, knocking out power to the entire island. Nearly 40 percent of power customers remain in the dark.
If you gathered together the world’s greatest minds and tasked them with fucking over an island that had just been totally been devastated by a natural disaster, they wouldn’t be able to top the rich asshole regime and its GOP allies in Congress.
This one is such an egregious example of the rich asshole profiting from his office. “Prospective buyers of luxury apartments in the new the rich asshole Towers project outside India’s capital are being lured with an unusual promise: If you buy a flat, we will fly you to the United States to meet some rich asshole Jr.”
Annie Gowan reports for WaPo that there appear to be a decent number of rich idiots in India who want to meet some rich asshole’s spawn: “The developers of the 600-foot high-rises… racked up $23 million in sales — more than 20 units — in the first day.
This week, Alex Johnson reported for NBC that “nine of the 12 members of the National Park System Advisory Board resigned” this week, “saying the Interior Department has ignored it since President some rich asshole took office a year ago.”
The group said that Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke had refused to so much as meet with them over the past year.
In other staffing news, do you remember back to the George W Bush administration, when there was a raft of stories about 22-year-old College Republicans whose fathers were big GOP donors or whatever were being put in charge of crucial reconstruction efforts in Iraq? We were reminded of those heady days when WaPo’s Robert O’Harrow Jr. profiled Taylor Weyeneth, a 24-year-old senior official in the rich asshole’s Office of National Drug Control Policy.
In 2016, Weyeneth was a frat-boy organizing charity golf tournaments, then he worked on the rich asshole campaign, and now he’s Deputy Chief of Staff at a major federal agency. O’Harrow reports that Weyeneth’s rapid ascent is tied to the regime’s constant staff churn, and the fact that no normal person wants to work for the Tangerine Trujillo. “Nearly a year after his inauguration,” he writes, “the drug policy office, known as ONDCP, lacks a permanent director. At least seven of his administration’s appointees have departed, office spokesman William Eason said. Among them was the general counsel and acting chief of staff, some of whose duties were assumed by Weyeneth.” ONLY THE BEST PEOPLE!
Finally, the big headline this week should have been that 2017 was one of the three warmest years on record, and the warmest year ever in a year without any El Niño activity. In other words, human activities are causing more warming than natural variations in the global temperature.
The data, published on Thursday, means the last three years have been the hottest trio ever seen, with 2017 ranking second or third depending on the small differences between the temperature records. Furthermore, 17 of the 18 hottest years recorded since 1850 have occurred since 2000.Scientists from across the globe warned that the limit of 1.5C of warming, set as a goal by the international Paris climate change treaty, was being approached very rapidly and that it was more urgent than ever to slash emissions to avoid the worst impacts.
Nothing to see here, folks, so we can all go back to thinking way too much about POTUS clumsily banging porn stars.
Ex-RNC head Steele puts sole blame for government shutdown on ‘no-energy AWOL’ some rich asshole

Michael Steele -- MSNBC screenshot
Appearing on MSNBC’s AM Joy, former Republican National Committee head Micheal Steele plopped the entire government shutdown mess on the doorstep of the White House, accusing ‘no-energy” some rich asshole of being an “AWOL president.”
Host Joy Reid got the ball rolling by stating, “This was a strange week for Donald trump. It started out with the appearance that he was going to cut a deal on immigration. that would have been popular. Kind of the ironic is that, had he gone ahead and signed the Graham-Durbin bill and stayed with them, he would be celebrating having signed a popular piece of immigration legislation into law. Instead he’s whining on twitter. So what went wrong?”
“I think you saw his better instincts at the beginning of the week,” Steele conceded. “You saw how quickly they could be twisted by those who do have a hard line on immigration. The president, it is very true, is influenced more by the last voice he hears in his ear than by the grounded principle of the policy. That’s the problem here.”
“The president, in many respects, has been AWOL in these negotiations,” he continued. “You watched that Senate floor last night. It was like ho-hum. There was no energy and no real drive. And that’s because the White House was not in force here, not in play the way we saw in the Obama term. The president there was trying to rally.”
“You had leaders in the Republican Party in communication with the president’s White House. Yes, there was still a shutdown, but that energy was there to try to get to a goal. The key player here is president of the United States.”
“It made it very hard for the Senate leadership to command and control the moment,” Steele added. “In other words, to be able to pull a Chuck Schumer back into the conversation to cut a deal. There was no energy from the White House to do that. At a certain point, you saw the frustration, everyone comes out and takes their partisan shots, the the rich asshole shutdown, the Schumer shutdown, all that crazy BS. The fact of the matter is a lot of this could have been avoided if the president had stepped into the game and done that great negotiations thing he likes to do.”
Watch the video below via MSNBC:
the rich asshole Whines: Shutdown Fight Could Make Me Miss ‘My Party’
You would tweet too if it happened to you.
Before the federal government shutdown at midnight Saturday, President some rich asshole privately vented frustrations that the political impasse would possibly keep him from attending a glitzy inauguration anniversary bash and fundraiser set for Saturday at his Florida getaway Mar-a-Lago.
Two sources close to the president, one a White House official and the other a longtime confidant, told The Daily Beast how excited he was for the event and relayed his growing concern that the potential failure to strike a deal to keep the federal government open could keep him from “my party,” as the president has said.
A different source who spoke to the rich asshole earlier this week previously told The Daily Beast that the president had joked that it would be a “shame” if a government shutdown were to occur on, or overshadow, the first anniversary of his inauguration as president.
White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders declined to comment on the record for this story.
The White House officially cancelled the rich asshole's trip to Florida that was scheduled for Friday afternoon, and he spent the day attempting to help congressional leaders reach a deal to forestall a shutdown.
Administration officials who briefed reporters on the logistics of the impending shutdown on Friday said the expiration of government funding would not necessarily impede the president's travel plans to Mar-a-Lago or elsewhere. In particular, one official said, the rich asshole will still be free to attend the World Economic Forum in Davos next week, though the White House did not say whether the shutdown would affect the rich asshole's plans to attend the glamorous gathering of globalists.
But sources didn't report Davos coming up on Friday. For the president, it seems, the weekend's party at his Florida estate was the more pressing engagement.
The Saturday gala is set to be hosted by Ronna Romney McDaniel, chairwoman of the Republican National Committee, and businessman Steve Wynn, and proceeds will go toward the RNC and the rich asshole re-election campaign.
The event, which the president had been scheduled to headline, was a hot ticket in the rich asshole-world. Ticket prices started at $100,000 a pair, according to an invitation obtained by Bloomberg, with that sum paying for dinner and a photo op with President the rich asshole. High-rollers forking over $250,000 get to participate in a roundtable.
Instead, he might have to settle for tweeting his displeasure from afar on his one-year anniversary as president.
some rich asshole ‘thanks’ Democrats for the government shutdown his own party orchestrated
"The Democrats wanted to give me a nice present."
A little over six hours after the Republican-controlled Congress and Republican-controlled White House shut down their own government, some rich asshole was back on Twitter insisting that the shutdown was a “nice present.”
Unfortunately for the rich asshole, few people share his belief that the shutdown is beneficial for his administration or his party. Even several top Republicans concede that the public largely blames their party for the government shutdown.
“This shutdown rests at the feet of the GOP and it appears a majority of Americans agree,” said Michael Steele, the former chairman of the Republican National Committee.
“the rich asshole created the DACA crisis. The congressional wing of the GOP refused to fund CHIP. the rich asshole & GOP ignored the pleas of the Pentagon for a fully funded budget. All of this is on them,” said Republican strategist John Weaver via Twitter on Saturday morning.
Still, that hasn’t stopped the rich asshole and his allies in Congress from insisting that, despite failing to corral several members of their own caucus, their hand was forced by the minority party. After #TrumpShutdown climbed to the top spot on Twitter’s list of worldwide trending topics, Republicans sought to rebrand it the “Schumer Shutdown,” to no avail.
Even Republicans in Congress, who continue to shirk any responsibility themselves, have expressed their frustration with the White House in the lead up to Saturday’s shutdown. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell lashed out at some rich asshole’s fickle negotiation tactics to reporters earlier this week.
“I’m looking for something that President the rich asshole supports, and he has not yet indicated what measure he is willing to sign,” he said. “As soon as we figure out what he is for, then I would be convinced that we were not just spinning our wheels.”
‘He’s not President Perfect’: Watch Evangelist Franklin Graham blow off the rich asshole affair with adult star Stormy Daniels

Rev. William Franklin Graham III, the president and CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA).
William Franklin Graham III, the son of evangelical televangelist Billy Graham, denied any hypocrisy from Christians supporting President some rich asshole.
Graham, the president and CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, was questioned by MSNBC “Live” anchor Alex Witt on Saturday.
Witt asked Graham how he could support President the rich asshole after his sh*thole comments.
“He said he didn’t say it,” Graham said. “I don’t think any of those senators, if he did use that language, have heard that word for the first time. I’m sure that’s a word they’ve used before, I think there’s a little hypocrisy here.”
“He said he didn’t say it, so I have to go along with the president in that he didn’t say it,” Graham claimed.
“We have a businessman who is a president, not a politician, but a businessman,” Graham said. “We should all be grateful that he’s brought his knowledge to Washington and he’s helping to turn this economy around.”
“Reverend, you just told me that this country has a sin problem and I know you’ve no doubt heard that the president is accused of having his lawyer pay $130,000 to a former porn star allegedly for her silence about his sexual encounter while he’s married,” Witt said. “The previous allegations as well, that access “Access Hollywood” tape, does that challenge your faith in the president?”
“Does the president have a sin problem?” Witt asked.
“I can promise you he is not President Perfect,” Graham replied.
“But, sir, can you understand how there are those that are crying hypocrisy? When for example, the New York Daily News editorial on Thursday accuses some Christian leaders, like Gary Bauer who supports the president for being hypocrites, for saying absolutely nothing about the Stormy Daniels matter,” Witt said. “When people cry there’s hypocrites there within the evangelical community, can you understand that criticism?”
“Well first of all, President the rich asshole I don’t think has admitted to having an affair with this person and so, this is just a news story, I don’t know if it’s accurate,” Graham deflected.
Graham then said that even if the report was true, it did not matter, because of the rich asshole’s personal growth during the last decade.
“Now did he have an affair with this woman? I have no clue, but I believe that 70 years of age, the president is a much different person today than he was four years ago, five years ago, ten years ago or whatever and we just have to give the man the benefit of the doubt,” Graham continued.
“He said he didn’t do it, so okay, let’s say he didn’t do it,” Graham suggested.
“I don’t think it’s hypocritical because he’s a flawed man, for me to try to support him and help him and pray for him,” Graham said. “I’m a flawed person. and I would hate for people to see all the baggage I have in my life, but the fact is that God has forgiven me and I’ve asked for his forgiveness, and I think the president has, too.”
the rich asshole Twitter-rages at Democrats after GOP-controlled House and Senate fail to stop government shutdown

some rich asshole (Photo: Gage Skidmore/Flickr)
some rich asshole was up bright and early on the one year anniversary of his presidency to attack and blame the Democratic Party for what he sarcastically called their “present” to him: a government shutdown.
With both the GOP-controlled House and Senate unable to reconcile a resolution keeping the government funded, the rich asshole blamed the Democrats, tweeting: “Democrats are far more concerned with Illegal Immigrants than they are with our great Military or Safety at our dangerous Southern Border. They could have easily made a deal but decided to play Shutdown politics instead. #WeNeedMoreRepublicansIn18 in order to power through mess!”
There was more to follow, with the rich asshole pouting, “This is the One Year Anniversary of my Presidency and the Democrats wanted to give me a nice present. #DemocratShutdown.”
You can read the tweets below:
the rich asshole: Democrats 'could have easily made a deal' to avert shutdown
BY ALICIA COHN - 01/20/18 06:23 AM EST
On the morning after a government shutdown, President the rich asshole cast blame on Democrats for deciding to "play shutdown politics" when they "could have easily made a deal."
He also turned the current shutdown into a campaign slogan for the 2018 midterm elections.
"Democrats are far more concerned with Illegal Immigrants than they are with our great Military or Safety at our dangerous Southern Border," the rich asshole tweeted on Saturday morning. "They could have easily made a deal but decided to play Shutdown politics instead. #WeNeedMoreRepublicansIn18 in order to power through mess!"
Democrats are far more concerned with Illegal Immigrants than they are with our great Military or Safety at our dangerous Southern Border. They could have easily made a deal but decided to play Shutdown politics instead. #WeNeedMoreRepublicansIn18 in order to power through mess!
The government shut down at midnight, after the Senate failed to pass a funding bill that the House had passed on Thursday.
Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said early Saturday that he offered to put funding for the rich asshole's proposed U.S.-Mexico border wall on the table in exchange for Democratic demands, and thought he had reached a deal with the president. Ultimately, he said, the rich asshole walked away from a deal.
Schumer said that the rich asshole’s actions on Friday made it seem like he was “rooting for a shutdown.”
The White House on Friday night slammed Democrats for putting “unlawful immigrants” ahead of the military and other urgent funding needs, calling them “obstructionist losers, not legislators.”
“We will not negotiate the status of unlawful immigrants while Democrats hold our lawful citizens hostage over their reckless demands,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said. “When Democrats start paying our armed forces and first responders, we will reopen negotiations on immigration reform.”
the rich asshole added on Saturday morning that Republicans "need 60" votes in the Senate in order to avoid future obstruction of his legislative agenda. The Republican Senate majority is currently 51-49, not enough to pass most legislation on a strict party-line vote.
But the Senate vote for the rich asshole-backed continuing resolution, which would have kept the government running for another four weeks, was not a party-line vote. Five Democrats voted for the bill, while four GOP senators voted against it.
For those asking, the Republicans only have 51 votes in the Senate, and they need 60. That is why we need to win more Republicans in 2018 Election! We can then be even tougher on Crime (and Border), and even better to our Military & Veterans!
Two polls released Friday indicated most Americans would blame the rich asshole and the Republicans over Democrats in the event of a shutdown.
Leaders have called for ongoing negotiations with the White House over the weekend, in hopes of reopening the government by Monday.
— Updated 7 a.m.
‘Jack, you have to stop this’: Watch April Ryan scold Jack Kingston for continuing to defend the rich asshole’s racism

April Ryan, Jack Kingston
During a panel discussion on some rich asshole’s first year as president, former GOP lawmaker Jack Kingston (GA) received a scolding from CNN contributor April Ryan after he tried to dismiss overwhelming evidence that the president is a racist.
“When you watch what the president has said over the last two years let’s say, first the administration of the campaign, are you surprised by concerns that the president is a racist?” host Victor Blackwell asked.
“I’m not surprised by the charges of the critics of the rich asshole that he is,” Kingston retorted. “In terms of his language, it is a little unpolished and he does offend certain groups. If you look at him, he has kind of picked on everybody there bob corker to –.”
“Except Norwegians,” host Blackwell quipped.
“Let me say this,” Kingston soldiered on. “During the campaign, we were often told he was a sexist. and his record as an employer with the rich asshole organization was very solid pro-women, with upward mobility, with management decisions and pay and everything else. I believe it is the same with African-Americans and I have actually asked that question because I think that there is a story to be told. Otherwise we wouldn’t know about it within the rich asshole organization because it is so easy to sue for racial discrimination these days and the fact that there is not all these cases against him.”
“Jack, I’ll say this,” Ryan interjected. “I understand your point of view but at some point you have to stop and say: is this right, is this insensitive?”
“Jack, there have been so many things,” she continued. “Let’s not even talk about just here. Let’s go back to — let’s not talk about this year or even the campaign. Let’s go back to the Central Park Five. Let’s go back to the issue of putting a ‘C’ on those housing applications and this issue with the Justice Department.”
“That kind of starts telling the thing” she continued. “And then [press secretary] Sarah wanted to talk about The Apprentice how he had it on a network for all these years. You have contestants who won who were African-American who said he was not fair to them.”
“Now let’s move into this piece,” she lectured. “This whole year we have not seen any black agenda issues which he said on the campaign trail he would deal with fixing, saying he would have an urban fix.”
“And eventually he asked the question ‘what the hell do you have to lose?'” host Blackwell inserted. “I have a group of African-American women voters that we’ll have on tomorrow, because I don’t think we hear from them enough, who say that when the president says that he is for the forgotten man and woman, that woman does not look like any of them.”
Watch the video below via CNN:
the rich asshole privately saying Democrats caused shutdown, but he'll be blamed
CNN)President some rich asshole is telling aides and allies that the Democrats caused the government shutdown, "but that he will be blamed" for it, according to a source close to the White House.
the rich asshole has tweeted multiple times since the shutdown began that it was the fault of Democrats for letting it happen.
A CNN poll out before the government shut down on Friday showed that about half of Americans said they would blame either the rich asshole (21%) or congressional Republicans (26%). About a third, 31%, said they would hold Democrats responsible.
the rich asshole and his representatives have labeled the impasse the "Schumer shutdown" after Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, but the New York Democrat was quick to cast blame at the President, calling it "the rich asshole shutdown" on the Senate floor.
According to White House legislative director Marc Short, the President spoke with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell this morning and plans to talk to leaders as negotiations continue.
White House chief of staff John Kelly is at the White House making phone calls and reaching out to members of Congress, while Short and White House budget director Mick Mulvaney are on Capitol Hill meeting with congressional leaders.
A senior White House official expressed doubt that a deal would be cut Saturday. The official noted that it is possible that there might be meetings at the White House Saturday on the shutdown, but that had not been decided yet.
The battle lines are entrenched in this through Sunday night," the official said.
The source close to the White House told CNN that the White House believes Schumer will press for some concessions for "a few days if that long" as they work to strike a budget deal.

The Man-Child in the White House Reels Wildly Out Of Control
An administration with no credibility cannot possibly lead.

"Regarding foreign policy, how can other nations take seriously anything Secretary of State Rex Tillerson says when he is subject to being countermanded on Twitter at any moment?"(Photo: Mike Licht/Flickr/cc)
The rude, petulant man-child in the Oval Office is reeling ever more wildly out of control, and those who cynically or slavishly pretend otherwise are doing a grave disservice to the nation — and to themselves.
How do you like him now, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell? President the rich asshole convened a made-for-television summit at the White House and said he’d sign any immigration bill Congress passed. “I’ll take the heat,” he boasted. So a bipartisan group of senators came up with a deal — and he rejected it out of hand, launching into an unhinged rant about “shithole countries.”
What about you, House Speaker Paul D. Ryan? You came up with a clever way to get Democrats to agree to a stopgap funding bill, dangling the possibility of a long-term renewal of the vital Children’s Health Insurance Program. But the president tweeted that “CHIP should be part of a long term solution” and not a short-term measure to keep the government from shutting down.
Is this what you signed up for, Chief of Staff John F. Kelly? In a meeting with members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, you said that some of the rich asshole’s campaign positions on immigration were “uninformed” and that there will never be a wall along the entire U.S.-Mexico border. You reportedly added that whatever partial barrier gets built, Mexico won’t pay for it. But the president slapped you down with another series of tweets, claiming that his promised wall “has never changed or evolved from the first day I conceived of it” — and that Mexico will, too, pay for the wall, “directly or indirectly.”
How was your week, White House physician Ronny Jackson? You did what is expected of everyone who stands at the lectern in the briefing room: lavish the president with flowery, over-the-top, Dear Leader praise. He is in “excellent health,” you announced. But the test results you released, according to many other doctors, indicate that the rich asshole suffers from moderate heart disease and is on the borderline between overweight and obese.
Having fun, Stephen K. Bannon and Corey Lewandowski? As bigwigs in the the rich asshole campaign, you helped a manifestly unfit blowhard get elected president. This week, you did the White House a favor by stonewalling the House Intelligence Committee in a way that angered even the Republicans on the panel, which is hard to do. But you remain in the crosshairs of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation, and the best-case scenario is that you emerge unindicted but saddled with mountainous legal bills.
No one should feel sorry for those who choose to aid and abet this travesty of an administration. They made their choices. They elected to trust a man they know to be wholly untrustworthy, and to lie shamelessly to massage his swollen ego. At this point, I wouldn’t believe Sarah Huckabee Sanders if she told me that water is wet and the sky is blue.
But the larger impact is something we all must worry about: One year into the the rich asshole presidency, we effectively do not have a presidency at all.
As McConnell noted in frustration Wednesday, he can’t orchestrate passage of an immigration bill unless he knows what the rich asshole is willing to sign. Likewise, Ryan can’t pass spending legislation unless he knows what the rich asshole will and will not accept. But the president has no fixed positions. His word is completely unreliable. How are congressional leaders supposed to do their jobs?
Regarding foreign policy, how can other nations take seriously anything Secretary of State Rex Tillerson says when he is subject to being countermanded on Twitter at any moment? What is the point of Jared Kushner’s diplomacy, if you can call it that, in the Middle East? Does “America first” really mean anything, or is it just Trumpian hot air?
And why, at this point, do reporters even bother to attend Sanders’s briefings, unless perhaps for the entertainment value? Past press secretaries all delivered pronouncements that were loaded with spin, but Sanders concocts laughable fantasies out of thin air — usually to “justify” crazy things the rich asshole has said or tweeted.
The nation has never faced a situation like this: It is unwise to take literally or seriously anything the president and his official spokesmen say. An administration with no credibility cannot possibly lead.
the rich asshole is incapable of growing into the job; if anything, he is becoming more erratic. I fear the day when a crisis arises and we must face it with a bratty preteen at the helm.
© 2018 Washington Post
The government just shut down. Here’s how it happened.
Time ran out.
Many federal government agencies and services officially shut down midnight Saturday, after the Senate rejected a short-term spending bill that would have funded the government through Feb. 16.
The first government shutdown since 2013 came after months of confusing and contradictory statements by President some rich asshole, often on Twitter, and an unwillingness by Republicans to include legislation to protect “DREAMers.” Roughly 800,000 undocumented immigrants who have lived in the U.S. since they were kids face deportation without a bill that would let them remain and work in the country.
Hours before the midnight deadline, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) went to the White House to push for a short-term agreement. Schumer had been pushing for a continuing resolution of just a few days to give both parties time to strike a bipartisan immigration bill. Both Schumer and the rich asshole claimed they made progress on the outstanding issues during the meeting — but they were unable to strike a deal before the midnight deadline.
And while Republicans attempted to place blame on Democrats for the shutdown, several GOP Senators also refused to support the bill, which passed the House Thursday night, unwilling to support a measure that simply kicks the can down the road. Ultimately, Republicans were unable to secure support for their plan within their own party.
In a statement released just before midnight, the White House called Democrats “obstructionist losers.”
By midnight, everything from national parks and Smithsonian museums to the processing of applications for passports and visas will stop operating because those departments will no longer have funding. While the shutdown does not affect what are considered “essential” services including parts of the military, the Department of Defense, airport security, and law enforcement agencies, as many as 850,000 federal workers will be ordered to stop working.
The drama unfolded less than a week after a federal judge temporarily blocked the the rich asshole administration from ending the Obama-era program called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) in March — rolling back deportation protections for that large undocumented population known as DREAMers and their ability to work in the U.S. The ruling still allowed the administration to continue blocking new applications by eligible immigrants who have never applied for the program before while allowing current beneficiaries to renew their DACA status.
Democratic Senators are demanding a bill that provides permanent protections for DREAMers and are willing to pair it with funding for enhanced border security. Democrats have been unwilling to cede to the rich asshole’s demand for a $20 billion wall and wholesale changes to the legal immigration system favored by hardliners.
Desperate for Democratic support on the short-term bill, Republicans proposed six years of funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) — a key program that provides health insurance coverage for roughly 9 million kids. Despite pleas from Democrats and state governments, Republicans had previously declined to provide long term funding for the program, which expired in September.
A number of Democrats, however, indicated they would not support a spending bill unless it included a permanent legislative fix for DACA. In response, Republicans attempted to change the narrative surrounding the government shutdown by providing a false choice: Either Democrats support their plan that would potentially destroy the lives of a large vulnerable population or they value “illegals” more than sick kids and the military.
The president’s son some rich asshole Jr. wrote on Twitter Friday morning: “Democrats willingness to shut down the govt and cut off children’s insurance and US military salaries at home and abroad for illegal immigrants tells you all you need to know about Democrats.”
President the rich asshole, however, at times veered away from the talking points of his party and his own administration. the rich asshole took to Twitter on Thursday writing: “CHIP should be part of a long term solution, not a 30 day, or short term, extension!”
The tweet contradicted a statement from the Office of Management and Budget, which claimed the administration supported the bill’s multiyear funding extension of CHIP.
There were other disagreements that led to the government shutdown: Both Democrats and Republicans want to lift spending caps but had different priorities. Republicans wanted to increase defense spending, while Democrats called for an equal boost for domestic spending.
Last week, the rich asshole was presented a bipartisan compromise that would have protected DREAMers in exchange for funding for border security and some changes to the legal immigration system. But blew-up the deal during a meeting with lawmakers where he allegedly made racist remarks, asking why America should accept immigrants from “shithole countries” like El Salvador, Haiti, and countries in Africa. He suggested accepting more immigrants from Norway instead.
But Saturday morning’s government shutdown has been months in the making. This is how it happened.
May 23: The the rich asshole administration unveiled its fiscal 2018 budget proposal, which includes a $54 billion increase in defense spending, a $2.6 billion down payment for the Mexican border wall, and $1.4 billion for charter school voucher programs but dramatically cuts funding for most other agencies and slashes many programs assisting low-income and marginalized communities at home and abroad. Major cuts to core agencies include a 33 percent State Department decrease, a 31 percent decrease for the Environmental Protection Agency, 21 percent decreases for the Agricultural and Labor Departments, 18 percent decrease for the Department of Health and Human Services, and a 16 percent decrease for the Commerce Department.
The president’s budget proposal acts as more of a wishlist and is typically changed by Congress.
September 5: The the rich asshole administration announced in six months it will end Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) — a program created by the Obama administration allowing 800,000 undocumented immigrants who came to the United States as children some protection against deportation.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions falsely claimed the program was an “unconstitutional exercise of authority by the executive branch.” The decision also ran counter to the views of many prominent Republicans, including House Speaker Paul Ryan who implored the president not to end the program during an interview on his hometown radio station four days earlier. But Ryan, among other party members, quickly changed his views on DACA and offered his support for the decision after it was announced.
September 13: News broke that the rich asshole had brokered a deal with Democrats to protect DREAMers in exchange for a border security package that did not include funding for the rich asshole’s U.S.- Mexico border wall. However, the rich asshole and his press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders quickly took to Twitter saying no deal had been reached.
the rich asshole said on Twitter the next morning that “massive border security” would have to be agreed upon for such a deal to take place. Then minutes later, he asserted a wall would be built, which was followed by another Tweet claiming deporting DREAMers who “have been in our country for many years through no fault of their own” wasn’t a desirable outcome for any party.
September 30: Following failed attempts by Republicans to repeal Obamacare over the summer, the Children’s Health Insurance Program — which provides health coverage for kids from families whose income exceeds Medicaid qualification levels but who need help affording insurance — expired. CHIP, which was created in 1997, provides insurance for roughly 9 million kids and costs the federal government a little over $14 billion per year. In some states, funding for the program will run dry in January.
October 1: The start of fiscal year 2018 and the deadline for Congress and the president to pass 12 appropriations bills that determine federal spending for discretionary programs — including defense, environmental protection, education, job training, border security, scientific research, transportation, economic development, law enforcement, and international assistance, among others.
Congress subsequently passed a series of continuing resolutions, temporarily extending 2017 funding levels until those spending bills are passed, avoiding a shutdown of many important, “non-essential” federal government agencies and services.
October 4: The Senate passes a bipartisan bill that would have extended funding for CHIP for five years. However, a House bill to do the same hit a snag after Republicans tried to offset the cost of the program by taking money from Medicare and the Affordable Care Act.
October 20: The Senate passed a fiscal 2018 budget resolution that expanded the federal deficit by $1.5 trillion over 10 years to pay for the Republican tax bill that disproportionately benefited wealthy individuals and large corporations. The Republican Senate majority passed the budget resolution through reconciliation, a procedure allowing it to pass legislation with only 51 votes. No Democrats would vote for the bill.
Republicans would spend the next two months largely ignoring the work of funding the government — instead focusing their attention on their tax plan.
December 20: Republicans passed the tax overhaul that disproportionately benefits wealthy people and major corporations without providing any funding for CHIP. Sens. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and Susan Collins (R-ME) said they did not expect to appropriate long-term funding for CHIP until 2018. The Center for Children and Families published a report that said, if Congress failed to enact a long-term solution for CHIP, 1.9 million children would lose coverage by the end of January.
December 21: Following a short-term spending bill just two weeks earlier, Congress passed its latest continuing resolution, allowing the government to continue operating under the fiscal 2017 budget through January 19. The stopgap measure allowed Republicans to avoid an embarrassing government shutdown days after passing their coveted tax bill but left a number of important issues on the table for the next year, including a solution for DACA.
New York Times blames Democrats for ‘blocking’ Senate funding bill only 45 Republicans supported
Funny math.
As the nation inched closer to the first government shutdown since 2013, the New York Times figured out who to blame: Democrats.
At around 10PM, the Senate took up a procedural vote to advance a Republican plan to fund the government four additional weeks. Under Senate rules it would require 60 votes for passage. Theoretically, a majority of Republicans could have gotten behind the plan and Democrats could have “blocked” it.
But that’s not what happened. Only 45 Republican Senators supported the Republican plan.
Nevertheless, the New York Times decided that Senate Democrats were to blame for “blocking” Republican legislation that only 45 Senate Republicans supported.
The coverage from the New York Times bared a striking resemblance to the White House spin.
Unmentioned is that more than 60 Senators supported a bipartisan deal that would have provided permanent protection for DREAMers, enhanced border security and kept the government running.
the rich asshole rejected that proposal with a racist outburst in the Oval Office.
the rich asshole administration incompetence has cost the State Department its top expert on sanctions: report

U.S. President some rich asshole and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson confer during a working lunch with African leaders during the U.N. General Assembly in New York, U.S. on September 20, 2017. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque/File Photo
President some rich asshole’s repeatedly insists that he wants to use harsh sanctions to force the hands of hostile governments — but the State Department’s most experienced sanctions officials keep leaving.
As Foreign Policy reported, Friday marked the departure Joshua Black, the department’s most experienced sanctions expert at the United Nations.
Though Black and the U.S. Mission to the United Nations did not comment on his reasoning for leaving, former and current officials said the counterterrorism expert “had grown disillusioned serving an administration that was contemptuous of multilateral institutions and that was tearing down a landmark nuclear deal he had personally participated in building.”
The career official led the department’s sanctions efforts for the past decade, and also served on the National Security Council until April 2017.
The end of Black’s civil service career at the State Department came a few months after the closure of their dedicated sanctions office, which resulted in the rich asshole administration missing their Russia sanctions deadline by three weeks.
Black’s team, according to an official FP spoke to, was “immensely important” and “essential” to the State Department.
‘F*ck Nunes’: Internet welcomes Axl Rose ‘to the political jungle’ after he tweets criticism of House intel chair

Guns N' Roses frontman Axl Rose (left, via Wikimedia Commons) and Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) in his high school yearbook (right, image via Twitter).
On Friday night, Guns N’ Roses frontman Axl Rose jumped headfirst into the political foray with a shocking two-word tweet criticizing Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), the controversial congressman whose latest antics have pitted him against special counsel Robert Mueller.
“F*ck Nunes,” Rose tweeted.
Rose didn’t expound on his statement, but did tweet in the aftermath of news that Nunes is being urged to release a memo about secret government surveillance acquired by the House Intelligence Committee, which the California congressman leads.
Immediately upon posting the tweet, Twitter exploded.
“Welcome to the political jungle, kids,” journalist Parker Molloy wrote, referencing Guns N’ Roses’ classic hit. “Yer gonna die.”
Another user tagged model Chrissy Teigen, who is well-known for her Twitter politicking, asking her if she’d be willing to be Rose’s running mate in 2020.
Check out the best responses below.
the rich asshole throwing inauguration anniversary bash at Mar-a-Lago, and tickets start at $100,000 a pair
· President the rich asshole is throwing an anniversary bash at his Mar-a-Lago resort on Saturday, Bloomberg reports.
· Tickets reportedly start at $100,000 a pair.
Published 7:37 AM ET Fri, 19 Jan 2018
President some rich asshole is throwing a party at his Mar-a-Lago resort to commemorate the first year since his inauguration and tickets start at $100,000 a pair, Bloomberg reported Thursday.
Those tickets will pay for dinner at the celebration Saturday, as well as a photo op with the rich asshole, the reports says. Couples can pay $150,000 more to take part in a round table opportunity, according to Bloomberg.
the rich asshole reportedly considered holding the party in November to mark the anniversary of the 2016 election.
The president plans to stay in the capital until the Senate passes an extension of the current budget, NBC News reported. The possibility of a federal government shutdown has put the rich asshole's weekend plans in doubt. The tentative plan is for the rich asshole to leave for Mar-a-Lago on Saturday morning, according to Bloomberg.
On Shutdowns, the rich asshole Once Thought ‘Pressure is on the President’
But on Thursday, he said ‘it’s up to the Democrats’ Posted Jan 19, 2018 8:49 AM
Not too long ago some rich asshole made clear who he thought always should be blamed when the government shuts down: the sitting president of the United States.
On Thursday, when asked who should be blamed if the government is shuttered at the end of the day Friday, the rich asshole responded: “It’s up to the Democrats” to join Republicans and vote for a House GOP-crafted stopgap spending bill that would avert a federal shutdown.
But in 2013, the rich asshole called into “Fox & Friends” to say then-President Barack Obama was responsible for a government shutdown. He said whoever is president when the federal apparatus is shuttered should be blamed.
“It always happens to be the top. I mean, the problems start from the top and have to get solved from the top,” the rich asshole said then. “The president is the leader, and he’s got to get everybody in a room and he’s got to lead.”
McConnell, Durbin Make Their Case As Shutdown Looms
Then-citizen the rich asshole, whose political career began by questioning whether Obama was born in the United States, wasn’t finished.
“When they talk about the government shutdown” in the future, “they’re going to be talking about the president of the United States.”
To drive home his point, the rich asshole at that time concluded by saying: “I really think the pressure is on the president” to find a way to avoid a shutdown.
Just what this president is doing, other than tweeting, to keep the federal lights on tonight is unclear. White House aides have not described him as working the phones at the White House and on Air Force One during a trip to Pennsylvania on Thursday.
As Republican lawmakers and Tromp tried to write health care legislation then a tax overhaul bill, the rich asshole frequently had lawmakers over to the White House for negotiations. The same was true last week as he tried to help broker a deal on an immigration overhaul bill.
But, so far, the rich asshole has not this week held emergency meetings with congressional leaders or rank and file members at the White House. There is no such meeting on his public schedule Friday.
The White House announced Friday morning that the rich asshole would delay his departure for his Florida resort until the Senate has passed the funding bill.
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