Tuesday, January 23, 2018

January 20th, 2017 - January 21st, 2017. 432-433 days since the Nov 8, 2016, election of some rich asshole, no.45, and 362-363 days since the Jan 20th inauguration.

Eric the rich asshole on Fox News: Shutdown is "good thing for us" politically

Eric the rich asshole said Saturday the government shutdown is a "good thing for us" politically and tried to blame the Democrats for trying "to stop [President the rich asshole's] momentum." some rich asshole's younger son appeared on Fox News' "Justice with Judge Jeanine" with Jeanine Pirro.
"My father has had incredible momentum," Eric the rich asshole said. "He's gotten more done in one year than arguably any president in history. And so, how do they divert from that message? I mean, how do they save their own party when they don't have any leadership, they don't have any, you know, good candidates of their own? How do they do that?"
Eric the rich asshole blamed Democrats for the government shutdown, saying the Democrats are "absolutely terrified" that his father's "working like no one has ever worked before to bring back this country, and, you know, fulfill his promise to make America great again."
Republicans have been trying to blame the Democrats for the shutdown, labeling it the "Schumer shutdown" after Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. But Democrats have cast it as the "the rich asshole Shutdown." 

At the White House, dialing the main number got a recording that blames Democrats for holding national security hostage, and that recording promises someone will pick up the phone -- but not until the shutdown ends, CBS News' Major Garrett reports. 
The short-term spending bill passed the House of Repsentatives on Thursday but the bill failed to pass in the Senate before the midnight deadline to fund the government. That put the government in a shutdown as of midnight Saturday.
some rich asshole, who canceled his scheduled trip to Mar-a-Lago for a first-year anniversary fundraising celebration due to the shutdown, tweeted several times about Eric the rich asshole's appearance. He also retweeted some Fox News tweets about the show. 

Eric the rich asshole says the shutdown is 'a good thing for us,’ politically

·         Eric the rich asshole, the second youngest son of President some rich asshole, filled in for his father at a major Florida fundraiser Saturday, while the president dealt with a government shutdown.
·         The shutdown "is a good thing for us," politically, he said, a comment that opens his father's administration up to criticism.
·         The evening underscored the leading role played by the president's elder children in his administration, even the ones who don't have an official job in the West Wing.
Published 01-20-18
Eric the rich asshole, President some rich asshole's second eldest son, had a busy night on Saturday. In addition to filling in for his father at a high-dollar fundraiser at Mar-a-Lago, the president's private club in Palm Beach, Fla., the 34-year old also went on Fox News Channel's "Judge Jeanine," to defend the president's accomplishments.
Between accolades for his father, the younger the rich asshole stumbled over a basic rule of politics: Never boast about how you will benefit politically from the misfortune of your constituents.
"I think it's a good thing for us," Eric the rich asshole said of the government shutdown that was triggered at midnight on Friday by the failure of congressional negotiators and the rich asshole White House to reach a deal to fund the government. The public, Eric the rich asshole said, would blame Democrats for the paralysis in Washington, and for the forced furlough of hundreds of thousands of federal employees, who would be sent home without pay.
Yet even if this prediction came true – and recent polling suggests otherwise – it could be seen as a stumble at a politically fraught time for his father and Republican lawmakers.
To be sure, Eric the rich asshole is not the sort of experienced politician who might be expected to navigate situations like these with traditional savvy. But neither is he the disinterested outsider that he promised to be in late 2016, as his father prepared to take office.
In March 2017, weeks after the elder the rich asshole's inauguration, Eric the rich asshole was still describing a "clear separation of church and state" between his father's political career and the rich asshole Organization, the family real estate business that he and his brother some rich asshole Jr. are managing while their father is president. Yet almost from the start, both Eric and Donald Jr. have served as outspoken political advocates for the president and his policies.
Saturday offered a perfect example of this ongoing tension. By calling in to Jeanine Pirro's show a little after 9 p.m. ET, Eric the rich asshole was serving as a both a de facto White House surrogate on prime-time TV and as a stand-in for his father at a gala fundraiser for the rich asshole's reelection campaign.
Whether Eric the rich asshole's boast will turn into a headache for the rich asshole White House remains to be seen. And it wasn't the only miscalculation he made on Saturday night.
During Saturday's call-in with Pirro, Eric the rich asshole sought to explain why Democrats deserve the blame for the current shutdown by highlighting how many Democrats voted against a bill to fund the government.
"If you looked at the vote, you had 269 Republicans who voted to keep the government open. And you had 230 Democrats who voted to close government," he said, "and they'll say the rich asshole wanted to close the government. ... It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. And I'm pretty good at math."
Yet in the House, 230 Republicans voted for the measure, while in the Senate, 45 did, for a total of 275 GOP votes – not 269, as the rich asshole claimed. On the Democrats' side, 197 voted against the spending bill in the House, while 44 Democrats opposed advancing the measure in the Senate for a total of 241 – not 230.
The White House referred CNBC's questions to Eric the rich asshole, but attempts to reach him late Saturday were unsuccessful.
Christina Wilkie Political Reporter for CNBC.com

Republican Rep. In the rich asshole’s Pocket Claims To Have Damning Info Against Obama – Won’t Let FBI See It

Representative Devin Nunes, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee who found himself pressured to step away from their Russia probe because he’s in some rich asshole’s back pocket, claims he has information showing that the intelligence community misused and abused their powers to illegally spy on American citizens under President Obama. Without actually knowing what’s in the memo, it’s anyone’s guess as to what Nunes is on about this time.
The memo is in response to some highly classified information the FBI gave to a small number of members of Congress, however, it’s impossible to know how factual Nunes memo is because it’s basically an interpretation of that info. But the FBI says that Nunes actually denied their requests to see the memo. One Congressional aide said:
“If this is about FBI abuses, why wouldn’t they share it with the the rich asshole-appointed director who wasn’t at the bureau when the abuses supposedly occurred? If this is about cleaning up the FBI like they claim, wouldn’t they want Wray as an ally?”
This new revelation makes it impossible to see this memo as anything other than another desperate stunt by the rich asshole and his allies to distract from, and discredit, Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation. One would think that, if this information really is so damning that it could finally take down the Democrats that Republicans like Nunes so badly hate, he’d have given it to the FBI as soon as they asked for it. That’s especially true given that it freaking implicates the freaking FBI!
But no, Republicans are playing their games again. Furthermore, Republicans on the House Intel Committee have also refused to allow Democrats release their own report on the information behind Nunes’ memo. They’re scared, and that fear is making them desperate to find anything they can that proves Obama and Hillary are far worse criminals than Donald “I Have Zero Connections In Russia” the rich asshole.

WATCH: New the rich asshole ad says Democrats are all ‘complicit’ in murders committed by immigrants

January 20, 2018
Harrison Kirk
Posted with permission from DeepStateNation.com
Donald Trump is among the lowest forms of life on planet earth. But he's hit a new low with an ad released just a day after the government shutdown began.
In the ad, which is titled "Complicit," voice-over narration begins with this dire message:
"President Trump is right - build the wall, deport criminals, stop illegal immigration now. Democrats who stand in our way will be complicit in every murder committed by illegal immigrants."
The faces of Democratic Minority Leaders Sen. Chuck Schumer (NY) and Rep. Nancy Pelosi (CA) are also shown, clearly intending to suggest that anyone who dares to oppose Trump is somehow responsible for the actions of those who commit crimes.
Also on Saturday, Trump tried to suggest that the government shutdown was the fault of "unchecked illegal immigration."
Here's the flawed and deeply hypocritical logic at the heart of everything Trump says and does around the issue of immigration: First of all, he pretends he doesn't want foreign workers in the United States, yet he continually asks for visa waivers so he can bring more immigrant laborers into the country for the purpose of working at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida.
Secondly, while Trump loves to beat his "Make America Great" drum loudly for his dimwitted supporters, he continues to have products such as his clothing line made in Mexico and China. His daughter, Ivanka, also uses the labor of workers in foreign sweatshops to make the clothes that carry her label.
So let's take the Donald's logic and apply it the same way he does. From this point forward, every sexual assault, rape, or incident of sexual violence in this country is the fault of President Trump. He bragged that he likes to grab women "by the pussy," which has no doubt led to countless degrading acts since he took office a year ago.
How do you plead, Donald? You sure as hell look guilty.

Dems Try To Reopen Government With Short-Term Bill, GOP Does Worse Than Block It

Republicans are bleating up one side and down the other that the government shutdown is the fault of Democrats in general, and Senator Chuck Schumer in specific. They needed 60 votes in the Senate to pass the House’s continuing resolution to keep the government funded, and they only have 51 seats, so they needed Democratic votes. They’re also trying to push the narrative that the Democrats are holding CHIP funding and funding for national defense and security hostage because they care more about undocumented immigrants than they do about Americans.
So, if the Democrats are the problem, why, then, did House Republicans refuse to even allow a vote on a very short-term resolution, offered by Democrats, that would reopen the government and give everyone a few more days to debate? Oh, yes, they did that today. According to Rep. Ted Lieu:

Dems in the House just offered a short term extension to Tuesday that would reopen government.

We were not even allowed to cast a vote on it. Why? Because control the floor. They control the agenda. They control the House, Senate & White House. They own the .

So there’s that, in addition to McConnell shooting down a bill that would continue to pay our troops. There’s also the fact that they were trying to force concessions from the Democrats at the last minute, while President Amazing Negotiator barely even tried to broker deals on a spending bill over the past year.
This is the Republicans’ shutdown. This is the rich asshole’s shutdown. If it weren’t, then House Republicans would very likely want to work on anything that would reopen the government and reopen budget negotiations. If they were acting in good faith, Republicans would have at least allowed a vote. They couldn’t even make themselves do that.

the rich asshole Tweets ‘AMERICA FIRST’ Just After His Friends Shut Down Our Government, Hilarity Ensues

On Friday, Republicans shut down our government as they pushed some rich asshole’s hateful agenda over the good of their countrymen and women.
the rich asshole kicked off his Saturday morning by blaming Democrats for the government shutdown caused by Republicans, who are in control of both the Senate and House — many of whom have actually supported government shutdowns in the past.

Naturally, Americans took the opportunity to laugh at him:

President Donald Trump was sworn in on Jan. 20, 2017.

The government shutdown began on Jan. 20, 2018.

This is the 1st time in the history of the United States that the government shut down when the same party controlled Congress & the White House

Nope. It's you first. It always has been. Chaos, self-preservation, unpreparedness. You're not a serious individual and you've made a mockery of the presidency in the most serious of times.

the rich asshole added that “Democrats” (the party in the minority in our government) are “holding our military hostage” over a “desire to have unchecked illegal immigration.”

Democrats are holding our Military hostage over their desire to have unchecked illegal immigration. Can’t let that happen!

This, of course, is a lie. Our military doesn’t exactly close up shop during a shutdown. Who Republicans are hurting with their shutdown are everyday Americans whose children attend Head Start, military veterans who want education counseling or job training, contractors who provide janitorial, security, or food services at the federal level, and other groups the rich asshole and his allies don’t give two shits and a fuck about.   Those are the people being “held hostage.”
When it was convenient to blame Obama for the 2013 shutdown, the rich asshole said that it’s the President’s responsibility if one occurs.
Let’s hold him responsible.

GOP DACA Bill Would Literally Criminalize Poverty For Immigrants

Being poor is tough in America: you have to worry about paying your bills, feeding your kids, not losing your home or car, and a plethora of other added stressors many Americans do not understand — but if you’re a “Dreamer” who falls below the poverty line, you may soon have to worry about being kicked out of the country.
House Republicans recently introduced a bill that will punish Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program recipients if their income falls below 125% of the poverty line. Section 1102(b)(4)(L) if the SAF Act reads:
GROUNDS FOR INELIGIBILITY.—An alien is ineligible for contingent nonimmigrant status if the Secretary determines that the alien…if over the age of 18, has failed to demonstrate that he or she is able to maintain himself or herself at an annual income that is not less than 125 percent of the Federal poverty level throughout the period of admission as contingent nonimmigrant, unless the alien has demonstrated that the alien is enrolled in, and is in regular full-time attendance at, an educational institution within the United States;
“This bill literally criminalizes poverty among Dreamers. This legislation would immediately undo much of the progress that the Feds have made on,”  CATO Institute’s David Bier said in an analysis of the horrific GOP bill. “This would turn millions of unauthorized immigrants into criminals overnight. It would also criminalize legal immigrants who fail to update their addresses, carry their green card with them at all times, or otherwise abide by the million inane regulations that Congress imposes on them.”
Enough is enough. It’s an election year, and it’s time to get moving. Democrats have huge issues traditionally with showing up at the f*cking polls between presidential elections, and it’s time to change that.
This year, we want so many of you to show up at the polls that Republicans will accuse you of voting twice. Oh, who are we kidding? They’ll do that anyway.

White House Hilariously Tries Proving the rich asshole Is Working On The Shutdown – Nobody Is Buying It (TWEETS)

some rich asshole is a hard worker. The hardest worker. Nobody works harder than President “I’d Rather Be Golfing” the rich asshole. Believe us. the rich asshole is currently working his ass off to get the government back up and running after the Senate failed to pass a spending bill that would have kept the government functioning. He’s bravely sacrificing his ridiculously expensive black-tie gala at Mar-a-Lago to broker deals in Congress so they can reopen the government. He doesn’t have time for parties and golfing and adoration from his rich, loyal subjects.
Or so the White House would like us to believe. They released photos of the rich asshole, in the White House, slaving away on the phone at his desk in the Oval Office, no doubt deep in conference calls with Congressional leaders regarding the shutdown. There’s just one problem: This is like the photo he released of himself allegedly writing his own inauguration speech. It’s obviously staged. Except for the phone, his desk is totally clean and empty.
Who tries to create order out of chaos with nothing on their desk but a telephone? Take a look at this tweet from a producer at CBS News:

White House releases photo of Trump working today. He has not faced press since shutdown.

There’s also this one from a White House reporter at ABC News, which is zoomed out:

Inside the Oval Office: WH releases photo of Trump working the phones during the shutdown:

And then there’s this one of him in a meeting…with extremely cheerful members of his staff rather than the Congressional leaders he ought to be working with right now:

The @WhiteHouse releases this photo from a staff meeting today. President Trump meets with Marc Short, Hope Hicks, Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, and Sarah Sanders, among other senior staff.
Caption contest?

Really? Nobody looks that cheerful in a meeting about anything contentious, like, oh, a government shutdown. So, despite the White House’s best efforts, absolutely nobody is buying this.

Last time I checked, working at your desk, requires for there to be actual work at your desk

He could at least have papers on your desk to look like you are doing something

I saw this pic and I honestly thought "this is like a Simpsons episode". Only then did I remember that there actually was one. WTF! !

I've never seen such a clean desk. And I can only imagine what he is saying on the phone. Perhaps...

He looks like a child at his dad's desk, playing pretend "businessman".

Which really if you think about it is the story of his life.

Posed photo op for his cult followers. Just an illusion like his presidency. Thy rest of the world can see thorough this sham why can’t half of Americans???

The @WhiteHouse releases this photo from a staff meeting today. President Trump meets with Marc Short, Hope Hicks, Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, and Sarah Sanders, among other senior staff.
Caption contest? pic.twitter.com/JVpqHpmmGq
They look awfully happy for such failure of leadership.

"Folks really, I could be on the 11th hole right now, closing out a sweet birdie. We all know who has the best swing in the room, amirite?"

We’ll laugh like it’s not a cardboard cutout of trump so he can go to his party.

Inside the Oval Office: WH releases photo of Trump working the phones during the shutdown: pic.twitter.com/t1xVEOPtuG
Calling a phone sex line while wearing a funny hat doesn't qualify as work.

There's no way he's actually talking to anyone in this picture lol

‘Did you hear this?’: April Ryan detonates over the rich asshole surrogate’s racist immigration language

David Ferguson

20 JAN 2018 AT 19:03 ET                   

White House reporter and American Urban Radio Networks Washington Bureau Chief April Ryan went off on Republican Stephen Moore on Saturday over Moore’s repeated use of racially loaded language on the question of immigration.
“I would love to see an agreement that legalizes some of these folks, that provides a more skill based system so that we get the immigrants we need,” said Moore, according to Mediaite.com.
“See? Did you hear this?” Ryan asked. “‘The immigrants we need’…the rich asshole is demonizing immigrants.”
“You have more white Americans on welfare than you have any other group,” she said. “Your arguments have holes in them, I am so sorry — and they are very, I can’t, biased.”
On Friday night, Ryan took former Georgia Republican Rep. Jack Kingston to task for the mental gymnastics he performs to justify President some rich asshole’s racist.
“Jack, you have to stop this,” she said.
Watch the video, embedded below:

the rich asshole’s dealmaker image tarnished by US government shutdown


20 JAN 2018 AT 08:48 ET                   

For President some rich asshole, this weekend was supposed to be a celebration.
On the first anniversary of his presidency on Saturday, with the stock market roaring and his poll ratings finally rising, he had planned to rest at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, feted by friends and admirers.
Instead, the rich asshole stayed in Washington after he was unable to avert a government shutdown.
His failure to win passage by the U.S. Congress of a stopgap bill to maintain funding for the federal government further damaged his self-crafted image as a dealmaker who would repair the broken culture in Washington.
Even as the White House began pointing the finger at Democrats, the Republican president came under fire.
“It’s almost like you were rooting for a shutdown,” Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer said of the rich asshole on Saturday.
the rich asshole, who in July 2016 said: “Nobody knows the system better than me, which is why I alone can fix it,” has asserted that past government shutdowns were the fault of the person in the White House.
In a “Fox & Friends” interview after a 2013 shutdown, he said then-President Barack Obama was ultimately responsible.
“The problems start from the top and have to get solved from the top,” the rich asshole said. “The president is the leader, and he’s got to get everybody in a room and he’s got to lead.”
As this new shutdown, the first since 2013, looked increasingly likely on Friday, the rich asshole made a last-ditch effort to behave as the kind of problem-solver he has long claimed to be.
First, he postponed a long-planned weekend trip to his winter home Mar-a-Lago, where a lavish $100,000-a-couple fundraiser on Saturday would extol his first year in office.
He had little choice. Critics would have hammered him for attending such an event while government workers were being put on leave and many government services curtailed.
Then the rich asshole called Schumer, and, after a positive conversation, invited him to a meeting at the White House. It was intimate – just the president, Schumer and top aides. Republican leaders were excluded. The idea was to find some common ground. It lasted 90 minutes.
One person familiar with the events said the two men agreed to seek a grand deal in which Democrats would win protections from deportation for some 700,000 young undocumented immigrants known as “Dreamers” and the rich asshole would get more money for a border wall and tighter security to stem illegal immigration from Mexico.
By early evening, however, that plan was dead. The source said the rich asshole had spoken in the meantime with conservative Republicans and been hit with their objections to the deal with Schumer.
“He did not press his party to accept it,” Schumer said later.
The day seemed part of a familiar pattern that has driven Democrats to distraction. the rich asshole courts their support and suggests flexibility, only to pivot and side with more conservative lawmakers.
It happened in September, after he cut a short-term government funding deal with Schumer and House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi.
Weeks later, when Schumer and Pelosi thought they had reached an agreement to preserve a program that protected Dreamers, congressional sources said the rich asshole walked away.
That stand-off lasted until earlier this month, when Republican Senator Lindsey Graham and Democratic Senator Dick Durbin reached a bipartisan proposal on immigration.
They believed the rich asshole had signaled he would support it. But in a heated Oval Office meeting, the rich asshole savaged the deal.
A Democratic senator alleged that the rich asshole said the United States needed to take fewer immigrants from Haiti and African nations, referring to them as “shithole countries”. the rich asshole denied using that language but the controversy poisoned negotiations.
Both sides felt betrayed, and the rich asshole’s flip-flops left Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell mystified to the point where he said earlier this week that he could not figure out the rich asshole’s position on the issue.
Trust was further undermined when the rich asshole appeared to criticize a House stopgap funding bill that the White House hours earlier said he supported.
Members of each party blamed the other for the shutdown, but some of the blame landed on the president.
“some rich asshole is not capable of carrying out this kind of an intricate conversation about issues,” John Yarmuth, the senior Democrat on the House Budget Committee, told reporters.
“He doesn’t have the attention span to do it. He doesn’t have the interest to do it. All he wants to do is show he’s engaged in the process.”

WATCH: Ali Velshi mocks unintentionally hilarious White House photo of the rich asshole ‘working’

David Ferguson

20 JAN 2018 AT 21:46 ET                   

On Saturday afternoon, President some rich asshole’s White House released a photo of the president seated in the Oval Office in a white “Make America Great Again” hat and pretending to talk on the phone.
The picture was intended to be evidence that the rich asshole is working on the shutdown and not just enjoying some unsupervised “executive time” to watch TV and tweet.
Twitter users mocked the photo, writing, “I too conduct most of my most important work with a phone in my hand and nothing on my desk, while staring vacantly off into space.”
“These photos were not taken by independent photo journalists,” said MSNBC’s reporter Geoff Bennett, adding that White House reporters weren’t allowed to take or view the photos of the president.
“I wish my desk looked as clean as the president’s desk does right now,” said anchor Ali Velshi as the chyron said the rich asshole was “working” in quotes.
“Don’t we all,” said Bennett.
Watch the video, embedded below:

Government shutdown could cost billions

January 20, 2018
Beatrice Dupuy
Posted with permission from Newsweek
Democrats and Republicans in the U.S. Senate failed to reach an agreement on a stopgap budget bill Friday and it could cost the economy billions.
The last time the government shutdown in 2013 for 16 days the U.S. economy took a $24 billion hit, according to Standard & Poor’s analysis. This year’s government shutdown could cost the U.S. about $6 billion a week, according to Aljazeera.  
The 2013 shutdown led the GDP to dip by .25 percent. Goldman Sachs analyst Alec Phillips told Fortune that each week the government is shut down it will decrease the real GDP and have a “modest effect” on the financial markets.
The last shut down caused 800,000 federal employees to be placed on furlough and many more employees were late on receiving their paychecks. Those furloughed federal employees then spent less and their shopping dropped by 7 percent.
During that time, the Office of Management and Budget estimated that the shutdown cost Americans $2 billion in lost productivity. The shutdown also impacted tourism by forcing National Parks to close, costing $500 million in lost revenue, according to Fortune
The government shutdown this year could impede defense department contracts leading to an increase in weapons costs, according to Reuters.
Navy Secretary Richard Spencer told Reuters a shutdown will “signal that we’re going to interrupt cash flow, that’s devastating to industry. That does us no good whatsoever.”
The Office of Management and Budget found that in 2013, the Department of Defense experienced a drop in spending by 40 percent and a decline in small business contracts by about one-third, according to Reuters.  
Even before a shutdown, the costs already start rolling in as federal officials must spend their time planning for the shutdown, which takes away from their daily duties.
The Stars and Stripes found in 2011 that the amount of time the Air Force spent preparing for the near-shutdown that year led them to reduce flying training hours by 10 percent and cancel some training exercises.

But some federal employees and agencies will continue to work through the shutdown including air traffic controllers, the Postal Service, the TSA, FEMA and the Centers for Diseases Control. 

President the rich asshole spent 122 days out of first 365 visiting his own properties

January 20, 2018
Nicole Goodkind
Posted with permission from Newsweek
President Donald Trump has spent 122 days, or a third of his first year of presidency, visiting his own commercial properties.
Trump, who promised to separate himself but not divest himself from all aspects of his global business empire before taking office, has routinely promoted his properties and products while carrying out official presidential duties, according to a new study by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), a non-partisan watchdog group.
In addition to Trump’s visits, 70 White House officials, 30 members of Congress, and over a dozen state officials have visited Trump’s Organization properties this past year. President Trump and his advisers also promoted Trump properties or entities at least 35 times.
“Every decision President Trump makes in the course of his job is followed by the specter of corruption,” Noah Bookbinder,  CREW executive director said in a statement. “Because of his steady stream of conflicts, we have to question whether each decision he makes was made in the best interest of the American people or the best interest of his bottom line.”
According to analysis, the president spent at least 50 days at his Mar-a-Lago property, a club with a $200,000 initiation fee that Trump has dubbed “The Winter White House.” While in Florida, the president visited the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach 33 times.
During warmer months, Trump spent 30 days at his Bedminster Golf Club, which he and his staff members called “The Summer White House.” The club printed a brochure granting its members access to the president. “If he is on-site for your big day,"  it said, "he will likely stop in & congratulate the happy couple.” 
While in DC, the president dined at his Trump International Hotel seven times and has golfed at the Trump National Golf Club 23 times.
And it’s not just Trump, CREW has recorded 70 administration officials making 200 visits to Trump Organization properties in the first year.
At least three top officials: treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin, national economic council director Gary Cohn, and small business administration head Linda McMahon, spent weeks at The Trump International Hotel while commuting between New York and DC, according to the Associated Press.
Secretary Mnuchin and former assistant to the President Omarosa Manigault both held wedding receptions at the hotel.
More than 30 members of Congress made 44 trips to Trump Organization properties. Senators Lindsey Graham, David Perdue, Rand Paul, Bob Corker, Marco Rubio, Lisa Murkowski and John Barrasso were all seen on Trump’s golf courses and hotels. As were a number of representatives.
In May, ten Republican governors met at Trump National Doral for a Governors Association event and Florida governor Florida Governor Rick Scott shared meals with the president on his properties at least three times.
The president and his staff promoted Trump products and properties throughout his first year.
After the Charlottesville protests that left one dead, the president said from Trump Tower in New York, “I own a house in Charlottesville…I own actually one of the largest wineries in the United States. It’s in Charlottesville.”
The president began a speech to the United Nations General Assembly by mentioning his nearby building, “I actually saw great potential across the street, to be honest with you, and it's only for the reason that the United Nations was here that that turned out to be such a successful project,"  he said.
“Just as we feared, President Trump is not only making money in spite of his official position, in many cases, he’s making money because of it,” said Bookbinder. “This is the least ethical first year of any presidential administration in modern history.”

Republicans Just Killed The Bill To Make Sure Troops Get Paid During Shutdown

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has been busy today trying to blame Democrats for the government shutdown even though Republicans control the House, the Senate, and the White House. The rich asshole administration is blaming ‘loser’ Democrats, who it claims puts party above military families. The former reality show star is also using that same rhetoric. When the government shut down in 2013, the Obama administration ensured that the military would be paid.
Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO) introduced a resolution that would have ensured that pay for military service members and death benefits would not be disrupted.
“I don’t want one moment to pass with there being any uncertainty of any soldier anywhere in the world that they will be paid for the valiant work they do on behalf of our national security,” McCaskill said.
That sounds reasonable enough, right? Well, not to Mitch McConnell. For some reason, the Kentucky Republican objected to McCaskill’s resolution.
On Friday, McConnell said, “They will see which senators vote to shove aside veterans, military families, and vulnerable children to hold the entire country hostage.”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell: "They will see which senators vote to shove aside veterans, military families and vulnerable children to hold the entire country hostage...until we pass an immigration bill they haven't even written yet" https://bloom.bg/2mWkwE0 

And then on Saturday morning, McConnell killed the resolution which was proposed in order to protect the troops from the rich asshole’s government shutdown.
On Saturday morning, the rich asshole tweeted, “Democrats are holding our Military hostage over their desire to have unchecked illegal immigration. Can’t let that happen!”

Democrats are holding our Military hostage over their desire to have unchecked illegal immigration. Can’t let that happen!

Republicans have been trying to claim that Democrats are against the military, trying to stop payments to the troops and widows. McCaskill, a Democrat, motioned for the payments to continue during the shutdown.

Shutdown belies the rich asshole’s claim to be a skilled dealmaker

January 20, 2018
Anita Kumar
McClatchy Washington Bureau
Posted with permission from Tribune Content Agency
WASHINGTON — It turns out that Donald Trump's greatest strength in the 2016 presidential race was not his business acumen but rather Hillary Clinton's unpopularity.
Tens of millions of Americans were so turned off by Clinton's representation of establishment politics that they took a chance on an unorthodox candidate with no political experience.
And by Saturday, the anniversary of his inauguration and first day of a government shutdown, it appears that Trump can't fix Washington either.
Democrats and some Republicans quickly blamed Trump for failing to negotiate a deal with Congress to keep the government open after it ran out of money at midnight Friday.
"President Trump earned an 'F' for leadership," said House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.
Congressional Democrats and Republicans traded blame, but the finger-pointing at Trump was even more stinging because he has bragged for years that he had a natural talent to make a deal. That boast, in fact, was about as prominent a fixture in his 2016 campaign speeches as his vows to build a wall on the Mexican border.
And now the shutdown comes just months after he failed  twice to help Republicans make good on his promise to repeal and replace President Barack Obama's signature legislative victories, , the Affordable Care Act. And it robs of him of momentum after a late 2017 tax cut and continued good fortune on Wall Street.
Trump scrapped his plan to attend a high-dollar fundraiser Saturday at Mar-a-Lago, his Florida resort, to celebrate his first year in office. Instead, he stayed at the White House working to reopen the government. He spent Saturday publicly criticizing Democrats for the shutdown in a series of social media posts.
Trump, who has a vast real estate empire, has long boasted he is a consummate dealmaker, even writing a best-selling book, "The Art of the Deal." Four years ago, he chastised Obama for not being able to cut a deal to avoid a similar shutdown.
"The problems start from the top and have to get solved from the top. The president is the leader, and he's got to get everybody in a room and he's got to lead," he said in 2013 after the last government shutdown.
"Nobody knows the system better than me, which is why I alone can fix it," he said in 2016.
In recent weeks, Trump and his top aides held multiple meetings with lawmakers on a spending deal including the possibility of reauthorizing the Children's Health Insurance Program and protections for beneficiaries of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, who were brought to the nation illegally as children. He pledged to sign off on a bipartisan deal. But then, as a midnight deadline loomed, he held to a hard-line position on excluding DACA in the government spending bill.
The criticisms of Trump as a negotiator are many. Skeptics, among both Republicans and Democrats, say he doesn't know the issues and doesn't want to get to know them in any great detail. Others note that he changes his mind frequently, sometimes agreeing with the last person who speaks to him, other times courting Democrats only to later side with more conservative lawmakers. And some of his aides, including senior policy adviser Stephen Miller, are hurting their chances of getting anything done.
"I'm looking for something that President Trump supports," Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said last week. "And he's not yet indicated what measure he's willing to sign. As soon as we figure out what he is for, then I would be convinced that we were not just spinning our wheels going to this issue on the floor, but actually dealing with a bill that has a chance to become law and therefore solve the problem."
Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer, D-N.Y., said Saturday that negotiating with Trump is like negotiating with "Jell-O."
The bombastic businessman turned reality TV star won the 2016 presidential race against Clinton, who had her own long list of problems: Most Americans didn't trust her. Many lawmakers vowed not to work with her. The FBI was investigating her use of a personal email system while at the State Department. And voters criticized her for being out-of-touch Washington insider.
"I think it was more about Hillary than anything else," Republican strategist Doug Heye said about the election. But, Heye said, Trump's reputation as a dealmaker was "central to his brand."
"He campaigned on 'I alone can fix it.' But it's become clear that is not the reality," New York based Republican strategist Evan Siegfried said. "It's very disappointing because the message of 2016 was Americas were frustrated with the way government was working or not working. If anything, Trump has injected more paralysis into the government partially because he's not a good negotiator."McConnell, a Republican, rejected the motion.

some rich asshole: The Women’s March Is A Celebration Of My ‘Historic’ Achievements

The Women’s March is back after millions of women and men took to the streets in protest of some rich asshole’s inauguration last year. Again, marchers gathered this weekend in hundreds of cities across the country and the world to let the so-called president know that they will continue to protest against his hateful agenda. But, the former reality show star thinks it’s all about his achievements. the rich asshole took to his Twitter account to boast about the “unprecedented economic success and wealth creation that has taken place over the last 12 months.”
“Beautiful weather all over our great country, a perfect day for all Women to March,” President Stable Genius tweeted. “Get out there now to celebrate the historic milestones and unprecedented economic success and wealth creation that has taken place over the last 12 months. Lowest female unemployment in 18 years!”

Beautiful weather all over our great country, a perfect day for all Women to March. Get out there now to celebrate the historic milestones and unprecedented economic success and wealth creation that has taken place over the last 12 months. Lowest female unemployment in 18 years!

Well, that didn’t go down well at all.

the rich asshole is too stupid to understand what’s happening around him. Women and men marched today against his policies, his vulgar mouth, his bigotry, his misogyny, and his racism. We will never stop fighting against that fucking moron. Women are protesting against the sexual predator in the White House and he’s totally unaware of that.

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